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Posts posted by piranha

  1. Im still unhappy with my X-Y movement with short bushings so I went to a automotive parts store to search for something more convenient

    And I found :) I found nice brass Valve Guides from VW or AUDI engine!!! It is 8 ID and again 12 OD, 36mm long :O and quite cheap!!!!


    old short bushings are also here on the right upper corner

    After some reaming with the spechial reamer(you can see it near bushings on my picture) which I've got in the same store, bushings are now PERFECT!! So I need to find somebody with the real lathe to make them 11mm or finally redesign a wooden parts to use AUDI parts as is :lol:

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  2. So if it is still interesting for somebody- Let me continue ;)

    When I was ordering shafts and bearings from vxb, I did not found Long LM12LUU bearings so decided to order 2x2 short LB12UU 12mm Ball Bushing 12x21x30 Linear Motion Bearings instead!

    due to It's lenght 2x30 mm vs 57mm(jriginal) I redraw and recut bearing slots in left and right arms

    And finally I've got my Z-stage almost done



    So here it is after some vintage paint job :)


    As much as I dig deeper Into the Ultimaker design as much I understand and love Erik's engineering Ideas and solutions, the Design is Awesome!!!

  3. Hi guys, Halo from Russia

    First of all whant to thank Erik for Nice and SMART design and lasercut plans!

    ... after deep digg in to the 3D printers world I decided to build printer by myself from scratch, I think that Ultimaker has the best Design for today so I'll try to build the Ultimaker

    I have already sourced almost all parts needed, some days ago I managed to lasercut frame pars in the local Jedi ofice ;) so building begins

    Here are the first results


    The vintage TV-set is ready, waiting for the screen ;)


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