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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. Turn your passion into a profession….. and become a passionate employee at Ultimaker! Expand your 3D printing knowledge and become an all-round technical community manager at Ultimaker BV. In this role you support community users, like our beloved “Community of 3D printing experts” and Ultimaker Github. It is your mission to achieve the highest possible quality of content going in and coming out of these communities. Understand the challenges that users face, investigate reported issues and reproduce them in our print lab, cooperate with our competence center and R&D department to provide a validated solution to our users. Interested in becoming a part of our team in the Netherlands?? Read more about this challenging vacancy on our website https://ultimaker.com/en/careers/52929-online-community-manager
  2. We made some visual changes to our brand in the beginning of July, like allowing a different color scheme, using different visual elements, and we changed our logo to a new one which we feel reflects our brand better. No new changes are in the pipeline to what you are used to 🙂
  3. We'll take it into consideration! 😉
  4. Can you host it on a platform like dropbox or youtube, and link it here?
  5. Hi @MaxQ, thank you for your response. Is there a specific reason why you don't want to use Cura? As you probably know, a slicer, the print profile and all related print strategy settings, are extremely influential in your print quality. I'm not saying it is necessarily so, but it could be that by using a different slicer, and modifying each g-code manually, you are negatively influencing the print quality. Ultimaker Cura is dialed in to be use with Ultimaker 3D printers. I would suggest to use Ultimaker Cura if possible, so we can see where the issue lies in your print experience and how to solve it.
  6. Hi @TheRealJoost, Just to make sure we're talking about the same part, can you share the partnumber (if you know it), or a picture of the part that you need?
  7. Perhaps you can upload a video of the movement of the print head and the sound that it makes. Perhaps it is just a matter of correcting the lever of the limit switch. Perhaps you could also upload a photo of your extruder, so we could check if anything looks off. Thanks!
  8. @boep777, it would also be helpful if you could share some photo's of your prints. Often a picture reveals much more than a description. Can you for example elaborate on 'poor surface'? And how poor is poor model strength? What are your expectations and based on what are they not met? Are you using default print profiles, or have you made changes?
  9. Hi @Ziogianni84, thank you for your post. What kind of prototypes would you need to make with it, and do you have an idea about which materials you would need for it? Since accuracy has been mentioned a couple of times, the default print profiles in Cura are 'one size fits all' where both accuracy and print quality are taken into account. Because all settings are available, you can shift the balance more towards dimensional accuracy, but this could increase print time for example. The following settings have been shared before and work for most users when they're after more dimensionally accurate prints: Line width: 0.4 Wall thickness: 1.2 Top/Bottom thickness: 1.2 Speeds: 35-40 (all speeds, except travel) Jerks: 20 Horizontal expansion: -0.03 walls: 3 Inital Layer Height = 0.1 Slicing Tolerance = Exclude Combing Mode = off Outer before Inner Walls = Checked @MaxQ, if you are not satisfied with your Ultimaker S5 please get in touch with our sales partner in your local region. Where are you based? We train our partners so that they are capable of helping you if you would need any support. This could be to solve a technical issue or to learn how to use Cura (which by the way, you are not locked into). @NBull, I believe there is an ongoing ticket aimed to help you with your Ultimaker S5.
  10. Congratulations! Welcome to Ultimaker 🙂 If you have any questions about using materials, feel free to ask us! We've dedicated a special area on our forum to materials: https://community.ultimaker.com/forum/111-materials A complete overview of all available materials can be found here: https://marketplace.ultimaker.com/app/cura/materials Keep an eye on here, because new materials are added frequently. As you can see, Polymaker is one of the brands that we have material profiles for in the Ultimaker marketplace.
