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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. Hi, After careful deliberation we feel confident to lay out some guidelines in terms of planning and expectations which might be useful for everyone who has ordered an Ultimaker Pro Bundle or is planning to. The Ultimaker S5, Air manager, material station individually or combined as an Ultimaker S5 Pro Bundle are available with our sales partners and resellers. Due to a delay upon launch and a high demand there could be a lead time before it will actually be shipped. Please inquire with your local point of sales about any lead times they might have. Curious where you can buy an Ultimaker S5 Pro Bundle? Please visit this link for all available, resellers: https://ultimaker.com/resellers/ The firmware that unlocks all air filtering profiles, optimised for different materials for the Ultimaker Air manager has been released today (5.4.27). So you should be able to benefit from different fan speeds depending on which material you select, that also takes into account an optimal build volume temperature. Note: It is important to allow your Ultimaker to cool down after a print or after an operation that requires your Ultimaker to heat up a print core or heated bed temp above 50ºC. If you start a new print before it has cooled down below 50ºC, the fan speed will not yet be reset to your (possibly) newly selected material. So let it cool down first. This will be updated in an upcoming release. The Ultimaker material station is fully operational with our Ultimaker materials. The material profiles for the materials available via the marketplace are being updated by our material partners and will be gradually available throughout Q1 in 2020. If using a third party material is essential for you, this is still possible on a 'stand alone' Ultimaker S5 (+ Air manager). Hopefully this information is helpful for you. Please let me know if you have any questions, you can also reach out to me via a DM. Have a great day!
  2. Hello, I'm sorry to hear so. Have you had communication with your reseller and/or iGo3D about your specific orders?
  3. Thanks for tagging @robinmdh. Hi @greatg, can you elaborate on what you have been trying? Did you follow the tips via on ultimaker.com\ER57 ultimaker.com\ER86? Could it be that something is blocking the fan blades rotating? Regarding unloading being greyed out, are you operating a standalone Ultimaker S5 or do you also have a material station installed? If you have a material station in place, the unload-feature is no longer necessary. The way that the material station operates is that after a print the material will always be unloaded to stand-by in the material station, ready to pick a new material for the next print job. So basically, there should never be filament in your drive train, unless a print is aborted or fails for some reason. In that scenario, you can do two thing. - You can start a new print, and then it will automatically first retract the filament left in there. - A workaround could be to swap print cores, if you want to unload the filament but don't want to start a new print. It then also retracts filament first. If you are operating a standalone Ultimaker S5, it can be that you need to confirm you removed the print first, before you can use any of the other features. Hope this helps!
  4. 280ºC, just like the other print cores 🙂
  5. Thanks, message received! I send you a response.
  6. Hi @neute, thank you for your message. It indeed helps to elevate the build chamber temperature, but what you don't want is that it elevates the temperature beyond a point that is safe for various parts in that same build chamber. Like for example, the slider blocks. That is why we generally don't recommend to keep the hood without any exhaust / active filtering so it can warm up the build volume, but not too much. Hope this helps!
  7. Hi @gandy, thank you for your message and welcome to our community! Regarding the right channels, consider the community as a fast channel to find tips and tricks, like when you want to get more out of your Ultimaker products. It is not an official technical support channel though, a lot of the information you find here is provided by users who are experts with our products (which does not mean it is any less useful). You can also report bugs here, in particular after a release (like firmware or Cura), we are keeping a close eye on here to collect user feedback. Can you provide a log of your printer? You can store it on a USB in your S5, via the settings menu. I can send you details to roll back via a DM, thank you.
  8. Yes, I will also send the instructions via DM.
  9. Hi @akke and @blackfoxnic, one of our product experts has reached out to you via a DM to collect some more details. Hopefully this will help, thank you for notifying us. If necessary, you can roll back if you want yes. To be sure, you are both running 5.4.24 now?
  10. Hi Dweia, thank you for your message. Did you just unplug it, and leave it on or did you leave it open? I have not heard this report before. I'll share it with our product experts. In the meantime, have you tried to reset Cura Connect after the firmware installation? You are free to roll back if you want, but it may not be necessary. Please allow me to get back with you with an update. Thank you for your time,
  11. I couldn't agree with you more, and apologies if we dropped the ball at that point. You should have 2 email addresses in your inbox which you can use. If you are willing to share your email address via DM, I could also ask him to reach out to you if you prefer. Let me know if you have any further questions that we can help with,
  12. Hi Joost, thank you for your response. I don't remember seeing that message and apologies if it went unanswered. I also organize the tradeshows we attend, so it's not uncommon that I'll be traveling, or pretty busy organizing such an event. But that should not be an excuse. Have you also tried any of the other 'official' channels? I mean, it's important that when you knock, someone answers. But it's also important to knock at the right door. The community would not be the immediate right door in this case but I think I should be able to help. I'll send you a contact to our team in the US via a DM who will be able to follow up and send you a printed part upon your request. As far as materials, could this be something for you? https://marketplace.ultimaker.com/app/cura/materials/filamentive/Filamentive_ASA_2019 You can find other options via: https://marketplace.ultimaker.com/app/cura/materials?filter=uV
  13. Hi Lukas, thank you for your message. Can you share with me via a DM which reseller you have your material station from and what the serial number is of your material station? I will check if there could be anything relevant. If you say it never feeds into extruder 2, you mean that extruder only is giving you the error message? Is that not what we are doing right now? Looking forward hearing from you,
  14. Ok. Well I guess a congratulations would be in place! Happy you got it fixed. Secondly, some more information or context would be appreciated. Otherwise I don't know how this is going to be helpful to anyone. Thanks,
  15. Interesting thread! Few things have caught my eye though. @andrefccastro, you mentioned you don't ask your reseller because you don't consider them friendly. That is not really how we intent our partners/resellers to be perceived. Would you care to elaborate via a DM about your encounter? Perhaps there is something we can do to help. @TheRealJoost, I also read you mentioned you didn't find the customer support too impressive. Could I ask you about your encounter too (via a DM)? If there are any areas on which we can improve, we would love to hear about it. I also thought about this. Such a part has only one goal, and that is to convince you about the capabilities of their printer. It's very unlikely they'll bring a print with flaws, even if it means printing a part 10 times over to finally get it. Best rule of thumb would be to see a part being printed with your configuration and see what quality comes out. Another thing to consider; for the price of a F170 you can probably get more than one Ultimaker S5 / Pro Bundle. Which means a higher uptime, you can print multiple parts at once, or when a machine would break down it won't be the only operational one you have that is breaking down. I've also seen mention of the materials available, to give you an indication please visit this page and use the filter above to get an idea about which filaments you can effortlessly use on an Ultimaker. We have a collaboration with each of these partners and for the materials shown on that page we have created print profiles tailored to an Ultimaker S5 / S3. More materials are being added almost weekly.
