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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. Hi, sorry for my late response. I must have missed the tag. First of all, thank you for your feedback. I'm happy to hear you enjoy using our community site. When following the link from @TwoDrunkOwls I don't think I saw the photo of the horse's ear. Can you point me to it? But I am familiar with the bug. As far as I know, that specific bug has not been solved yet. If you can help me reproduce it that would be of great help and hopefully it can be fixed. Luckily, in my experience, it only pops up rather rarely.
  2. Hi Shadowman and Brulti, thank you for your responses. My apologies that my response follows a little bit later than usual. We just attended the 4-day lasting FormNext show in Germany which was quite demanding on my agenda. You may have also seen a little bit less of my presence online for that reason too. That is one reason why you haven't received a response yet. The other reason is that an answer is rarely as easily given as a question. While 'a free extra glass plate' is easily proposed, the effects can be much larger and need to be thoroughly considered. While I regret that we can't provide a reliable aluminum build plate yet, I can imagine that you feel entitled to some form of compensation. But I am not sure if we will take this route. For the time being, I would like to ask you to be patient until we can provide you with more information about this subject and refrain from posting more replies with solely '???'. This will not result in a faster response and it does not benefit the community. Thank you for your understanding and have a great day. If you have any further questions, I am happy to help where I can.
  3. Hi Imran, welcome to the community! Have you already read this thread? It contains some good tips and recommendations.
  4. I would find that very useful if you wouldn't mind 🙂
  5. Hello there, welcome to the community! Can you tell us a little bit more about yourself and what you use 3D printing for?
  6. Hi Everyone, thank you for all the feedback. Due to the intensity of some of these responses I suspect not everyone is experiencing the same intended behavior. @Bigbrit, can you share a video or photo of what your garage looks like when the LEDs are off? The bug that was fixed in the firmware was a bug that some printers did not respond when you moved the sliding bar to the far left (off) on the Ultimaker S5 display, so LEDs stayed on at 100%. This is fixed, meaning, the sliding bar should work for everyone. Small nuance, when the slider bar is to the far left the LEDs are not 100% off, I think they might be on for 1% or less. When I just checked, I didn't even see they were still on except when I held my hand entirely against the frame I saw a faint glow. Is this glow what you are talking about @Shadowman ? I think the lights of the print cores are probably brighter. Next there is also an option to select 'Only on while printing', which means that the LEDs are on until you click 'confirm print removal' on the display. Based on this discussion I think it's good to validate some definitions and scenarios. When the LEDs are off, but glow minimally by 1%, is this troublesome for anyone? If you want to prove a point, photo's would be much appreciated. If so, in which scenario? I read somewhere office security might have an issue with it. In this case, would it make more sense to turn off the LEDs yourself anyway? If 'on while printing' would be enabled, there is a fair chance the LEDs would still be on anyway when you run a multi-day print. And generally, in which scenario do you feel the LEDs are not supporting your needs? Looking forward hearing from you, and apologies if the 'LEDs are fixed in the firmware'-statement was confusing. I understand we might have been talking about different behavior/bug.
  7. Did you/anyone manually delete any prints from your queue in between, or was there no manual intervention between having a full history - update - empty print history? Can you send me the logs from your Ultimaker S5 for closer inspection, if this has plagued you?
  8. Hello, yes sorry to keep you all waiting. The update I can give is that we'll most likely not make the fall 2018 deadline. While the initial tests and results have been very promising with the aluminum build plate, later results were less consistent and it has been a continuous road of improvements and iterations with only one goal in mind; quality results and a reliable experience for our users. Although we're making progress, it's been decided to postpone stating a new delivery date until it is more certain. Our apologies for the inconvenience. You will be the first to know when more details become available. In the meantime, using the adhesion sheets are a good alternative if you are looking for better adhesion. If you have any questions about better adhesion with a certain material you are working with, please let me know and we'll see how we can help. A blog will be published shortly with similar information.
  9. That is unknown behavior. Can you describe which steps you have taken? Did you also manually delete any files from any list? And to be clear, which history do you mean? With the new firmware there is also new analytics, but this does not load 'old information', so that should be empty after installation.
  10. After reading some of the reports I inquired with our experts and I understood that if you use the pop-up notification there is a (small) chance that the firmware upload might stall. If you use the menu instead, there isn't. That may be counter-intuitive, but I would recommend to not use the notification but the menu instead. Good news is, this bug is fixed in the new firmware. But in order to benefit from this, you must install it first. (Via the menu.) It can be found in the release notes, almost at the bottom: Fixed crash when initiating the firmware update from the notification popup @Shadowman , it should be fixed indeed. The LED's bugfix was not listed among some other fixes because the full list would be too long to share. One bulletpoint saying '- And more general (smaller) bug fixes are implemented' should be added to the list.
