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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. @kmanstudios thank you for sharing all the steps with us on how such a model comes to realization. It actually makes me appreciate the model even more. I see more details and see how much work goes into it. Your use of a 3D pen is also really smart and seems to work really well for the tree, nice job!! When you modeled the bat standing up, did you not have any issues that it did not look 'hanging', when you rotated it around?
  2. Wow, really really good work @kmanstudios !! And men.. did I love pinky and the brain when I was a kid. Little trip down to memory lane. Do you have a photo with the wave-lamp turned on?
  3. Can you tell me which Firmware version you are running specifically? You can find it under; Preferences > Settings > About this printer > firmware version
  4. Hi Abdu, while you were typing your reply I added a few more suggestions. Could you take a look at those as well?
  5. Hi Praveen, firmware is not the same as the Cura version. You should connect your Ultimaker to your pc, open Cura, go to manage printers and select upgrade firmware. Here are instructions. This should probably help!
  6. Hi Abdu, Thank you for your post. That is indeed strange, and I'm inclined to think it is a coincidence, not something related. When you resume the print, does it continue and finish as it should? Have you updated the firmware since you got your Ultimaker S5? Is it Ultimaker PLA or a third party PLA? And do you use the default load/unload configuration the system offers, or do you load/unload manually? At what speeds are you printing? It could be that in the gcode there are commands that reset the fan speed. Have you considered changing the fan speed in Cura before you start a print?
  7. No, please visit the new dedicated page for the People contest.
  8. Hi @TMicke , welcome to our community! I'm happy your dream came true! I'm also happy it didn't require your house burning down for it, so, double hooray! ? Which printer did you have before? Curious to see what you will be making!
  9. Sounds like a good alternative. Just like outsourcing your 3D print to print services like shapeways, but there is a big advantage when you can do it yourself timewise and design-wise. The figurines don't need to have a lot of details per se, they can be silhouettes even. And they don't necessarily need to be printed at 1:100 scale. The rationale for making 1:100 a benchmark scale is that it is uniform (if all sets are 1:100) and easily scaled up or down when your project is of a different size. So eventually it could be that an architect would use a set at 1:50 and just scales up one of the submissions.
  10. ANNOUNCEMENT! First of all, I want to thank everyone who participated in this contest. Stefania and I were positively surprised by the level of the submissions, the choice of vehicles and understanding of 3D printing. We considered these very important elements in ranking the submissions too. In the end, we hope to make life easier for our fellow architects, and that means that the models should be easy and reliable to print and should resemble a real existing (set of) vehicles. Below I'll announce the winners and I'll also share our feedback towards all participants. Hopefully, it's an opportunity where you can learn something and you'll be motivated to join again in our peoples - contest. So who is the winner? @kmanstudios . Congratulations!! You win 10 reels of filament! What we thought of your submission: With your submission you showed that you really understand design for 3D printing, you touched on all the essential points like making your submission compatible for single extrusion, it was all properly scaled, little to no overhangs and sufficient details for this scale. You also made a good choice in which vehicles to present. These type of vehicles are often used in various architecture projects so chances that they will be put to use are considerable. You also got a bonus point for your remarkable delivery! Thank you! Number two.... @SarpSusuzer Congratulations!! You win 5 reels of filament!! Our feedback: You also showed good understanding of design for 3D printing. No overhangs, simple yet recognizable. Based on real life trains and trams, and scaled equally. We also really appreciate the effort you put in making your submission modular. That way one can assemble trains/trams in the length that fits their project. Nice job and once again, congratulations! Runner-up: @ultiarjan: Your submission also really shows your understanding of design for 3D printing. They are all again simple enough, which means they can easily be printed on a small scale and still be recognizable. Eventually you lost a few points on usability because these types of vehicles are not that often used in projects, the theme (warehouses and storage houses) is rather specific. @pardis3d: You've also uploaded a good set of vehicles, unfortunately, there were a few elements of design for 3D printing that could still be improved. You were smart enough to remove the overhang on the 'inside' of the wheels, but not on all. Besides that, on the average model are quite some overhangs which does not immediately mean a print will fail but usually don't result in the best surface quality. That is something we would rather avoid. That same truck on the right doesn't really have a good printing orientation. As Arjan also suggested in an earlier comment , the tank seems to be a bit wider than the bed it lays on. Another option could be to print it standing up on its backside, but then the wheels would have a lot of overhang, and that pin on top. You submitted some good models, hopefully you'll improve the overhangs and print orientation elements, and we'll see you again in the next contest! @Raghav: We appreciated your early submission and enthusiasm. Hopefully we'll see more of it in next contests. Why did you not win? In your submission it seemed there was not a clear theme like with some of the above. We did like that you submitted a bike, no one else did! They also had various scale sizes and some had to be assembled. Assembling a model can be a great solution to avoid some challenges you face with 3D printing, but when printing small scaled-down models an architect rather has a simple model that doesn't fail than a model that has yet to be put together. I'll get in touch with @kmanstudios and @SarpSusuzer regarding their prizes. Thanks again everyone for participating, and hopefully we'll see you again in our Entourage set | People contest!
  11. Hi Abdu, thank you for your message. It's not possible to disable the auto leveling, because of the size of the build plate in the Ultimaker S5, doing a manual level is very difficult and the risks are bigger. That is why it can not be turned off. But obviously, it should not result in your prints over or under extrude. Can you explain a little bit more what happens, and do you possibly have any photo's to illustrate? Thank you!
  12. Hi @Eugen , can you tell us which settings you have enabled for combing and Z hop? Thanks!
  13. If you are looking for a new challenge, the new contest just started: Architect Design Contest | People. Let me know if you have any questions and we're looking forward seeing what you might submit.
