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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. Hello! Together with the software prototyping team we would like to validate some ideas that we have about our future product roadmap. In order to do this properly, who better to talk to than our very own users. So if you have a moment to spare we would appreciate it if you could fill out our survey (below). All input we collect via the survey will be useful, and on top of that we'd like to select a couple users for a more in depth conversation, for the duration of approximately 1 hour (upon your availability). During this call we will let you interact with future concepts and aim to collect your feedback and opinion. In particular, if this would/could be a welcome addition to your 3D printing workflow. Interested? You can find the survey here. Who do we hope to talk to? The product roadmap is tailored to connected Ultimaker products, so you would need to own an Ultimaker 3 or Ultimaker S3 / S5 in a professional environment. It would be extra relevant when multiple people have a role in your additive manufacturing / 3D printing workflow. For example, where there is an operator, a CAD designer, or multiple operators. Questions? Feel free to ask them below! Thank you for your time!
  2. Hello, that slightly depends on when you fill it out. We update the map 3 times a day, only the very first batch took a little bit longer. Perhaps that is where you were in @XYZDesignPro? Now, it should be only a few hours. I'm aiming to post an update today about what we have done so far. In a nutshell, it was important to first figure out what hospitals needed, what were they allowed to use and what could even be printed. Now that is becoming clear and some designs are becoming validated we see some larger quantities being produced left and right.
  3. SandervG

    COVID 19

    Hi Brian, I just responded to your other post. Good luck!
  4. Hi Brian, thank you for your message and trying to help others! If you need more print capacity you could check this map and see if there already is a 3D printer hub near you, or you could fill out this form and we can see if we can help you find one (or help printing). I think you can not have the model float in Cura. You would need to export them like that from your CAD tool. @maht?
  5. That sounds amazing. If you have a file you can share that would be lovely!
  6. Hi Dennis, Thank you for your message. Regarding the difficulties making contact, we can see how that would play out but what we've seen so far is that everyone has very tight deadlines and we need to act quick. Regarding your address, for a connection it is good to know where a certain hub is located, so we do need an address. If you don't want your personal address on the map you can also list, for example, the gas station or supermarket from around the corner. We don't need to know your exact location, but approximate is good enough to find a hub in close proximity when help is needed in your area. Hope this helps!
  7. Hi Mastory, the map is being updated as we speak, this is not an automated process (yet). I just checked and see your entry there, so it should appear within an hour or so. Thank you for helping others!
  8. Hello Hatim, thank you for your message and stepping up to help. It is much appreciated, It shouldn't matter that you are not a company, did you try to fill out the form without that field? You should be able to complete it and appear on the map. Thank you!
  9. We have received a lot of hubs, amazing! I believe the next update is planned for Sunday.
  10. Hi @AndersK thank you for stepping up! More people/machines, more people that can be helped. Except we won't be able to provide any expert advice if we don't have any experience with those systems. You can send me a DM and I can make a note, so when there is a request for your systems we could connect. However we wouldn't really be able to support. Simultaneously, have you looked at the other projects I've shared? - https://www.projectopenair.org/ - https://projectopenair.nl/- https://helpwithcovid.com- https://hackquarantine.com
  11. I think which material will be necessary will depend on which application a specific hospital needs. When we have a request we can see which hub can help best. Logging all this in advance was too complicated to do clearly on such a short timeframe, with the amount of differences that exist.
  12. Hi @jpparkinson, did you fill out the form? Only then you can be added to the map which will be the initial source for connecting people.
  13. Hi Jonas, thank you for reporting for duty! It's really appreciated! The form is available again via this link. Please let me know if you have any further questions.
  14. Hi John, thank you so much for stepping up. The form is now available again. Are you in need for a specific type of material?
  15. Hi Didier, I've updated the link. The form kept being taken down. We now moved to a different platform; here is a link to the new form. If you want to offer help, you should start at #16. Thank you!
  16. Update: The form is back up. I will send everyone a DM. Update 2: The form was back up. Apologies for the technical challenges once again. Update 3: The form is back up again, using a different form.
  17. Amazing! I will also send you a link to the form when it is back up and we'll put you on asap. Thank you!!
  18. Thank you @Sparkybruce, much appreciated! I will send you a DM when the form is back up so you can be placed on the map as well. Thanks a lot for stepping forward.
  19. Hi Job, I thought those specifically were all added automatically. Let me check, we should have your details.
  20. Hi all, First of all, I hope everyone is safe and sound! These are bizarre times, and a lot of people need help. At Ultimaker we also took notice and we formalised a plan that we feel allows us to help as much people as possible by doing what we do best; collaborating and local manufacturing. Through this post I would like to further explain what we are doing, and what you could be doing. Coronavirus: Let’s do our part. The COVID-19 virus is affecting many lives and is putting a lot of strain on the medical supplies and infrastructure. This is generating a demand for spare parts which, understandably, can not be obtained in sufficient quantities from the original suppliers. Ultimaker believes, with our network and expertise we can help by: Connect medical institutions and hospitals to (local) 3D Printing hubs to help them print parts of which a 3D model already exists Contribute to design the necessary part, and then have it printed via a (local) 3D printing hub. Experts are available from within Ultimaker and from within our network of 3D printing experts. It is important to note that this help is intended only to relieve immediate shortages under these very exceptional circumstances the (medical) word is facing, and 3D printed parts should be replaced by the original spare parts as soon as possible. What can you do? We have created a form that helps us to map whoever is capable and willing to help. If you have proficient CAD modelling skills, and/or you have an Ultimaker 3D printer available; please fill out this form. Please note that if you want to offer help you have to start at #16 With the input that we receive we will create a map with all available resources and we will use to connect those who need help, with those who can provide it. The map will be publicly available, so it is possible that you are being approached directly by (local) hospitals. Alternatively, when we receive a request that matches your availability, we will create a connection. This is a direct link to the live map When you fill out the form you might notice that we only ask which Ultimaker 3D printers you have. Why only Ultimaker 3D printers? Obviously, the more the merrier and anyone who can help, should. Within our attempt to help we provide CAD support and we can provide specific 3D printing guidelines for the best results. Some of our application engineers and other experts are available to provide such guidelines and support, but our experience is limited to our own Ultimaker printers. Our expert advice would not automatically match other existing systems. Luckily, other initiatives exist where you can help if you don’t own an Ultimaker. Here are a few other initiatives that you could sign up for if you don’t own an Ultimaker or if you want to do more: - https://www.projectopenair.org/ - https://projectopenair.nl/ - https://helpwithcovid.com - https://hackquarantine.com Together, we can make a difference and we can help those that are in need. If you have the time and resources to help, please fill out the form. Thank you so much for your time, and if you have any questions, please write them below.
  21. SandervG

