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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. Ultimaker Cura 3.5 | Beta is about to be released and we can't wait for you to try it out and let us know what you think. We've worked hard to pack it with new features, stability improvements and fixes. So, what is it you can expect from us? Before we dive into this, an important note: We’ve thoroughly tested this beta version, which offers great functionality and improved features. However, it’s still in the beta stage, which means we can’t guarantee the same print reliability as our stable versions. If you’re working on an important project, we strongly recommend that you use the latest stable version of Ultimaker Cura. Slicing enhancements. - Prime tower. The prime tower has been improved for reliability. Instead of altering layers of two different materials, Prime towers are now printed inside each other rather than alternating per layer, and the outer walls will function like a purge bin for the inner shell. - Support infill line direction. It's now possible to change the direction of infill support lines. In the settings you can change the degree and the infill will change accordingly. This should reduce the amount of artifacts you may see on your model and increase its capability as support. - Initial layer support line. You can now increase (or reduce if you would want to), the density of the first support layer, generating better adhesion to the build plate and overall strength. User experience. - The File menu received some modifications and you probably will experience some changes. 'Save' now saves as a project automatically, and 'Expert' saves other file types. .Curaproject extensions are no longer used. From this beta version on, these will be replaced by 3MF extensions. No worries, it can still read old .curaprojects you may still use. - Material favorites. It's now possible to mark certain materials as your favorite. This means they are more accessible and easier to use, enhancing your user experience. - Cura Connect monitor page. By optimizing this menu you should have to toggle less between the interfaces. Bug fixes. We’ve fixed a lot of issues in this release, including better temperature stability by removing excess M109 commands in GCODE, bugs with modifier meshes, removing unnecessary travel moves, and a consistent order for batch-printed models. As always we have received incredibly valuable input from @smartavionics , @bagel-orb , @ahoeben and MarmaladeForMeat. Gotten curious? Go ahead and download Ultimaker Cura 3.5 | Beta via this link. Care to read our blog first? Check it out here!
  2. Je zou eens kunnen kijken bij Shape generators > Featured > Custom Font Text.
  3. @PeerKaan en @peggyb, het is wellicht ook afhankelijk of je een heated bed hebt of niet. Zo ja, dan is het heel makkelijk. Als je geen heated bed hebt, beperkt dit het aantal filament wat je zonder al te veel problemen kunt printen toch wel iets.
  4. I would recommend to check out 3DSolex. @gr5 probably has experience with his stainless steel nozzle?
  5. If there is a need and people can provide, who am I to resist ?
  6. Oh ok, sounds like heavy measurements. I overheard that in the past sometimes modules were removed, but didn't know it was for that reason. Out of curiosity, does it mean almost no devices have wifi? Or are just certain frequencies / Ghz not allowed?
  7. I was about to suggest the same, that is probably it. Good luck and let me know how you fixed it exactly ? Might be helpful for others too!
  8. Hi @JohnInOttawa , I am not aware of such a list of Ultimaker machines, so I can't help you with that. If you have a SN, I can verify if it is real or not, but I suppose that would only tell you if it is a true Ultimaker or a clone. We've had a break-in few years ago, but IIRC only UM2's were stolen back then (and from those we did have a list).
  9. The issue lies more with the feeder that wears down, than the print head.
  10. The details on those shoes are amazing!!
  11. Hi @ Digibike , are you talking about the hard core by 3DSolex? It is a third party print core which is made for abrasive materials. It works with Ultimaker 3, but it is not an official Ultimaker product. Edit: even though an abrasive core fits an Ultimaker 3, the feeder can not withstand abrasive materials.
  12. Beautiful cabinet @conny_g ! Looks like the printers were designed to be put in there. And interesting read about getting the temperature down, some good suggestions.
  13. I don't know! Let me ask. In the meantime, the primer may not be a bad idea although if you could go without post-processing that's always preferable. I just a simple spraypainted model the other day, which was white initially and sprayed grey, and I could not tell at all!