  16. Hi @Starflashbully, thank you for your message. I can totally imagine it isn't considered funny and even frustrating. Please allow me to sort out where the flow of information is stopping. Who is your reseller/who did you contact, iGo3D?
  17. Hi, thank you for your message. Have you looked up the ER52 already? Here is the link: https://ultimaker.com/en/resources/52939-decoupler-obstructed-er52 It suggests that the tip of your filament is not straight and (potentially) is getting caught somewhere. Have you tried cutting it, or making it into a pointy tip?
  18. Hi @Sassw, thank you for your message. Hope you are well. These type of questions are better asked to your reseller directly, who also took it back. As far as I know the Pro Bundle, and therefore the Air Manager and Material station which are part of it, are released. Each reseller has their own schedule and planning and that is not something I have insight in. Hope this helps.
  19. That is correct, in the sense that more profiles will be added and will be automatically selected based on your print material. The Air manager has more affects than just filtering air. It is also keeping dust out, and heat in. The heat that it keeps in also benefit some materials, but not when it is too much. That is why with PLA the fan runs faster, because PLA needs less heat in the build volume. So the fan needs to work harder to get that out and maintain a correct temperature. Hope this helps!
  20. It is open loop, but it doesn't just guess an air speed. It measures ambient temperature, and it retrieves build plate temperature and material specific values from Cura. How would it prioritize air movement over temperature? By moving the air you control the temperature too.
  21. Thank you for your reply. I wasn't sure if that is what you meant, thank you for clarifying. Happy to hear that you got it back up and running with the Air Manager, albeit with some changed values. (For my feedback to the testing teams; can you share with me (possibly via DM) with what filament and what profile settings you are printing with? Do you use any other adhesive?)
  22. To be specific, the fan turns on when either the build plate or the print cores go above 50ºC. This is because at that point filament can start to emit UFP, which the Air Manager is suppose to catch. If everything is at room temperature, it should not be running. Some more context; the desired fan speed is being calculated by a formula of different values. At the beginning of a print the Air manager measures the ambient temperature, it knows the set build plate temperature and which build volume temperature should be ideal for a specific material. Consequently it knows which fan speed is necessary. The existing firmware uses a more sensitive table where it switches to 100% most of the times, partially to not let too much heat build up. In the near future it will be dialed down to more accurate values through updates. Which could mean (to give you an idea) that during a print it would run at 40% for example. @Gabriele, we've tested with several materials and profiles and we didn't notice any decrease in adhesion. Can you share with me (can also be via DM) what material you are printing with and with what profile? Do you use any adhesives? Anything else relevant? Like Robinmdh says; the hot plate warning is a new safety warning. It is a live registration of the temperature of your build plate. When the build plate reaches 60ºC it will start to show. So perhaps with or without the Air Manager just pushed it above the 60ºC. It is possible that the fan will work without a filter. In the future it's likely that a warning will be included, but because it is also possible to connect the Air Manager to an external ventilation/exhaust system this is a possibility we aim to keep open. @zungara, I will take a look at your log file and let you know if anything stands out. I am not sure if user @Roli4711 was implying that the Air Manager was altering values in his printing profiles, but this should not be possible. It can read it, and it should process it to set the right fan speed. But right now the formula is set to run rather a bit too fast than too slow, to catch all particles and keep too much heat out. Hopefully this has answered most of your questions. Please let me know if there is anything else we can help with.
  23. Hi, we can do that if you feel you want to go that route. I'll provide you with instructions on how to do it in a few moments. Thank you for your time and patience!
  24. Hi everyone, I just wanted to let you know we're looking into the reports and will get back with you throughout the day.
  25. Hi Kotsoym, Thank you for forwarding. Let me verify the sound with our product experts. It is a little bit difficult to tell with some environment noise in the background, hood being open and depending how close the mic of your phone is. If it is not right in front of it, it doesn't sound too loud to me. Regarding peak_performance, this is an indicator of the quality of your filter. Peak performance means it is in best condition. A filter lasts for 1500h. At that point, the indicator 'peak performance' will change in something different. The Air Manager will have different settings. In this firmware release it has 1 setting, which is 100%. That means you at least will be able to start using it. In the near future, different options will be added, but I don't think they are for the user to set. The Air manager will know which material you are printing with and which fan speed belongs to this material and will switch to that speed automatically.
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