  11. Hi Stefan, There is not really a 'all new materials', so that may be a bit tricky to answer. Can you specify which material you are interested in? Talking about XSTRAND, 2 answers have already been provided. Adam said 'For the PA6 Xstrand you can use the PVA or breakaway supports and even HIPS.' and 'For the PP Xstrand I prefer to use PPxstrand as the supports for best results. Set gap between the top support layer and the bottow layer part to 0.10-0.15mm'
  12. Can you provide any information about this so we can reproduce and fix it for the stable? Perhaps there is something in your set up that makes it crash which doesn't have to affect others though.
  13. Wow, many thanks to everyone who participated. It's been a very interesting AMA and I hope @AD_XSTRAND_OC and @EVQT_XSTRAND_OC were able to answer most questions you had. It's quite a new subject, but hopefully everyone gained a little bit more of an understanding about abrasive materials, glass filled materials and the properties they provide. I certainly found it very interesting. But, all things must come to an end and so does this AMA. If you have any questions popping up later through the day or after reading this AMA feel free to add them below. Unfortunately, the window where Adam's and Emmanuel's brain was immediately available closed, but when they're available they agreed to answer any questions that come in later. If you are curious about their material profiles and try XSTRAND, it is now included in the new Ultimaker Cura 3.6 Beta that launched today! Visit the marketplace in Ultimaker Cura, which can be found in the top menu and go to right tab; materials. You will find Owens Corning, and a few others ? And as always, if you tested Ultimaker Cura 3.6 Beta and have any feedback or questions for us? Help us by sharing them here!
  14. Hi, we just launched a new firmware version for the Ultimaker S5. New firmware for the Ultimaker 3 will follow quickly. If you are curious about the release notes? Please follow this link
  15. We only recommend to use it on an Ultimaker S5. Technically it fits on an Ultimaker 3, but the feeder is not designed to withstand abrasive materials, so eventhough your print core will survive, your feeder won't. Hope this helps!
  16. Another question that came in via a different channel: Do you also experiment with other additives to give different properties to filaments, like conductive filaments?
  17. Have you made any 3D prints with XSTRAND yourself where the properties of XSTRAND were an important factor?
  18. I will also add a few questions that came in via different channels. Did you experiment if annealing has any effect on prints made with XSTRAND?
  19. Wow, that is pretty amazing! Was it eventually used as an end use part, in the race or just as a prototype? Do you know if they also sanded the model before coating it? I know XSTRAND has a bit of a rougher texture, which can be great depending on your use but since it is so strong, I wonder what they used to sand the surface (if they did).
  20. @AD_XSTRAND_OC , can you tell a little bit more about this model? Sure doesn't look like the XSTRAND prints I've seen ?
  21. Alternatively, I understand you can also place the material for a similar amount of time on the buildplate of your Ultimaker in its/a box, to dry it, right?
  22. Hi everyone, welcome to this new Ask Me Anything where @AD_XSTRAND_OC and @EVQT_XSTRAND_OC are joining us on behalf of Owens Corning to answer any questions you have about their filaments. As you may know, their material will become available through Cura with its own configured printing profile and it has some unique properties. @AD_XSTRAND_OC is Adam Davis is from the US and an additive engineer with a lot of experience with 3D printing. @EVQT_XSTRAND_OC is Emmanuel Vaquant, from France and senior innovation leader and knows all about the material properties. We come bearing knowledge, so... Ask us anything!! Small domestic note, when I created the invitation we, European folks, were living in Summer-time. Recently we switched to Winter-time, which means we're 1 hour ahead. You might think after a couple of decades one individual might remember that .. ? This means that anyone from the EDT timezone might join while this AMA is already an hour underway. I have asked Adam if he was willing to hang around, as long as any questions keep coming in. So keep them coming! ?
  23. Not to be nit-picky, but I said connectivity stability. If your Ultimaker is currently just not connecting to your router for whatever reason, that won't be fixed by this firmware version most likely. What will be improved is stability between your Ultimaker and Cura / Connect. If you have occasionally lost connection or camera feed, that connectivity should become better. Just trying to set the proper expectations ?
  24. Cura won't brick your Ultimaker, if anything it would be the firmware. Since it's freely available from our website you could just download it, give it a try. And if you don't like it you can install your current version again.
  25. Just a reminder, in 4h the AMA will start with Owens Corning ?
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