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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. Ik zou om te beginnen gewoon standaard profiel van Cura aan houden. We hebben hier een heel team dat die profielen samensteld voor een goede start. Zeker wanneer je net start is het een goed startpunt. En later, wanneer je wat meer bekend bent met alles kun je eens proberen wat settings te veranderen en kijken hoe dat je print beinvloed, nadat je een ietwat betrouwbaar referentiekader hebt opgebouwd. Ooze shield staat volgens mij uit standaard. Prime tower staat voor en dual extrusion print PLA-PLA volgens mij ook standaard uit. Tijd en materiaal wat je kwijt bent is marginaal, daar zou ik me niet teveel zorgen om maken tenzij elke minuut telt.
  2. Als je via onze reseller pagina kijkt, zie je dat er een reseller zit in Eindhoven, als je daar langs kan gaan heb je helemaal geen levertijd ? Je kan sommige materialen ook combineren. Maar in het geval van ABS, zit je nog steeds met dezelfde temperatuurs-gevoeligheden.
  3. Ha Kevin, ik zou om te beginnen sowieso met PLA beginnen. ABS is niet prettig om mee te printen, behalve dat het stinkt en dat aanbevolen is dit alleen in een goed geventileerde ruimte te gebruiken, is het erg gevoelig. Sommige plastics zijn gevoeliger voor wisselende temperaturen dan anderen. ABS krimpt wat wanneer het te snel af koelt. Het kan gebeuren dat de ene laag al begint met krimpen voor de volgende goed is neergelegd of zich een soortgelijke temperatuur aanmeet als de vorige laag. Dan worden de lagen wat uit elkaar getrokken. Dit heet 'delamination'. PLA heeft dit allemaal niet, en ruikt prettiger. Dus mijn tip zou zijn; start met PLA ?
  4. Hi everyone, if you didn't notice just yet; Stefania wrote a new post about how to generate STL files from Revit.
  5. Great stuff, a basic need but we all need STLs! Is there any difference between STL and STL ascii? The latter has some more model information I believe and the file will be bigger, but is there a noticeable difference in your model as a user too?
  6. looks good! It's not your office since you're not present, or am I seriously misjudging something here? ?
  7. Mooi! Je kan als het goed is instellen met welke software je automatisch STL bestanden wil openen. Als je dit insteld naar Ultimaker Cura, en/of rechter klik - open met Ultimaker Cura kiest dan zou het op je 1e laptop ook moeten werken. Succes verder! ?
  8. Wat is die software die nog tussen TinkerCad en Cura zit? 3D Builder als ik het goed lees? Wat gebeurt er als je die er tussen uit laat?
  9. Hi @sk8nfool , thank you for the feedback. Could you also tell me what you were looking for with your search query, and what you expected to find? Thank you!
  10. SandervG

    TCT show

    Ultimaker will attend the TCT show in Birmingham, UK. We'll be at booth R18. Looking forward to seeing you there! Link to TCT show: https://tctshow.com/
  11. FYI: I've added a video to my original post explaining some more features of Ultimaker Cura 3.4.
  12. But I don't think the nozzles can reach the full front side of the glass plate because of the front fan bracket touching the doors/frame.
  13. Here you go, my bad. Must have been the end of the week ? Let us know if you need more help!
  14. Hi @praveen, it looks like I can not access the files, like I have no permission. Can you give permission? Thanks!
  15. Hi @Stefania Dinea, when I load a model of the same dimensions it covers a larger part of the surface. That is interesting ? The build volume of an Ultimaker S5 = 330 x 240 x 300 mm, so a 245mm part (your Y) wouldn't fit I reckon. I've disabled brim, skirt, prime blob. Are you allowed to scale your model?
  16. Hi @starbuck , thank you for this excellent write-up! Very interesting to read about your impressions from unboxing and actual usage! And may I compliment you on your set-up, really nice. Sounds like you made quite a turn after you just started. How are the students responding to the availability of all the technology? In general, are they happy with the output, time and quality wise? How many students use the MakerPlace approximately? Regarding the rods, I think we've already improved the packaging regarding this. Probably partially due to your feedback, so thanks ? (and I agree, @fbrc8-erin is amazing!) Regarding the banding of the walls, do you see some increase of this after a certain height? Have you made a comparable print of just a wall and a box or something with more stability? Have you tried this on different Ultimakers to see if it is not just 1 Ultimaker which is misbehaving? And the foam should probably help as well, good tips!
  17. Sorry for responding in English again. We don't have HIPS in our own portfolio because of the chemicals required to dissolve it. Some research also showed these may affect the ABS negatively even. That is why we prefer to recommend Breakaway material if possible. But like @Dim3nsioneer says, we have an open filament system, which means you can just use HIPS even if we don't offer it ourselves. The Ultimaker can still use it. We've actually recently announced partnership with some large chemical partners , so you should expect a large expansion of supported engineering materials soon!
  18. Looking forward seeing your submission kman! ?
  19. Done ? Cookies are welcome but not mandatory ?
  20. One more week to go! Curious to see what else will be submitted ?
  21. What?? Wow. That is a shock. He was indeed brilliant and most friendly ?... Rest in peace Gudo. Thank you for letting us know @nilrog
  22. No problem, we can fix that afterwards ? Great! What are the type of things you are learning? Is there anything we could provide to help? I asked around in our dev team, but injecting Fusion 360 knowledge directly into your brain is not stable yet. The closest we're getting towards manipulating brains is through marketing so far ? What are you using the Ultimaker S5 for? For personal projects or for work / job related? For heat resistance, you could check out CPE+ or PC. They should be able to withstand temperatures of around 110Cº. If there is anything you want to share regarding your Ultimaker S5, I would be happy to hear it! ?
  23. Hi @Steveandbelinda, If you go to preferences you can set the language and currency. By default it is set to Euro, but you can change it to Dollar too. If you go to settings > profile > manage profiles > materials (left side field) and there you can set a price. Good luck!
  24. Hi @3D-Simon, hope you don't mind if I reply in English. My Deutsch is not so good. You don't really need the top cover for ABS. Not for keeping the heat in that is, we would recommend to only use it in a well ventilated room due to the fumes. Because of the doors, it keeps the draft out and the heat in, which according to our test is sufficient to achieve reliable results using (our) ABS. (That is what we tested, we didn't have the resources to test all available ABS). PVA is not great for ABS, there is some layer bonding but not as great as with PLA for example. Breakaway material works better, but this may not be ideal if you need support material inside an object, instead of on the outside. For your information, here is material compatibility list: https://ultimaker.com/en/resources/49799-material-compatibility Depending on your application, there may be other interesting materials to choose from. Depending if you need strength, chemical resistance or heat resistance, you may want to consider Tough PLA or Nylon. Out of curiosity, what are other details are important for you? Replacing an expensive Stratasys machine for an accessible Ultimaker sounds exactly what we think we can offer to many professional businesses. I would be interested to learn which other specifications are important for you to determine if it would be a good decision. Looking forward hearing from you!
  25. SandervG


    Hi Longling, sorry to hear about your LED. I moved your thread to 'other languages', because the main area is in English. Have you tried contacting your reseller about it?
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