  14. Where did you your Woodfill from? Maybe it is not the effect you are looking for, but perhaps the 'fuzzy skin' feature may offer you something? From my experience, with Woodfill it is important to use a large nozzle, print as cool / low temp as possible and thick layers. What you want is for it stay as short as possible in your hot nozzle. Of course you also don't want it to under extrude either. And good to hear your business is growing ?
  15. Hi @Stefania Dinea thank you for your great post again. I'm curious what @Alex L thinks of it, being an ArchiCAD user himself. Also really like the idea of the Q&A. I'll start with one: Do you (often) post process your 3D prints, or are they often good to use straight out of the Ultimaker? If you do, what is it that you most often do? And question-inception, is there perhaps a post-processing technique you would like to apply but are not familiar with yet? ?
  16. Hi @3D-Simon, thank you for writing here. Sorry to hear your first prints are not to your satisfaction. Let's see if we can help. After reading the thread it looks like you have already been given some pretty good tips from @Smithy, @gr5 and @peggyb . In order to be most efficient with everyones time and energy, it would be helpful if you could start with the base normal profile as per recommendation of GR5 and try one of the recommendations and post a picture with your findings. It looks like your no1 issue, the elephant feet is almost fixed, right? The reduce horizontal expansion already eliminated most of it. If it is not eliminated entirely and you want it to be fully gone, play with the -0.25mm value. Want it gone more? increase the value slightly. With a tighter back belt, what do your walls look like now? On your photo with the blobs (peggyb gave a tip re this), the walls seem to be pretty straight. With clear feedback you can help us help you. Looking forward hearing from you.
  17. Amazing! Hopefully I'll also be able to produce something halfway close to such models one day
  18. That is also me, but a test account I made a long time ago. Never deleted it. Fun fact, this account is registered on my email address from back when we were small enough we could just use our first names. That account has my 'official' email address. Never wanted to say goodbye to that first email address, it is like an ancient artifact ? But thanks for the feedback @zBeeble . I see where you are coming from. If we would enable users to select more fields, there is a fair chance this would ruin most of the collected data. For instance, 10 people would have downloaded Cura from which there are 8 professionals, 6 home users and 9 educators. That is 23 'persona's' from 10 downloads. So instead we hope you'll pick the answer which defines you most. If you have a 3D printer at work (from company budget), but you also use it to print an occasional desk ornament or a present, does not make you less of a professional user. We all learn things along the way, but that doesn't make us an educator or teacher (educational use). It doesn't have to be that black and white, not 100% is not automatically 0%. Hopefully this helps. Finally, if you feel you still can't select any of the options because they would do you unjust or would make you feel uncomfortable, there is a 4th option; 'I don't want to share any information'.
  19. Hi, Not sure about PC but another support material that is used sometimes is HIPS. The material used to dissolve this is Limonene. This is far less friendly to use than water. Unfortunately, we don't stock this material and therefore we also don't have an MSDS for it.
  20. Thanks, the power chord looks to be inserted alright. It's very odd that you have these frequent reboots and the technical support team has not been able to replicate it in a week. It would make me think the problem lies perhaps with the powernet. Can you try a different socket? In what type of environment is the Ultimaker S5 set up? An office/household? Are there other applications which may also have shown similar behavior on the past? Just to verify, I am correct in understanding it looks like your Ultimaker S5 looses power when it resets? Thank you,
  21. Oh, sorry. You can just use regular tap water to dissolve PVA. I don't think we have an MSDS for water.
  22. I think you should be able to find what you need via this link
  23. Hi LonRobinson, thank you for your message. Can you take a photo of the back of your Ultimaker S5, capturing the power plug and how it is inserted? Can you heat up the heated bed? Have you been able to start a print too, or have you never made it that far? Is/was there any noticeable damage to the Ultimaker S5 bottom or box when it came in? Thank you!
  24. Hi Covers911, thank you for your message. Sorry to hear you seem to have some issues with the connectivity of your Ultimaker S5. There can be a few different reasons for this, let's see if we can find out where to look! Does your router have DHCP? Does it support 2.4 Ghz? Does ethernet work? (using an internet cable) And just to check, how many wifi devices are active in your area? Thank you!
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