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Everything posted by nallath

  1. Not without changing the source code of Cura (or writing your own script that modifies the g-code, as suggested before)
  2. nallath

    API Questions

    Please don't post it there, that is the issue tracker for Cura, not for the printer API.
  3. You can find more info on how to add machines to Cura here: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/wiki/Adding-new-machine-profiles-to-Cura
  4. No, Cura is set up to use as few lines as possible. So cutting up a longer line into shorter parts is something that we try to avoid.
  5. Cura never had this feature. It might be that you had a plugin that somehow did the splicing that Greg mentioned.
  6. You might also want to check the godmode plugin, which already does some of the things that you're asking for (https://github.com/sedwards2009/cura-god-mode-plugin) Walking over all stacks and figuring if they have an actual value set is done (although with more logic than you would need) in the SettingInheritanceManager: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/blob/f130eb2e7cafdec78849d5763f2914d609691718/cura/Settings/SettingInheritanceManager.py#L171 So basicly, you can get all the keys of a profile by using getAllKeys(). So you would need to do something like: for container in stack: for setting_key in container.getAllKeys(): print(f"{container.getName()}: {setting_key}: {container.getProperty(setting_key, 'value')}") I didn't actually check that code, so you might need to change some things to get that to work. If you want to know if an object has per object settings, you wil need to check it's decorator. So you will need to loop over all objects in the scene and check if they have any settings in their per object stack. There isn't a global function to get all of them (as we only do this in the CuraEngine plugin and it's never re-used anywhere else)
  7. I've checked your logs and it seems that your token is expired. Normally, cura should refresh that automatically, but that doesn't seem to have happend here. Could you try logging in and out and check if it still has the same issue?
  8. That's the error I though it would be! A hotfix should be out for that soon.
  9. This is kind of what the lightining infill already does, but then on the inside. The reason that we haven't ported it, is because it tends to cause artifacts when it sticks to the outside wall. It's not an issue on the inside.
  10. Yeah, I really wouldn't use Cura for this. You would spent more time fighting it than anything else. Any subtractive C&C tool will likely be a much better option.
  11. If you merge models, Cura uses the origin as defined in the STL. If you group them, Cura uses the position on the buildplate.
  12. Correct! We have two ways of saving a 3MF. One is exporting, the other is saving it as a project. In the past, we would also call a project .curaproject.3mf and an exported one .3mf. Unfortunately, not all operating systems handle this as well, so this was removed at some point. You can recover settings from sliced g-codes if you still have them. If you import the g-code in the profiles menu, it should extrtact them.
  13. Ultimaker provides a paid plugin that does what the solidworks plugin does (and more). I don't think that we will be spending time on porting what thopiekar did.
  14. We used to have this as our 404 page: It shows pretty common errors . So from left to right: 1. Filament got stuck to the nozzle 2. Belts not tight / missing steps 3. Filament didn't stick to previous layer 4. Steps not calibrated 5. Steps not calibrated 6. Same as 1 7. Steps not calibrated? Not quite sure what that one is
  15. I think you're missing a plugin. I don't know which one. But "object creation" isn't a default thing that Cura offers.
  16. We don't provide any flatpack. I have no idea what whomever made the flatpack did and we also don't have control over it. We only support the appimage that we provide.
  17. The library that we use is already based on the work done in svgnest. Any improvement in the nesting won't have any influence on the tree support (or the generation thereof).
  18. You might need to force your nvidia card to be used for Cura. I don't know how to do that exactly, but there are multiple guides about that on the internet.
  19. 1. You are running cura in "legacy" openGL mode. Either because you set this in preferences or because your graphics card doesn't support newer openGL 2. You have multiple extruders. Disable one and the setting will be visible. 3. Same as problem 1
  20. Alternatively, check if your virus scanner didn't go haywire and placed the file in quarantine.
  21. The material shrinkage should be in the XML; It's not something that changes depending on the quality. I couldn't think of a situation why you would want that. If a setting isn't "settable per extruder" it's indeed a global setting (and must have a single value, regardless of how many extruders there are). Often these settings also have a "resolve" function. A good example of this is the bed temperature. Obviously, there can only be a single bed temperature, but it is something that a material has an opinion about. So if you select two materials (say, ABS and PLA), we need to "resolve" the suggestions given by both materials into a single one.
  22. Because the things we store are keys and the things you see are labels. We can't store the labels, as they can also be translated. For the rest, you might want to check https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/wiki/Profiles-&-Settings What is probably going on is that the igildur quality profiles set the shrinkage percentage. Alternatively it could also be that they are influenced by what the other extruders are doing. Some settings need a single value for all extruders, even though materials can influence it (material shrinkage is one of them). This is far from stupid, but a legacy thing. In the Ultimaker profiles, these are also no longer used. The reason for this being the default reason is that it was orders of magnitude faster to slice a few years ago. Generally speaking, we are quite conservative when it comes to changing settings for pritners that we don't have (as we are unable to test them).
  23. You can use any shape for a support blocker. Just add any object and check out the options in the per object settings tool 😉
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