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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. No worries! I thought perhaps I missed something. I've seen you involved with many topics lately, great to have you around!
  2. Hi @uncle_bob, perhaps I've missed it but where do you get the 'if indeed you unloaded the filament'? I don't read that anywhere. But if there is no filament in the material station, there is no point to have it on. If there is material in there, I would recommend to keep it on.
  3. Hi @greatg, thank you for sharing your experiences. Could you share a picture of the tip of your filament that you are trying to feed? Is it pointy so it is unlikely that it will grip behind anything? You're saying that you get an error before the filament reaches the feeder on the S5 right? Does it exit the decoupler?
  4. Hello, Every now and then it is good to run a little survey to get to know our community, who you are and what drives you. I've created a poll which should give us some more insights. If you have any questions or if you want to elaborate on any of the answers you have given, please feel free to write them down below. Thank you for your time!
  5. Hi @Nickson, welcome to the community and I am happy to hear you are pleased. We recommend to leave it plugged in all the time, if you want to utilise the dehumidifying features. Without power, it can not keep your filaments in a good condition. The lights has been reported before, and we have put it on our agenda to fix it in a future firmware update. If it will be in the exact first upcoming release, I can not say. Hope this helps!
  6. We are working on expanding the resources available, but defining these terms specifically is not something on the agenda on the short term. Sorry. Perhaps if you are interested in a specific few, you could list them here and when an engineer has time while browsing the forum he could perhaps elaborate on them for you.
  7. What if instead of someone tediously rinsing the engine with too much resources that would also take too much time, could be optimised by only a fragment of the time and material necessary to perform? The procedure would be less intrusive and you wouldn't need to make any sacrifices to the reliability. That (reducing the time and material necessary to perform this task) is something we are actively working on as we speak. Reducing the amount of times that material is being pushed through the feeders is always a good idea. You can request it on Github as a feature, I read that you were familiar with it. 🍻
  8. Hello, you can also update firmware via USB. Please visit this link for instructions: https://ultimaker.com/en/resources/52601-update-the-ultimaker-s5-firmware
  9. Hi Dennis, thank you for your fast response. It's correct that the S5 alone does not run through the same cycle. This is because when you switch material on the S5 this requires some manual work and personal attendance, and it is not geared towards an automatic process from one print job to the next. Now if you add the Material Station to the mix (and potentially the Air Manager), you now have a station that should by itself unload material at the end of a print job and load new material that matches your new print job. To make sure this goes smoothly this prime + cold pull is inserted in the process. I think your analog example would make more sense if the engine plan would fly with fuel A first, but it can also run on fuel B and C and you don't know yet which fuel will be used for its next flight. So when your flight ends, you clean and rinse the engine and leave it empty for the next flight and you fill it up with the whatever fuel you need for that flight. (hopefully this makes sense and I didn't make it more confusing!)
  10. Hi, thank you for your message. The profiles for materials supported in our marketplace are being actively worked on as we speak and should be made available in batches in the near future. Exactly because of these reasons. Hi @uncle_bob, I would be curious to get more information on why they don't work or what makes you think why they don't work. We would love to help you. Hi, can you elaborate on what is happening why it does not reach the print core? As Uncle_Bob said, the Material Station is more aimed at keeping your material dry, instead of drying it when it is wet. Depending on the shipping conditions or what happened to the material before it was packed or inserted in the Material Station, it could be worth your while to dry it before loading it.
  11. Hi @uncle_bob thank you for your post. It sounds like error messages may have been shown but not addressed, and at some point they must have added up. Perhaps it was not clear, but when you need to reboot your system, you also need to specifically reboot your material station. The Ultimaker S5 and Material Station are 2 different systems, because due to the drying capabilities of the Material Station it needs to be on all the time and therefor does not reboot/turn off when you just turn off the Ultimaker S5. Could you elaborate a little bit more on the exact errors you had, how far material loaded into the bowden tubes, how you proceeded and which materials you were using? With more information we're hopefully able to provide better help! Thank you, and have a great day!
  12. Hi @galaxy_xxxx, thank you for your message. I'm happy to hear you finally have your material station! It primes after your print to ensure the correct amount of pressure in the print core. It then cools down and does a cold pull to get a proper tip on the end of the filament while it travels back through the bowden tube. The goal is to prevent a small thread of filament being pulled in the bowden tube, as this can obstruct new filament for your future print job. An additional goal is to clean the print core as much as possible, so there is minimal filament residue that could mix with your next print job. We are actively working on optimizing this procedure so it will cost less material and less time, but the goal remains the same. Hope this helps!