    COVID 19

    Hi everyone, thank you for bringing this up and wanting to contribute. That is amazing. We thought the same at Ultimaker and we're finalising our plan. We all have tools, knowledge and experience, and this can be used to help others. Today or tomorrow at the latest we should be able to tell you more about it and how you would potentially be able to help.
  22. Hello! a) Yes it would. Important nuance; it keeps your filament dry, it doesn't make it dry. If you put it in moist, it will have a hard time getting all that moist out. So depending on how it is stored, you may want to dry it before installing it in the material station. (or depending on how it is produced, you want to do that anyway). b) I would like to say yes, but I might be a bit biased. Based on what you wrote, you could install any of those materials in the material station. The material station keeps all your material ready to go, so to speak. So when you send a print job for Nylon, it knows Nylon is in bay 3 (for example), and will feed that material in your Ultimaker. When your print is finished, it will unload it again, ready for its next command. If it is a different material, if it is installed in the Material Station it will know where and load that material.
  23. Hi, a problem could be that PLA would get too soft and this would affect your overhangs and print quality. It could even get too warm in the print core and expand where it shouldn't expand creating extrusion problems. To prevent this, the fan runs on full speed to make sure the temperature doesn't get too high. The Air Manager indeed doesn't control the temperature itself, but as @Elfonerio says it can read the ambient temperature, build plate temperature and it knows the ideal build volume temperature and it sets the fan speed to the correct speed to get there.
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