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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. Hi @zungara, can you send me a recording via DM or email of the sound it is making? Can you also include some detailed pictures of how it is installed? Thanks!
  2. Can you give us some more information? Do you know which firmware you were on, and which firmware you updated to? In the menu on the display of your Ultimaker S5, it should say; Air Manager >> Installed. Does it say so? Otherwise it may not be installed correctly.
  3. Hi, allow me to write the same reply here as I wrote elsewhere. Starflashbully already knows it, but just so everyone is up to date: Thank you for your time and patience on this subject. We released a new firmware today for the Ultimaker S5 and the Ultimaker S5 Pro Bundle. This means that if you already own an Ultimaker Pro Bundle, you will be able to start using it. If you ordered one, but haven't received it yet, it means it is going to be shipped to you. Practical information; If you already owned an Ultimaker S5 and it's running on old firmware, such as 5.0.X or 5.1.X, it must be updated via the stepping stone version. This is not new information, but I figured it's worth stressing again. Specific instructions on how to update your machine, and the files you need, can be found on this page: https://ultimaker.com/en/resources/52601-update-the-ultimaker-s5-firmware
  4. Hi Kotsoym, thank you for your message. Can you elaborate on what you mean peak_performance? Are implying it is filtering out the heat through the fan, or diverting power from the heated bed to the air manager, given the description 'peak_performance'? Thanks! by the way, there are no specific features or functions available. The Air Manager knows what it is suppose to do.
  5. Bedankt voor je reactie. Ik zal je zo een direct message sturen met wat instructies hoe je mogelijk je printer weer aan de praat kunt krijgen.
  6. Hallo, bedankt voor je bericht. Vervelend om te horen dat je onmiddelijk begint met een probleem. Laten we kijken of we kunnen helpen! Kun je omschrijven waarom de update niet lukte via USB? Weet je toevallig nog welke firmware op de Ultimaker S3 stond voor je deze wilde updaten? En tot slotte, hoelang wacht je ongeveer nadat je hem aanzet? Het kan even duren soms, wellicht extra na een firmware update. bedankt!
  7. Hi, there is not much I can say about the delivery schedule of individual resellers. This depends on their own speed, how much orders they have and how many they have ordered and received in order to accommodate. Possibly even other factors. But I can imagine that their delay into the second week of Feb was made without the knowledge of a new firmware being released today. Perhaps that changes something. Maybe it won't, but that is a conversation you need to have with your reseller. I/we have no insights in those specifics. Hope this helps, good luck!
  8. Hi, yes! If they don't have any in stock already they will receive more/new in order to provide their customers.
  9. Hi @Elfonerio, We should release a new firmware today for the Ultimaker S5 and the Ultimaker S5 Pro Bundle. This means that if you already own an Ultimaker Pro Bundle, you will be able to start using it. If you ordered one, but haven't received it yet, it means it is going to be shipped to you. Practical information that might concern you; If you own or receive an Ultimaker S5 (Pro Bundle) it's good to check what firmware it is running on. If it is 'old' firmware, such as 5.0.X or 5.1.X, it must be updated via the stepping stone version. This is not new information per se, but I figured it's worth stressing again. Specific instructions on how to update your machine, and the files you need, can be found on this page: https://ultimaker.com/en/resources/52601-update-the-ultimaker-s5-firmware Note: It will be updated accordingly when the firmware has been released. Thank you for your time and patience, have a good day.
  10. Hi, it is produced in the Netherlands. I think @Dim3nsioneer's comment was about himself being in Switzerland which is a slightly further chain in the link in our distribution network than our neighbouring country; Germany.
  11. Hello, thank you for your time and patience on this subject. We should release a new firmware today for the Ultimaker S5 and the Ultimaker S5 Pro Bundle. This means that if you already own an Ultimaker Pro Bundle, you will be able to start using it. If you ordered one, but haven't received it yet, it means it is going to be shipped to you. Practical information; If you already owned an Ultimaker S5 and it's running on old firmware, such as 5.0.X or 5.1.X, it must be updated via the stepping stone version. This is not new information, but I figured it's worth stressing again. Specific instructions on how to update your machine, and the files you need, can be found on this page: https://ultimaker.com/en/resources/52601-update-the-ultimaker-s5-firmware Note: It will be updated accordingly when the firmware has been released. We would also like to apologise for the inconvenience on this matter again. It took some time to sort out but it was a necessary step that we needed to take to make sure that the products you receive perform and provide as you expect from us. Let this be the start of a new phase. Have a good day,
  12. I would suggest to use the model that is most descriptive for your issue. If it is this one, we would happily use it. Shall we use this test cube, or do you have a better model?