  13. Hi, thank you for your message. Is the filament 'just' wrapped around the Z axles or is it actually blocked onto a level that it prevents it from rotating properly? The reason why it purges the material is to ensure that any material used previously has been removed from the inside of the nozzle and to prime the new material to make sure a solid first layer can be printed. There is also some calculated movement in the material and printhead to make sure it actually falls off besides your build plate to make sure it is not being dragged onto the build plate and interfere with your first layer. All so that you should be able to safely and reliably start a new print remotely. Obviously it shouldn't wrap around the Z axles and you may just have been quite unlucky. Did this happen after a single start of a new print or multiple?
  14. Hi @nickp100, thank you for your message. I consulted with our product experts and I've learned you should be able to continue / start your print. The message you are seeing should be interpreted as a warning, but not blocking the process. That you see this warning is actually a bug. What is the reason behind this bug? Usually if you install new material on an Ultimaker S5, you unload material if any is on there already and then you load your new material. The Ultimaker S5 either detects which material it is or you select it from a menu and that is how the Ultimaker S5 knows which material is loaded because the last registered action is 'load'. The material station also loads new material, but after it is loaded it 'unloads' the material again because that way it can always select the right material for the job. As the menu shows, it does know which material is where. But because 'unload' is the last registered action, it is a little bit confused. This bug is scheduled to be addressed in the next sprint so hopefully we'll be able to wave it goodbye pretty soon, but for now I would like to advice you to ignore the warning and proceed with your print job. Our apologies for the inconvenience!
  15. Hi Nick, thank you for your message. We're sorry to hear that you're struggling with your Pro Bundle. I think it is a good step to work together with the reseller to see if they can help. Perhaps in parallel we might also be able to help. Can you elaborate on what does not work? With some more tangible information we might be able to provide more tangible help! Thanks, looking forward hearing from you!
  16. Hello everyone! For some time now our material alliance significantly increases the amount of materials you can comfortably use. Since its launch it has grown and grown. Material profiles that are tailored to your Ultimaker 3, Ultimaker S3 or Ultimaker S5 range from flexible materials, flame retardant, ESD safe to impact resistant composites. Having such a wide choice is amazing, but it can also be stressful! How do you find that material that is perfect for your application? That’s exactly what we’ll focus on in our new webinar, with a focus on strong composites. In this 40-minute broadcast, you will learn how to: • Make the perfect choice between glass and carbon fiber • Identify more high-value applications that would benefit from composites • 3D print advanced materials with the right settings • Select the best materials for 3D printing end-use parts • Use dual extrusion to take composite 3D printing to the next level During the webinar we'll also share real examples of composite parts that Ultimaker Application Engineers worked on recently for some of our customers. And if that wasn’t enough, there will be a chance to ask anything you want in a live Q&A. Join us on Wednesday, January 22, 2020 at 10am CET or 5pm CET – presented by Ultimaker Application Engineers, Jeremy Evers and Lars de Jongh. Interested? Please sign up for our webinar via this link See you there!
  17. Thanks, good feedback! I'll share it with our developers.
  18. Hi @BiMNrd, my apologies for my late reply. I've just returned from my holidays. Eventually it will be a resellers choice but I don't think priorities like this exist. We provide our resellers with the products they request and they ship them out. The products/boxes are all the same, whether they are bought as a bundle or Air Manager alone as example. Have you gotten an update from your reseller in the meantime, or have you received your order by now? Thank you.
  19. Hi @territerriterri, do you know if there is an easier way to copy settings between extruders? Thanks! 🙂
  20. As in a complete Pro Bundle would get priority? No, that can not be a reason. Each product is packed separately so there is no difference there.
  21. Hi, yes I totally understand. I also aim to provide clarity, and when the opposite happens this is frustration for everyone involved. Nobody is benefitting from contradicting information. I'll dive into it again. Our apologies.
  22. Hi @Starflashbully, that is peculiar. I can imagine it must be extra frustrating to hear different information. Perhaps the keyword is 'available' units? According to my information the units are indeed released. I am not aware of anything preventing iGo receiving them before mid of January but please allow me to verify this with my colleagues and see where we all stand and can agree on one source of truth before we continue with contradicting messages that only add to the confusion and frustration. Our sincere apologies.
  23. Hi @sono, thank you for your feedback. It's very helpful to hear back directly from our users. @territerriterri, for your information. Please feel free to take this any further if necessary with follow-up questions.
  24. Hi @galaxy_xxxx and @Starflashbully, thank you for your messages, time and patience. Even though you haven't placed your order with iGo3D, they distribute Ultimaker (Pro Bundles) to all resellers in Germany and should be involved if you are not satisfied with the level of service you are receiving from a reseller they have appointed. I checked with my colleagues and unfortunately we can't do much more than provide iGo with the Ultimaker's they have requested. If you have any questions about your specific order we recommend to get in touch with iGo3D, also if you are looking for advice regarding what to do with your existing order (if you would consider cancelling / changing your order).
  25. I believe that would be 50ºC.
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