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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. Hallo Nostra, zit je wel in de layer view in Cura en niet in Solid view?
  2. Are you joining @RudydG ? @JohnInOttawa, if you register you can also watch the webinar afterwards via a player. Hope this helps! 🙂
  3. Hello! Since more composite engineering materials are becoming available through Ultimaker Cura and the material alliances we're forming, Ultimaker is hosting a webinar where we explain how you can achieve and maintain a high print success rate using these new materials. Most of us have probably mastered the skill of printing PLA, but some of those new materials require more specific and challenging 3D print guidelines and understanding. Learn from Ultimaker's Product Manager of Materials and top chemical engineer Bart van As how you can take your 3D printing to that next level. When? On December 17 at 4pm CEST (10am EDT). Interested? Register here if you want to participate. Got any questions? Feel free to post them below! We hope to see you there!
  4. Ok. What I was going for was if you had an Ultimaker Original which was upgraded with a heated bed or if you bought an Ultimaker Original+?
  5. Are you sure a cable didn't get loose over time, or during moving? Do you still this small pcb on top of your printhead, in your UMO? (perhaps a picture would rule out any miscommunications). Are you talking about the heater that heats your bed, or the print head?
  6. Cool! What is this for? It looks pretty amazing. Was it a study? And where do you stand on printing with flexible filaments? Any progress? oh, and some familiar faces I see 😉
  7. Hi, which firmware are you running, and have you updated your firmware recently? If you can not connect online, you can also use USB to install it. Regarding your prints; are your fans working? I doubt it based on that benchy print. Re that other print, it looks like perhaps it is too hot, but perhaps you could also clean your threaded Z rod (and add the magna lube grease afterwards).
  8. The link is now added to the first post 🙂
  9. Ok, that is fine. But if you want to modify your Ultimaker 2 to dual extrusion, and only printing a new print head housing and docking station (almost all other parts are included in the available extrusion train upgrade if I'm not mistaken) is too much work I am afraid that you will have to significantly compromise in reliability. Making something reliably dual extrusion takes far more into account than just installing a second nozzle.
  10. From what I've read this modification has made many users very happy: https://magnetic-tool-changer.com/
  11. Hi Dureiken, welcome to our community 🙂have you read this thread already?
  12. It's a small calibration print we made to test and demonstrate that your Ultimaker works according to standards.
  13. Indeed, that looks much better! The strings that remained, were they fairly easy to remove? We understand, and we also realize that you did not invest in 1500g to find out there were some issues with the profile. It is possible though that a print in normal circumstances can fail, but we confirmed that in this case the profile required an update. Therefore I'm happy to announce that I briefly spoke with OC and they said they would reach out to you and work something out. And I think that's very nice of them! I think the grey color is due to a temperature change, could also be because of the fans or the layer time. Please keep us posted about your new findings!
  14. As you have noticed it's not possible yet without a workaround, but it is on the roadmap to be added. I can't give you a specific time yet though. Once this is more clear I'll share it with the community. Hope this helps.
  15. Eastman makes Amphora AM3300 available to Ultimaker users via our material alliance in Cura. You can access all available materials via Cura > Marketplace > Materials. Are you curious about others experiences using Amphore AM3300 or do you have any other questions regarding this filament? Feel free to post them below. Some links you might find useful: Technical Data Sheet Safety Data Sheet Printing Guidelines
  16. Colorfabb makes woodFill available to Ultimaker users via our material alliance in Cura. You can access all available materials via Cura > Marketplace > Materials. Are you curious about others experiences using woodFill or do you have any other questions regarding this filament? Feel free to post them below. Some links you might find useful: Technical Data Sheet Safety Data Sheet Printing Guidelines
  17. Colorfabb makes PLA Color on Demand available to Ultimaker users via our material alliance in Cura. You can access all available materials via Cura > Marketplace > Materials. Are you curious about others experiences using PLA Color on Demand or do you have any other questions regarding this filament? Feel free to post them below. Some links you might find useful: Technical Data Sheet Safety Data Sheet How does it work
  18. Ha (J)erry, bedankt voor je bericht. Helaas zal dat niet gaan, omdat er al een andere gebruiker is die de naam "Jerry" heeft geregistreerd.
  19. I would also like to remind you of this post: "If you want to be sure your report falls in the right hands; send an email with your findings to hello@youmagine.com and they will take it from there"
  20. Hi @vivek, If you could add some photo's of what you're seeing that would be of great help 🙂
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