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Everything posted by brictone

  1. Well you said it would be madness, but you didn't say it wouldn't be possible. That gives me hope! :grin: I might be able to bring pypy into maya as well. I'll let you know if I can get that far. :smile:
  2. ok so it looks about the same as 12.12, I'll give that a whirl tonight. What do you think about importing cura into another script so I could slice with it that way? I guess what I'm trying to do is turn cura into a plugin for maya.
  3. Hey Daid! Love the work! I still can't figure out the logic behind the command line. I've spent the last week trying to update my thing for 1303 and I'm just spinning my wheels. I don't know why it's so hard for me. This was working for the last 6 months or so since 12.12A came out and I asked about it then. At that point you mentioned it would change from Cura.cura to Cura.slice. So that's what I did... I got nothing. well I was able to get the help info out of the command line and learned I needed to add an output and change an -i to a -p. I think. Well anyways this is what I have... "C:\Software\Cura\pypy\pypy.exe" "C:\Software\Cura\Cura\cura.py" -m Cura.slice -p "C:\Queue\Cura.ini" "C:\Queue\Pyramid2x10.stl" -o "C:\Queue\Pyramid2x10.gcode" And this is the error I get. File "app_main.py", line 51, in run_toplevel File "Z:\Projects\Prototypes\Software\Cura\Cura\cura.py", line 15, in <module> from Cura.util import profile ImportError: No module named Cura I've lost my progress and can't even replicate how I got it to work in the first place now. Is there a way you can teach me how this works so you don't have to help me every release? I just can't seam to figure this out on my own. I've learned a bit about python recently and I've tried digging through the python files to see if I can understand what cura needs but... I'm still not there. I've got another question. Is there a way to import the cura python slicer into another python script? reason I ask is because I'm using this for my MayaToGcode scripty-do and right now I'm using python to export an stl file and then build a command line and call up cura to slice it. It would be righteous to stay away from the windows cmd line and just call it from python. Anyone else maybe know enough about python that would be interested in helping out? Brictone
  4. I'm not sure if there are many around these parts that use Maya to model and create objects for printing but it's one of my favorite tools. Since it has very powerful scripting capabilities with Python and MEL, I decided to learn Python to call up Cura and slice up my object and save my gcode files ready for my Ultimaker printer. There's quite a bit more I can do with this but, I'm just not a seasoned programmer coming from the artist world. If anyone is interested in using something like this lemme know and I can try and package up the python script. Here's a screen shot of the window interface. And don't get me wrong Cura is great... it just doesn't have the capabilities that a 13+ year old leading special effects software package does. If you're interested, I went into a little more detail on my site. http://www.bg3d.com/archives/1101 So yeah, Lemme know what you think.
  5. I'm totally ok with it changing as long as it still works and you don't mind me asking every update!
  6. awesome thank you! Except I'm borderline retarted so I need it spelled out for me. I understand whats happening but with what I have set up I'm not sure how to do this. My command line looks like this: "Z:\Projects\Prototypes\Software\Cura\pypy\pypy.exe" "Z:\Projects\Prototypes\Software\Cura\Cura\cura.py" -i "Z:\Projects\Prototypes\PrintQueue\Cura.ini" -s "Z:\Projects\Prototypes\PrintQueue\Pyramid2x10.stl" Now with the new way I'm not sure where to put the "-m Cura.cura" and whether or not to use pypy.exe anymore as you mention Python -m Cura.cura Can you elaborate a little more on what I have there? I'm actually launching this command line from within python. Is there a better way for me to do this?
  7. did command line change again :( Sorry I feel like an idiot. I tried figuring out this one based on the last help but I can't get command line cura to slice. pypy.exe cura.py -i blabla.ini -s file.stl even if I try pypy.exe cura.py -h That used to gimme options with 12.11 Traceback (most recent call last): File "app_main.py", line 51, in run_toplevel File "Z:\Projects\Prototypes\Software\Cura\Cura\cura.py", line 15, in from Cura.util import profile ImportError: No module named Cura
  8. brictone

