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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. Which is normally automatically detected, but in the scenario you are describing it is not. Right? Maybe it is me, but in your original phrasing I read it as 'if it is detected, you have to select an UM profile'. If it is just me who reads it like that, I will shut up 😉
  2. I think here you mean to say: 'If you have loaded UM material which wasn't automatically detected by the printer'? If your Ultimaker is connected to the internet, and you have downloaded profiles in Cura via the marketplace you can sync these profiles with your Ultimaker and then the profiles should also be available there when you load new material. And finally, what could also be interesting to mention is the backup plugin which is available via the marketplace. It allows you to backup your profiles in the cloud, and when you are at a different laptop or different version, you should be able to download your material profiles and get started immediately 🙂
  3. 🧐🤔 😅 D'oh! You're right! I'll change it to avoid further confusion.
  4. Hi @P3D, thank you for your reply. No worries about the tone, I can imagine that it can be frustrating if something doesn't work as intended. Could you send me some photo's of your TPU material with the different packagings? Regarding feedback, in this case if you would have reported it to the reseller I expect my colleagues would hear about it in their reports and if necessary we could reach out to you to follow up. You can also have contacted us, via the channel you used or the community (me), and we can figure out where to best take this. In this case, I will share your feedback with our materials team if you can send me some of the photo's. Thank you.
  5. Oh, my bad if I mistakenly read between the lines. Apologies. I'm sure we'll sort this out and start producing quality parts soon!
  6. Hi @joestefano, I've checked this with our developers and although we're not entirely sure what the symbol means, we're fairly sure it isn't embedded into Cura. We expect it is some kind of accessibility restriction or sort from your OS. What system are you on?
  7. I don't think any of the difficulties Gabriele is facing has anything to do with the CC core. I think it's great that @AD_XSTRAND_OC has joined us and is working with Gabriele to help out.
  8. Ok, I just quickly checked (not much effort!) and you weren't in the database. I'll provide the link when I have it so you can register if you want to. Let this post also be an open invite to anyone who receives the community newsletter; What do you think of it? I wrote a post about it before, in an attempt to get some feedback. My goal is to make an interesting newsletter for you, so if there is a segment or a type of information you would like to see added (or removed?), please let me know! With your feedback I can make it even more interesting to read. Thanks!
  9. Of course not. A newsletter is just another channel to distribute information. If you already catch all information via our community, that is totally fine. One thing that I don't usually mention in community newsletters or on our community is customer success stories, which are often celebrated in the general Ultimaker newsletter. But that fully depends on if you are interested in reading them and how often you visit ultimaker.com looking for updates.
  10. I'll have a look. When you downloaded Cura, did you ever fill out the form with your information and check the checkbox at the bottom of the page where it says 'send me targeted information?' I'll let you know, and in any case I will update my first post with a link to the form when I have it on Monday. Thank you for your feedback!
  11. I am also a little bit confused about what the problem is exactly. In the video it looks like everything works as it should? Re your questions and suggestions kman, in his first post @Luke67 said he is fairly new to 3D printing. So perhaps you are right about your suggestions but Luke may not be aware of all these options and possibilities. So hopefully this thread can help him become more aware about the possibilities. Re moving forward, have you looked at Extensions > Post processing > Modify Gcode > Add a script > Pause at height ? With this feature, I think you should be able to just make 1 tube instead of 2, and set it to whichever height in mm you want to change materials / have that second model start.
  12. We generally send out a few different newsletters a month. Which? General Ultimaker newsletters, Cura newsletters and Community newsletters. If you usually receive the general Ultimaker newsletter and/or the Cura newsletter you should have received a special email about it yesterday. Why? This is necessary because we're migrating our database to a new system and to be sure we wouldn't lose your registered consent / timestamp we asked again. There were also some small changes in our privacy policy. It's important to realize, if you don't click the link you won't receive any future General Ultimaker newsletters. The same goes for the Cura newsletter. Cura newsletters are usually sent when a new version of Cura is being released. When you downloaded Cura and filled out the corresponding form with your information, you can subscribe to this newsletter. If you usually receive the Cura newsletter, you should have also received this consent-request yesterday. And also, if you don't click the preferences link you won't get the Cura newsletter in the future. If you want to receive the Ultimaker newsletter? Please subscribe via this link 🙂 Finally, we also send monthly community newsletters. They contain a selection of the most popular topics and developments in this community. There was no need to ask for consent for this list, so no emails were sent out for this. But if you don't get it automatically though. If you are part of this thriving community, and you also want to receive its newsletter? Follow this link and update your preferences 🙂 Please let me know below if you have any questions!
