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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. No worries, fixed that for you! You can add it as a new tag. Happy to hear you got it back to work.
  2. Hi, thank you for your message. What was the reason of the swearing? As far as I know, the string is relatively easy removed and doesn't lead to any problems. Did you or your colleague have a different experience?
  3. Hi @CP_KTK, thank you for your message. Did you already contact your reseller for the respooling issue and if one of your bays is not detecting filament properly? - Is the same filament being detected in another bay? And is your PVA dry before you put it in the material station? An important nuance is that it keeps it dry, it doesn't make it dry. Are you often using the same material from one print job to the next? If so, we should be able to release an update relatively soon that should significantly reduce the amount and time currently used for priming.
  4. Hi @LePaul, thank you for your message and for lobbying for the Ultimaker S5! Printer one only has troubles with PVA, or also other materials? Do you preserve the PVA in anyway, either prior or during printing? Printer two; did you try different types of filament? (Old?) and new? Could you perhaps share a picture of your feeder, potentially with the cover off if you mention you had it off before? I'm not sure what I would be looking for, but perhaps something catches our eye. Thanks!
  5. @ravensun, this is a thread out of 2012. Please find a more relevant thread or create a new one. Thank you!
  6. Hi @ggaiato, thank you for your interest. We just published a blog about it, with a link to the recording. You can find it via this link. @yellowshark, you are right. We are currently using fields provided by gotowebinar. Once we have our own signup form we can dictate the industries, and additive manufacturing will most likely be one of them! 🙂
  7. Get in touch with 3DGBIRE, they should be able to help you out 🙂 Good luck!
  8. https://ultimaker.com/en/resources/52500-check-for-play-on-axles
  9. And your first fail seems to happen due to the material not sticking to the build plate. Which material are you printing with? With most materials it is recommended to use an adhesive like a glue stick. Also make sure your build plate is clean before you start (no dust and no grease). The second fail seems to have happened because of under extrusion. Make sure your feeder at the back is at the right tension, there is a indicator on the side. It should be in the middle. It could also be that the feeder has not been cleaned in a long time and needs to be cleaned. There is a bolt with teeth in there, pushing the filament upwards. If there is a lot of residue in between those teeth it can not grip well and will give under extrusion as a result. Here are some resources on how to clean them: https://ultimaker.com/en/resources/52504-clean-the-feeders
  10. Hi @patsy30, good day! I was wondering if you've sold the Ultimaker or if it was still available? If sold, could you update the tag to 'SOLD'? Thanks!
  11. Thank you for the heads-up. It seems to work for me now. Did it get back up for you in the meantime too?
  12. Luckily we have more intel than only this community to base that assumption on. Obviously we are relying on feedback we get from our customers and our partners / resellers, and if it is not reported we don't know (besides the testing and continuous printing we do ourselves). 3: You stopped using the Ultimaker S5 Pro Bundle because of this reason? Like I said we are working on optimizing the prime sequence to reduce the chances of this happening again. But until then, although an inconvenience, it shouldn't be a reason to stop using the Pro Bundle. Thank you for your feedback, I will share this back to our product experts to document.
  13. Hi, thank you for sharing your experiences here. After reading your post yesterday I checked in with our product experts to get a feel for the frequency that this can happen and the severity of it when it does. I understood that it could happen quite rarely. Explains why there are 'only' 1 or 2 other reports here, and not more. (Obviously, 1 or 2 occurrences should be considered too much for any issue that exists). Luckily, the shouldn't result in any large or potentially damaging issues. As a fix, we are improving the priming sequence and in the near future it will prime less, which should prevent this from happening again. For the time being, I would suggest to keep an occasional eye on it and remove the strands when you see it. Our apologies for the inconvenience.
  14. @Robot_Rob should be able to send them, I don't have any attachments stored. The initial message had too many attachments too approve, so I had to remove (which seemed like) the most generic ones. Apologies for the inconvenience.
  15. Hello, you are responding to quite an old thread, with a lot of information that is not relevant/up to date anymore. I would recommend to write a new thread about your issue if you are looking for some help/tips. Thank you!
  16. What @ctbeke said, and either him or @maht would probably be the best people to talk to regarding feedback on our software products.
  17. Hello! Each month we're hosting a new webinar. In February we will take a closer look at some well-known manufacturers and dissect how they use and benefit from 3D printing. Doing so we'll discover 4 trends that are paving the way toward distributed manufacturing, which we feel, is where we should all be heading. In this 50-minute webinar you will learn: What questions do our Application Engineers ask when helping OEM customers to find 3D printing opportunities Which digital technology is enabling a whole new category of 3D printed tools How we believe 3D printing technology will drive manufacturing efficiencies in the near future And much more. So join our 3D printing expert Matt Griffin on Wednesday, February 19th 2020 as he speaks to our Application Engineer manager, Peter Overgaauw. And as always, during the webinar you can live chat with us and have your questions answered in a live Q&A! Sign up now and save your seat via this link. See you there! 🙂
  18. I think your appreciation is noticed! 😉 Thank you!
  19. Hi @SouthPoleStation, could you provide me with a picture of how you have connected/wired everything together? I guess that would be the easiest and safest way to verify. Thanks!
  20. Such a search/filter should be added later, but the initial thought is that as a user you have a need for a certain material properties, so it would be pretty quickly discovered if that material is compatible with a material station or not. In contrary of using a filter to find all materials compatible with a material station, and select one of those material available. Supply should not dictate the need. But we do realize it would probably still be easy, so I believe that is in the works. While we're at it, it is also good to mention that the amount of profiles available for the material station is and will be growing in the upcoming (relative) short period of time. So a material not compatible now, may be in the near future.
  21. Hi John, welcome to the community! How long have you now been into 3D printing, what type of 3D printer do you have and do you have any interesting projects you can share what you have made already? Is there anything in particular that you would like to learn here? Have a great day!
  22. I was, that's what you get for trying to be funny..
  23. Unless you live in a dust-free, sterile environment I don't think I would recommend not preparing your buildplate in any way for such a period of time. If you just print PLA, a regular glue stick may suffice, but if you are using more engineering materials with more challenging properties Magigoo would be a good investment. BTW; I've switched now to water.
  24. Hi @CWD_london, Thank you for your message. I'm sorry to hear you are having issues with your pro bundle. Would you mind creating a new thread with some more information regarding your issues so we could potentially provide some specific help/tips? Do you have a specific material (type) which snaps most often? Are the UI freezes usually surrounding a certain action or also when the device sits idle? Thank you. @DrCeeVee, I've also been reading your posts. Sorry to hear the Ultimaker S5's did not perform as they should have. Quite particular that it was two printers in a row, and I would agree this would not be a good omen. Luckily I've seen many Ultimakers and I know them to be great machines. But a machine nonetheless, and sometimes during transport or assembly something can go wrong. Luckily in that case you have our support to count on. I'm happy to hear you seem to be happy with your reseller, and that they are also in touch with my colleagues at Ultimaker HQ. Keeping my fingers crossed for a positive continuation of this story! Please let me know if there is anything we can help with.
  25. Responding while I'm drinking my Monday morning coffee; (I think we're doing this right!) if you are looking for a new glue I would recommend to look at Magigoo; they have pretty good glues for various filaments
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