    Cura RC4

    Awesome thank you!
  9. brictone

    Cura RC4

    I couldn't find anything around these forums that explains how to specify a profile.ini for command line slicing. I tried a couple of things but it didn't work either. Got command line instructions for me Daid?
  10. brictone

    Cura RC4

    I did get through the temp check after wiggling wires on the print head. I'm pretty sure my printer has a funky thermister or something. A couple of things I noticed from RC4 (if you're interested in suggestions) Is support doesn't have the option for angle where you can designate what areas should get support. Printing Temperature. It gets put in above the start GCODE. The problem with this is I have my custom start.gcode that goes to a certain area of the platform then starts heating up allowing it to wipe before it starts. I can't do this with the way you have the temp put in. I'm not sure if you have a good reason for doing it this way. I noticed you have what looks like variables in the start.gcode like X{machine_center_x} that gets replaced. Is it possible to do this with the temp so I can place it in the spot I require for my start.gcode? It's not a big deal, I can just change the temp to 0 and placing M109 it in my gcode works fine.
  11. brictone

    Cura RC4

    I don't know how you make these changes so fast but I like it! I just loaded up RC4 and I got to the configuration wizard and Ultimaker Checkup is saying my temp sensor or heater is not working. Is the Ultimaker Checkup working yet? I have been suspicious of my sensor heater for a little while now.
  12. Was talking Florian yesterday and he was kind enough to give me a quick intro to Netfabb over skype. We thought it would be great to do this with more of the community in a hangout. I have started a google hangout in google plus. Feel free to join up. I'm not sure how to link directly to the hangout but I think you have to search me up in google+ with "Brictone". I'll try to put together some live video entertainment in the next couple of hrs. (Like live printing or something or youtube videos)
  13. So I was looking at the notes for Marlin Beta 1 and noticed the auto temp feature. It looks like you can basically turn off the temp in skeinforge and just put something like M109 S T F in your start Gcode and Marlin will do the rest? Except when I look at M109 S T F, I don't see any information in it. This second part seems to explain how to use it except I'm just not understanding it. Can anyone show me an example of how to use this? and what might be a good starting point for the Ultimaker? M109 S190 T F???
  14. I just took a look at the pypy stuff... I like the sound of not having to change the width/Thickness with layer height changes once you get it right. It should be predictable. I noticed with cooling that once it starts running really slow... It starts to get blobby. like it's oozing more than it's extruding. could it be from to high of a temp? I'm at 230c. I used to print at 245c but the marlin guys said it was more accurate now and 230 should be good. since then I've stripped the filament a few times. So with pypy I noticed it's just perimiter width or infill width... do you just set it at say .4 and it's good for all layer heights? <--- that I likey Thanks Dave! This helps. To me it made sense to change them for different layer heights, it just re-assures it hearing from someone else. I have my perimeter and infill w/t slightly different... to me it makes sense to have them the same... should it be? What I'm trying to accomplish in the long run is build a set of Gcodes for different objects. That are for different colors or quality. So I can take the .2mm object in black or white and print it, without calculating the gcode on the spot. or grab a new object and pick the color and quality I want hit calculate and send to printer. eventually automating these things with check boxes or something... So that's why I'm asking do I need to build different profiles for color and layer height? then if I wanted to change or tweak one thing (like cooling)I have to update them all. Doesn't sound like fun :( It sounds like I need to build my own wrapper which I can change layer height, color or filament diameter, speed... oh wait... it's in repg25 called quick overrides, must... reverse engineer...
