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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. Hello! Ultimaker is always looking for new colleagues to join our team. This is often the case for our headquarters in the Netherlands, but not solely! An interest and experience with 3D printing would obviously put you ahead of the competition, so I figured I would share some job applications here as well since we all check thát box 🙂 If you are interested to work at Ultimaker, please check out this link and see if there is a job that you like. While I'm writing we're looking for new colleagues at Research and Development, Marketing and Communications, Product Management, Distribution and Sales, Supply Chain and Assembly, Employee Experience (HR), Finance and IT, and Internships. So basically.. everywhere. We're looking forward hearing from you!
  2. I've never heard or seen it before. What you noticed in the filament, was it silver or brass? I know you said it was a brass sliver, but in the scope-photo I can't really see anything brass. Have you been using Ultimaker filament or also third-party filament? I'm asking because it is possible with cheaper filament that dirt or other particles can end up in the filament, and perhaps such an artifact was blocking your nozzle. I have seen such reports, but not with Ultimaker filament. @Smithy's suggestion is also a good one. I imagine that the location of this brim could tell us if it could be part of the block or not? (I imagine if it lies somewhere on top of the melted filament it can have happened during disassembly, but if it was in the filament or even in the nozzle it probably was in there longer already.
  3. Welcome @ScanHD , great news and we're happy to have you! Please keep us updated when your Ultimaker S5 will arrive and share your findings 🙂 As the community has been helpful to you, I think such reports can be helpful for others to read as well! Your line of work and applications sound pretty exciting! Have you already looked into the variety of materials that is available, and which you are considering using?
  4. I think it was a case of mistaken identity and posted in the wrong thread. I moved it to Cura!
  5. SandervG

    UM 5 of 3?

    Ik denk niet dat ik hier nog veel aan toe hoef te voegen. Jammer dat ik gelijk had @3dcase! Als je primaire behoefte meer capaciteit is dan neig ik ook eerder naar het advies van David; meer UM3's ipv 1 UMS5. Argument van abrasive materials vind ik ook een goede, maar je zegt niet echt om meer materiaal verlegen te zijn. (anderzijds, aanbod stuurt ook de vraag). Wat betreft materiaal, kun je misschien deze thread in de gaten houden voor meer informatie. In theorie zijn alle materialen op zowel UMS5 en UM3 te gebruiken, tenzij ze abrasive zijn. Dan alleen UMS5.
  6. Thank you for your responses. What is it exactly what you read which makes you reconsider? Perhaps we can help by providing either perspective, context or help. Looking forward hearing from you! (feel free to create a new topic for this).
  7. Igus makes Iglidur I180 available to Ultimaker users via our material alliance in Cura. You can access all available materials via Cura > Marketplace > Materials. Are you curious about others experiences using Iglidur I180 or do you have any other questions regarding this filament? Feel free to post them below. Some links you might find useful: Technical Data Sheet Safety Data Sheet
  8. Igus makes Iglidur I150 available to Ultimaker users via our material alliance in Cura. You can access all available materials via Cura > Marketplace > Materials. Are you curious about others experiences using Iglidur I150 or do you have any other questions regarding this filament? Feel free to post them below. Some links you might find useful: Technical Data Sheet Safety Data Sheet
  9. Owens Corning makes XSTRAND GF30 PP available to Ultimaker users via our material alliance in Cura. You can access all available materials via Cura > Marketplace > Materials. Are you curious about others experiences using XSTRAND GF30 PP or do you have any other questions regarding this filament? Feel free to post them below. Some links you might find useful: Technical Data Sheet
  10. Owens Corning makes XSTRAND GF30 PA6 available to Ultimaker users via our material alliance in Cura. You can access all available materials via Cura > Marketplace > Materials. Are you curious about others experiences using XSTRAND GF30 PA6 or do you have any other questions regarding this filament? Feel free to post them below. Some links you might find useful: Safety Data Sheet Printing Guidelines
  11. MatterHackers makes NylonX available to Ultimaker users via our material alliance in Cura. You can access all available materials via Cura > Marketplace > Materials. Are you curious about others experiences using NylonX or do you have any other questions regarding this filament? Feel free to post them below. Some links (and files) you might find useful: Printing Guidelines MatterHackers NylonX SDS.pdf MatterHackers NylonX TDS.pdf
  12. MatterHackers makes NylonG available to Ultimaker users via our material alliance in Cura. You can access all available materials via Cura > Marketplace > Materials. Are you curious about others experiences using NylonG or do you have any other questions regarding this filament? Feel free to post them below. Some links you might find useful: Technical Data Sheet NylonG.pdf Safety Data Sheet NylonG.pdf Printing Guidelines
  13. Lehvoss makes Luvocom 3F PAHT 9825 NT available to Ultimaker users via our material alliance in Cura. You can access all available materials via Cura > Marketplace > Materials. Are you curious about others experiences using Luvocom 3F PAHT 9825 NT or do you have any other questions regarding this filament? Feel free to post them below. Some links you might find useful: Technical Data Sheet Safety Data Sheet