  14. 3D printing a scaled model can really help to get your idea across during a client presentation. But besides your main model, you can add details to get your idea across vividly! An architect regularly uses various entourage sets to help bring their ideas to live. In our previous contest, we focussed on different vehicle sets to be used in projects like urban planning. In this contest, the theme is people. People can be used in any type of project, both small and big. The goal of this contest is to design a set of people figurines that could be used in such a project to make an area, office or mall seem populated. Think of different types of people in different environments, like walking people, people standing still, working people, and both men and women. Since most projects get scaled down, so will the people. So be considerate which level of detail you want to apply. You may also consider using just silhouettes as long as they are still recognizable. ? Separated in 3 segments we would like to ask for your help to design and provide the best entourage sets. There are some rules though: - One set should contain a minimum of 6 different models - It should be designed for 3D printing, no overhangs and it should be printable in single extrusion (without PVA).* - It should be submitted in a 1:100 scale so it is easy to scale up or down depending on one's project - You can submit as many entries as you want - Ultimakers and the winning entries will be made available to use for free as entourage sets by Ultimaker - You can only submit your own designs - It is recommended if your submission has a theme like 'Office workers'. 'People walking' or 'Adults and kids'. - Each segment will run for a period of 3 weeks - Got a submission? You can add an STL to your reply below. (It's also possible to add it to 3D files, but make sure to add a link to the replies below too. We only review the replies). * -As an example, when designing our example vehicle set for the previous contest we initially had a little detail in each tire that represented a rim. A nice tough we thought. But upon printing, this little detail made the first layer unreliable and therefore the whole print. We removed the detail and can now run a full set without any concerns. Example set: People in city neighborhood. We've also made an Ultimaker Peoplepack.zip. Hopefully it will get your creative juices flowing! Feel free to download, inspect and use it at your convenience. The Start. We're open for entries and looking forward seeing what you will submit. Each theme will run for 3 weeks, which means this people theme will run until August 1st. When the contests are over, we will make sure the winning entries are available in this architect sub-forum and Ultimaker will continue to add to these entourage sets if necessary. Of course, we hope that everyone who submits a set will do the same. We'll start with vehicles, then people and finally trees. The Prize. Important! So, what can you win? In each contest, there are 2 prizes to win. First prize; a large filament pack. Containing 10 reels of filament; white PLA. Second prize, a small filament pack. Containing 5 reels of filament; white PLA. The Jury. @Stefania Dinea and I, (@SandervG) are the jury. We will look for the design for 3D printing element (remember, we want to make your life easier!) and your choice of design/subject, i.e., which set we think will be used most eventually. Looking forward seeing your entries!
  15. Thank you to everyone who participated in our contest! We're very happy with the entries, there are some really wonderful entourage sets in there. @Stefania Dinea and I are reviewing all submissions and we'll announce the winner later this week! In the meantime, the next contest will start tomorrow. The rules are the same, but if you want to get your creative juices flowing already.. the new subject is: People . I'll update this message when the new post is up ?
  16. Thank you for your reply. How do you usually clean your bed? Is there also air conditioning in the room? Initial layer line seems quite fat, by default it is 0.17mm on an Ultimaker 3. Also, I would recommend to get in touch with your reseller, he should be able to help you and possibly replace parts damaged by this flood. Good luck!
  17. Which firmware version are you running (what is the number of the version you installed?) and which version of Cura are you running? Have you modified anything in Cura that might alter the start of the gcode, like changing the g-code flavor?
  18. Hi @praveen, It almost always happens when the bed adhesion is not sufficient. Usually when a print is being made, the model stays on the bed and the head moves over it and extrudes and deploys new layers. When the model gets loose, the new layers are no long spread out over your model, but because it moves along with the model it just stays and extrude on the same place. Because the model is probably stuck to the nozzle, it can not escape and you get a blob. If this has happened more than once, I would suggest you look into your build plate. Is it the original glass? Is it level? Is it clean (no old glue, no grease)? Do you use the correct temperatures? Do you use extra adhesives like glue or sheets? Is your first layer not too thin or too fast? And it is also recommended to, if possible, inspect your first layer to see if it adheres properly. Hope this helps!
  19. Then you can not do spiralize of 1mm thick, because spiralize will generate a single-walled object. What setting have you set combing too in this print?
  20. Hi! Not too long ago we shared a survey about Cura UX and if you submitted your entry you have helped us greatly! If you haven't.. this is your chance to redeem yourself! ? The input was very helpful, and it inspired our Cura Connect team to also reach out and ask for your input. They work daily and passionately on the products that are available for you and we would appreciate it if you had a moment to spare to tell us what you think of it. And in return, we can make our products even better! Here is a link to the survey. [survey ended] I would like to thank you in advance for your time, have a great day!
  21. Daarom is het altijd aan te raden de 1e laag te inspecteren om te kijken of deze goed vast hecht. Wanneer de 1e laag goed is, zal de rest van je print hoogstwaarschijnlijk ook goed gaan.
  22. Hi @Stefanbos, welcome to our community! Let's see if we can help ? Could you first see if your front fan is still working? It can be something as simple as a small string of filament preventing the blades from spinning. When it can not cool properly, heat can travel up through the filament and make it soft higher up in the extrusion train, where it continuously receives pressure from more material which is being fed in. So it expands, and at some point can't be pushed down any further. Good luck!
  23. @fbrc8-erin has some good tips (which also last longer than the calibration card), but to answer the question I believe the paper is 0.1mm right?
  24. You have until July 9th (Monday), so should be in time! Curious to see what you'll submit!
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