  11. While reading through the comments here I find it interesting that the introduction of these new products would make one consider other technologies like SLS or SLA. I imagine one invests in, and looks for a technology that matches their needs. A budget defines the options you have to match your needs, but does not dictate them, right? One can say that it's all 3D printing, but from one technology to the next they differ greatly and they serve very different applications. Besides the applications, the ease of use and post processing also don't really compare. Anyway, I'm still at the TCT show where we just introduced the products and we're quite excited with the launch and feedback we've been getting so far. If you are curious about both products, I wrote a short introduction on both of them in the 3D printer section. Ultimaker S5 Pro Bundle Ultimaker S3 Allow me to create a little bit of context about our new products, in case this wasn't clear yet. I'll try to keep it relatively short, but if you are interested to learn more about it, please feel free to ask and I'll happily explain further! Our S-line products are designed and developed to work in studio/office environments. When a company or organisation hasn't adopted 3D printing yet, it usually starts with one enthusiastic engineer who has seen the light and is a believer. (This person is amazing!) When someone has convinced superiors to explore the benefits of 3D printing the budget is usually tight. We developed the Ultimaker S3 to offer impressive performance on a smaller footprint and for a lower budget than an Ultimaker S5. While, still being able to enjoy most of the same features. This engineer usually also uses Cura mostly for its slicing capabilities and the marketplace to find material profiles for one of the many materials that are available. When 3D printing is acknowledged and accepted, it is time to scale up production. And this needs to be done reliably, otherwise it's impossible to standardise processes and make any form of planning. That is why we developed the Ultimaker Pro Bundle, it offers flexibility by being able to load 6 different materials and reliability by being able to go from one empty spool to the next full one. Together, this is a solution that you can rely on 24/7. Obviously, both 'stages' also rely on a lot of software support and features, which are also taken into account. But I feel those are not part of the discussion right now. Hope this helps you to gain a little bit more understanding about our products and their intent. Let me know if you have any further questions.
  12. Hi @BiMNrd, thanks for chipping in! What type of accuracy do you need for your 3D prints?
  13. On September 24th we happily introduced the Ultimaker S3. The Ultimaker S3 is a new 3D printer in our S-line products where it proudly stands next to the Ultimaker S5. It delivers massive performance on an efficient, smaller footprint, If you have not seen the Ultimaker S3 yet, you should watch this video. We've also asked Oscar, one of the engineers who worked on the Ultimaker S3, to tell us a little bit more about what the Ultimaker S3 is all about in this video. The Ultimaker S3 is a great 3D printer if you are looking to introduce 3D printing in your company or organisation, you need a versatile 3D printer that brings you reliability, but your budget does not support to go all out on an Ultimaker S5 Pro Bundle. You can still enjoy all the benefits of full access to our material portfolio (which is growing day by day) and the reliability that the active levelling and flow sensor introduce. It is a great tool to help validate the value 3D printing offers. If you are interested to learn more about the Ultimaker S3, here is a link to the product page with more specifications. If you have any further questions about the Ultimaker S3, please let us know below and we'll happily help you! Did you already get one? Let us know below what you think! 🙂
  14. Yesterday we successfully introduced the Ultimaker S5 Pro Bundle to the world. If you have not seen it yet I highly recommend you watch the introduction video we made of the Pro Bundle. The Ultimaker S5 Pro Bundle exists of 3 products: - The Air Manager - The Ultimaker S5 - The Material Station The collection of these products, the Ultimaker S5 Pro Bundle, is designed with flexibility and reliability in mind. Two key cornerstones. we feel, that play a large role in the performance of our products. The Air Manager The Air Manager filters out 95% of UFP that a material emits, ensuring a continuous safe work environment. From research it is not proven that all materials require such a filter, but from some it is known. And in combination with the flexibility the material station provides by being able to load 6 different materials, making sure you are always working in a safe work environment regardless of what you print with is a valuable reassurance. Besides the filter, it also keep any dust or cold drafts out and since the Ultimaker S5 is connected to the Air Manager it can also regulate the fan speed based on which material you are printing with to ensure optimal print quality. If you want to learn more about how the Air Manager works exactly and which value it can bring, we put the effort in writing a very informative white paper about it. You can find it here if you are interested! (I recommend it). The Ultimaker S5 We obviously all know the Ultimaker S5 and what it stands for. It's large build volume is an ideal stage to 3D print many different applications on. This is supported by the wear resistant feeders and the possibility to use a CC core. When used in combination with the Air Manager and Material station it makes sure everything works together to provide you with the most efficient workflow. The Material Station I just love this new addition to our product range. The Material station can hold up to 6 (different) reels of filament and will keep them safe and dry. It is humidity controlled, so even PVA and Nylon will stay in optimal condition in humid environments. Being able to load 6 materials is great many scenarios, but 2 in particular. When you mostly work with the same material (let's say Nylon), you can load 5 or 6 reels of Nylon in the material station. When one spools runs out, it will automatically switch to the next reel, even if this would be mid-print. It also has flow sensors so it knows when it has reach the end of a spool. This provides a lot of reassurance that your print will finish successfully, especially when you print large models that require a lot of filament. You can just start with the remainder that is left on your spool. The other scenario offers you a lot of flexibility. Usually when 3D printing is introduced within a company or organisation it takes some time for it be adopted in existing workflows. When this happens, processes need to be standardised in order for them to be reliably replicated over and over again. We often sees when this has happened, this can open to door for companies to start distribute manufacturing digitally. This can be on a small scale, like with printers (or printer groups) on different floors, or on a larger scale like different different offices or even different countries. Where the Material Station really adds value here, is when you want to start prints remotely, you can load a variety of material in the Material station and it will automatically pick the material that matches your print settings. This provides a lot of flexibility and reliability, because when the Material Station has selected the right material for you, the Ultimaker S5 will actively level your bed and your print will start in a safe environment, assured by the Air Manager. If you are interested, we also wrote a blog about these new products which may add some more information on what I wrote here. You can find it here. A few others links which you might find interesting: We also asked our engineers who worked on these products for their perspective; you can find it here Product page of the Ultimaker S5 Pro Bundle with more relevant information: https://ultimaker.com/3d-printers/ultimaker-s5-pro-bundle Let me know below if you have any further questions about these new products and we would be happy to answer them! We'll start shipping the Ultimaker S5 Pro Bundle from October 18th onwards. When you have received yours, let us know below what you think! 🙂
  15. I am not entirely sure if that is true. We actually usually aim to have the products available right after launch. Obviously, with high demand there can be a lead time but they should be available already.