  13. We're working on it as we speak, but no specific date has been set yet. Thank you for checking in! We'll let you know once we know more.
  14. Did you also weigh the final parts, to be absolutely sure about how much filament was used to produce each part? Might be a good check too.
  15. @CTotten, can you share a .3mf file with me so we can run a comparison test in-house?
  16. Hi @CTotten, thank you for your elaborate tests and reports. This is really helpful. Yesterday I shared your findings with our product experts, who didn't seem to be able to match it with any other of our tests or findings. I'll ask them to investigate, possible replicate your tests and see what we can find. Thank you for your time and patience,
  17. Hi, it's not a known issue of the firmware to be causing under extrusion. Besides the 125% increased flowrate, were you using default profiles? Under extrusion can be caused by a mechanical issue, as you seem to have thoroughly tested but it can also be caused by a misconfigured print profile. Are all of your tests done with CPE, or also something like PLA? Are all feeders tightened correctly so they provide sufficient tension? I believe it is Cura that controls the baseline 100% flow rate of the machine.
  18. Hi, have you tried printing a prime tower or something like that? I don't know about the model you are trying to print, but perhaps adding a prime tower to boost the extrusion flow so the filament is not in your print core for too long could help?
  19. Hello, as soon as I have an update I will let you know. Currently I have no news I can share with you yet. ( @Gabriele, I got your question. I've forwarded this as I do not know this myself. I will let you know when I hear back).
  20. Be aware that your feeder needs to be wear-resistant too. Not just the print core.
  21. Hi Roland, thank you for your message. Our apologies for the inconveniences introduced with the delay. I can see how my response / estimation may come across a little bit more nonchalant than what you might expect to see, but if you read my message before that one, I said we can't give a clear timeframe yet. Users like Starflashbully responded specifically asking if it could be released before Christmas, to which I explained why we don't know yet (testing being an important factor). I could also have said; 'I can't answer that', but that would not be helpful for the dialogue. When the products are ready to be shipped, we will immediately start doing so. Hope this clarifies it a bit, thank you.
  22. Hi Alom, no that is not possible. There is no temperature measurement device in the Air Manager. Have a great day!
  23. Hi everyone, thanks again for your time and patience. I've been at the FormNext show last week, which means I wasn't able to respond as fast as I usually aim to do. Unfortunately we can't commit to a specific date yet. While it is clear what we need to do, it is still being executed and thoroughly tested. If all goes well, it may be before Christmas. If not, it may be after. It goes without saying that we aim to provide everyone with their Ultimaker products as soon as possible. At FormNext we had operational Pro Bundles, which hopefully serves as an indication that we are not far out. But they require a small work-around, which we don't want to push onto our users. You deserve a fully functional Ultimaker product that works as it should, and as you would expect from us.
  24. Hi everyone, hope you are all well. Thank you for your messages, and overall; your patience. I hope it is alright that I write a response here in English? I was alerted about this thread and I used google translate to read through the messages and I think I understood most of it. First of all I think it is important that Ultimaker also has a voice here, and that we are involved in the discussion. So hopefully by writing a reply here that will be a start. Secondly, I hope I will be able to provide you with some more clarity about the material station / air manager that you are waiting on. As you probably realized, we discovered a bug that prevented us from comfortably releasing these into the market. If you know us a little bit as a brand, you know that we only wish to release a product when we can fully stand by it. This little issue that we discovered prevents us from doing so. That is why, in this scenario, we 'prefer' to delay the release by a little bit, than deliver a product that does not work as intended. Luckily, we are working really hard on it and we're moving towards the solution. When exactly, we can not say yet. But obviously, when this is known you will be the first to know. And your new products will be shipped immediately. Hopefully this will message will bring you some comfort. If you have any further questions please feel free to reach out to me. Our sincere apologies for the inconvenience, hopefully I can also be the bringer of good news soon!
  25. Hi Paul, thank you for your response and interest. Some vacancies can be filled remotely, for some we prefer to have someone locally. In this case we're looking for someone locally and be the bridge between different departments. That is quite difficult to do remotely. Keep an eye out for other vacancies if you're interested 🙂
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