  14. ElogioAM makes Facilan C8 available to Ultimaker users via our material alliance in Cura. You can access all available materials via Cura > Marketplace > Materials. Are you curious about others experiences using Facilan C8 or do you have any other questions regarding this filament? Feel free to post them below. Some links you might find useful: Technical Data Sheet Safety Data Sheet Printing Guidelines
  15. Dupont makes Zytel 3D1000FL available to Ultimaker users via our material alliance in Cura. You can access all available materials via Cura > Marketplace > Materials. Are you curious about others experiences using Zytel 3D1000FL or do you have any other questions regarding this filament? Feel free to post them below. Some links you might find useful: Technical Data Sheet Safety Data Sheet Printing Guidelines
  16. Dupont makes Hytrel 3D4100FL available to Ultimaker users via our material alliance in Cura. You can access all available materials via Cura > Marketplace > Materials. Are you curious about others experiences using Hytrel 3D4100FL or do you have any other questions regarding this filament? Feel free to post them below. Some links you might find useful: Technical Data Sheet Safety Data Sheet Printing Guidelines
  17. DSM makes Novamid ID1030 CF10 available to Ultimaker users via our material alliance in Cura. You can access all available materials via Cura > Marketplace > Materials. Are you curious about others experiences using Novamid ID1030 CF10 or do you have any other questions regarding this filament? Feel free to post them below. Some links you might find useful: Technical Data Sheet Safety Data Sheet Printing Guidelines
  18. DSM makes Arnitel ID 2060 HT available to Ultimaker users via our material alliance in Cura. You can access all available materials via Cura > Marketplace > Materials. Are you curious about others experiences using Arnitel ID 2060 HT or do you have any other questions regarding this filament? Feel free to post them below. Some links you might find useful: Technical Data Sheet Safety Data Sheet Printing Guidelines
  19. DSM makes Arnitel ID 2045 available to Ultimaker users via our material alliance in Cura. You can access all available materials via Cura > Marketplace > Materials. Are you curious about others experiences using Arnitel ID 2045 or do you have any other questions regarding this filament? Feel free to post them below. Some links you might find useful: Technical Data Sheet Safety Data Sheet Printing Guidelines
  20. Clariant makes PET-G available to Ultimaker users via our material alliance in Cura. You can access all available materials via Cura > Marketplace > Materials. Are you curious about others experiences using PET-G or do you have any other questions regarding this filament? Feel free to post them below. Some links you might find useful: Technical Data Sheet
  21. Clariant makes PA6/66 GF20 FR available to Ultimaker users via our material alliance in Cura. You can access all available materials via Cura > Marketplace > Materials. Are you curious about others experiences using PA6/66 GF20 FR or do you have any other questions regarding this filament? Feel free to post them below. Some links you might find useful: Technical Data Sheet
  22. Clariant makes PA6/66 FR available to Ultimaker users via our material alliance in Cura. You can access all available materials via Cura > Marketplace > Materials. Are you curious about others experiences using PA6/66 FR or do you have any other questions regarding this filament? Feel free to post them below. Some links you might find useful: Technical Data Sheet
  23. BASF makes PP GF30 available to Ultimaker users via our material alliance in Cura. You can access all available materials via Cura > Marketplace > Materials. Are you curious about others experiences using BASF PP GF30 or do you have any other questions regarding this filament? Feel free to post them below. Some links you might find useful: Technical Data Sheet Safety Data Sheet Printing Guidelines
  24. BASF makes PET CF available to Ultimaker users via our material alliance in Cura. You can access all available materials via Cura > Marketplace > Materials. Are you curious about others experiences using BASF PET CF or do you have any other questions regarding this filament? Feel free to post them below. Some links you might find useful: Technical Data Sheet Safety Data Sheet Printing Guidelines
  25. Hi, Materials are a crucial element of a successful 3D printing workflow. For certain applications you just need a specific material up for the task, otherwise it will never hold. Whether that is flame retardant, reinforced composites or wear resistant. At Ultimaker we know how important this flexibility and freedom of choice is and that is why we started a Material Alliance together with the largest and most relevant material manufacturers. This already consists of over 120 materials and the list is growing every month. Each material has a profile that is tailored to an Ultimaker 3D printer, so you no longer need to trial and error your way to a useful print! If you're curious if we have a material that matches a particular need you have? Visit our materials page and use the filter to get a clear overview of which materials could be an option for you. We have also started a series of posts where we explain certain properties more in debt. You may find them interesting to read: First up: ESD safety. Wear resistance Temperature resistance You can also visit this link to get a full list on alphabetical order of all materials we have in our Material Alliance. If you have any questions, please feel free to write them below!
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