  16. "Continuous, hassle-free 3D printing, like never before! " As you may have seen a new image appeared on our homepage this morning, exciting news! On September 24th we'll announce what big news we have been working on for you. Keep an eye our for more updates and feel free to speculate below!
  17. It is not possible to disable bed leveling because it is crucial to a successful print to have a levelled bed and proper adhesion. Could you print multiple at the same time perhaps, on 1 build plate?
  18. Thanks everyone for the responses and appreciation everyone continues to have for our community! 🙂 The link was not intentionally removed, but at some point between different versions of updates to the navigation it fell off someones radar. It was easily restored and I'm happy to say it's put back in the main navigation!
  19. Hi @Cymon, you can still reach out to iGo3D even if you bought your Ultimaker with a different reseller like Smithy says. They have trained technical support engineers.
  20. There is of course always a chance that someone runs into a technical issue, regardless of the invested development time. And I like to think that in those scenarios we're always able to help a customer out. If you are having such issues, I would recommend to get in touch with your reseller or our sales partner in your local region, if you have not already. But that is all besides the point that my response was an answer to why the active bed levelling could not be disabled. Because bed levelling/adhesion lies at the foundation of a successful print, and on a build volume as like on the Ultimaker S5, doing it yourself manually became more crucial and difficult.
  21. The more you know, the faster you would understand the motivations behind such a decision. Users are not able to disable active leveling because of the size of the build plate in the Ultimaker S5. On previous generations you could do it manually, but this was a more forgiving process due to the build plates being smaller. With the larger build volume users may want to print larger objects, which require even longer unattended operations. With the expanded material portfolio, users are now also able to use a larger variety of materials, which may require more delicate bed levelling too. So all this considered: It is crucial for your user experience that your bed is properly levelled and have good adhesion. The most reliable way to ensure good levelling is to have the Ultimaker S5 do it. Every time. That's one part of the printing process that we took more control over, to ensure reliability.
  22. Hi @jbearpark, perhaps you could also give these settings a try with PLA: Line width: 0.4 Wall thickness: 1.2 Top/Bottom thickness: 1.2 Speeds: 40 Jerks: 20 Horizontal expansion: -0.03 walls: 3 Where one print was smaller or taller than the other, are these from the same gcode / same model?
  23. I think that is a characteristic in the foundation of a 'one size fits all' approach. They are always good (when done well), but probably never perfect. Customisation or optimising for a specific model could very well lead to better results, when you know what you are doing. But in order to ensure a good start and get familiar with our products and technology, the profiles are indeed the best place to start.
  24. Feel free to (create a new thread and) share your results. It would be interesting to see, and perhaps we can help to fine tune that last stretch, and it could be useful for others too. If you are interested.
  25. Hi @NBull, please feel free to send me a DM with more information about where you are located and where you bought your Ultimaker S5. I'll connect you with someone from our support team, who can take a look into your situation and see where we can help you so you can as well start enjoying your Ultimaker S5 as you were supposed to from the start. @P3D Currently these settings seem to be dialled in for PLA / Tough PLA and to increase dimensional accuracy you may expect a decrease in speed (life is a balance). We're looking into the options you have listed 🙂
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