  15. So I've been dialing in my settings with SF45 at .2mm layer height and got it down pretty good. So I thought I'd change the layer height to .1mm and see how that goes with the same settings. well I'm finding I have to change width over thickness and increased cooling time for it to work with the lower layer height. So not only have I been building different profiles for different colors (because the filament diameter is slightly different) I now need different profiles for different layer heights. It also seems like some objects benefit from longer cooling times and others get worse. Is something wrong with this? I don't feel like I should have to change those things but... maybe that's just the way it has to go with skeinforge. I liked the quick settings that came with repg25, although a stand alone SF is far more flexible for my set up. I feel like it shouldn't be this way... Anyone else experiencing this? I don't know... I'm using Marlin beta 1 and I have this in my start.gcode M92 E926.5 Ideas? suggestions?
  16. I'll be running a live guess the thingiverse print contest on my site. I know most of you guys are from other continents so I won't be able to send you the prize but you can come hang out! see ya there!
  17. I have had a similar error when it said the printer was overtaking it self. It really acted like it was possessed. I restarted repg25 and it seemed to go back to normal. Now I have been trying to get it to connect with the baud rate of 250000 and I wasn't getting much results with repg. I even changed computers. I just downloaded a copy of printrun and it connected no problem with 250000. I'm on windows 7 x64. I'm printing my first test with it and it's running way better. It's not stuttering anymore. I'll try going back to ubuntu with printrun and see how that goes. I'm not looking back to repg, I use stand alone skeinforge so this setup works great for me. Wow it runs awesome!
  18. Hey guys, I wanted to make a post on the forum here for anyone that wants to make use of my chat room. It uses Tiny chat and allows for 20 simultaneous web cam feeds. So if you have a question and need to show something it's pretty useful for that. I mainly use it for monitoring my own prints. Stop by anytime and chat 3D printing, or anything else. Right now I'm going to run a test contest idea for guess the print and win it, I can only send it to you if your in the US though. I know there's people from all over the world and live events can be tough to get together. Maybe weekly scheduled times? Any suggestions to make this useful feel free! www.bg3d.com/bg3dprinting Brictone
  19. I think I actually have some nema 17 motors when I tried to put together a mendel. Will that definately prevent it from shifting again? What else do I need to do, or change, for them to work on the ultimaker?
  20. Well I went back and slowed everything way down. 25mm/sec 100mm/sec travel. Changed the layer height to .2 with skin on. (compensate for speed) It did not shift on the same print I was running. So I guess my printer has a speed limit with this firmware. :/
  21. I'm getting random shifts with something I'm trying to print. I was using build 2 of marlin and all seemed well then I upgraded to a newer version and it started shifting all over the place. At first I thought it was marlin but I'm trying different versions and nothing seems to work. I haven't gone back to the one that worked yet. that's next. I took the printer out of cold garage. checked the belts, tuned the pots, oiled the rods, slowed down the print. next I'll try printing at 25mm/sec and travel at 100mm/sec I don't know maybe I just need to rebuild this printer from scratch.
  22. Yeah I spent all day trying to get this firmware to work reliably and it's not doing it for me. I brought the printer inside so it's warm, greased it up, made sure it's still lined up, tuned the pots. I couldn't get a perfect non shift. I ended up reducing the voltage closer to default. I noticed in the controls it doesn't matter how fast you set anything it just goes at what seems like max speed. I slowed down the speed in my print, and it just made weird speedups during infill area. I don't know enough about this firmware stuff to know what was happening. I finally found a version on github from oct 18th and put that on my ultimaker so we'll see how that goes. It doesn't seem to be making the crazy vibrations it was before. So that's good. we'll see if it shifts... Edit: yup still shifting. I don't know... maybe I'll just go back to the good ol' fashioned default firmware
  23. Will cold weather cause the linear bearings to have more friction? either from the oil or expansion or some physics? My machine does feel pretty stiff even though I've oiled it. It's gotten down to about 40 degrees in the last couple of days.
  24. Well I ran M501 and compared them to the site and I get to this point on the wiki and it says... nothing... So what are these values supposed to be mine are all default and I'm using sf40+
  25. I'll give it a shot either tonight or tomorrow. 44 for me was a smooth transition from 43.
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