  13. Hi @nicklas , if there are parts of your print that don't have any PVA on it, you don't necessarily need to submerge it in water. The water is solely used to dissolve the PVA. If you have a method that prevents your print from tumbling over, or sink, and only keeps the PVA under, go for it. With most prints, I think that won't be the case though. But you don't necessarily need to keep it at 35ºC, I think our pages say don't go higher. But you can go a bit lower 🙂 Hope this helps!
  14. Hi @P3D, Thank you for your post! For future references, if you want to talk to 'Ultimaker' via the forum, best tag me. The Ultimaker account writes some official posts occasionally, but is not active in another form otherwise. Thank you for your feedback regarding your TPU, your experiences and they way it is packed. I will share it with my colleagues and see if there is a particular reason, if anything you have experienced is just incidental or if there is room for improvement. Which route did you follow to write an email to Ultimaker? It's very likely that the first auto response is something down the lines of 'Thank you for your email, if you need support please get in touch with your reseller'. In many cases, users (perhaps unknowingly) bypass the reseller for (simple) questions, which are actually trained and expected to provide support to their customers. That's why it's mentioned. The messages should be read though by us, and if it's about something the reseller doesn't concern we should get back with you. Hope this explains a few things to you. Perhaps you care to elaborate in a DM in which areas you feel neglected or we have dropped the ball and I can see if we can help. In theory, it is our partner which should provide you with the support you need and it won't be UM HQ itself. We train and certify our partners and we believe that there lies more value if users can get help in their own timezone and language, and from the same business they bought there Ultimaker from. If the level is not en par we can reach out to them and see if we can help improve their level of support. Thank you for your time, looking forward hearing from you!
  15. In that case, one could argue the most obvious thing to do would be to create your own thread. You can do so via this link, or via the button found at the top of most pages. Please refrain from pasting the same reply under various threads in the future, thank you for understanding.
  16. Regarding other optimizations, can you try to adjust your profile accordingly: Line width: Make the line width equal to the nozzle diameter Speed settings: Equalise all print speed settings (i.e. infill, outer wall, inner wall, top/bottom) (good starting point would be 40mm/s) Jerk settings: Set all jerk settings (infill, outer wall, inner wall, top/bottom) to 20 mm/s Good luck!
  17. I wouldn't recommend to alter the Esteps. Since we work with a bowden tube I can imagine that the effects may not be immediately visible, and may even last longer than after your first layer and I think you don't want to add under extrusion to your print, right? If you have elephant feet I would first suggest to reduce initial horizontal expansion if your model allows it. Perhaps set it to -0,5mm
  18. Thank you for your detailed and thought through response @ultradryan , very helpful!
  19. Thank you for coming here and proposing your suggestion and being open to conversation and feedback from our users.
  20. Hi everyone, I feel it's necessary to step in for a second. It's good to have a healthy discussion about features and why we think a feature should or should not be included in Cura. I think we should be able to have such a discussion with facts and conviction, but respect others who might have a different opinion. It can easily happen that intonation may not always come across in writing or come across different as intended, but I trust everyone in our community means well. Please continue on why you think Cura should have or should not have such a feature, but do so as civilized men. Civilized men who are familiar with our code of conduct 😉 Thank you all for understanding and cooperating.
  21. I also suggested this in another thread. It's actually recommended to dry the material before you use it, which could influence stringing. There is a note about this in the 3D printing guidelines: "* IMPORTANT NOTE: GF30-PA6 is very sensitive to moisture. For optimal printing results, the product must be dried at least 4 hours in the oven at 80°C prior to use and stored in a dry, Pelican like case, even during printing."
  22. Hi @Gabriele , thank you for your post. I saw it and send an email to our friends at Owens Corning to see if they could help you out as well. I will also respond to your thread later. Have you dried the filament before you used it, and if so; how? Obviously, your experiences are useful to everyone and please continue to share them but I also want to mention that in the Owens Corning - Cura Marketplace you can also find an email belonging to Owens Corning when you need help.
  23. From what I understand Hytrell is slightly more flexible (60), but perhaps TPU 95A is already flexible enough for you. Although 'reasonably tight' is pretty open to interpretation, I would say both have pretty good layer bonding and can be printed air-tight.
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