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Everything posted by ahoeben

  1. I think I disagree; I don't think printing outer and inner walls with different extruders is more useful than printing walls and infill with different extruders.
  2. Yes, see "Infill Extruder" under Infill. Again, use the search if it is not showing up already.
  3. The E values don’t match up if you don’t adjust them. You can do that by adding an G92 E(e-value) between the two parts. The e-value would be the last E in the gcode you cut away from the 0.25mm file.
  4. And kudos to kmanstudiosos for taking the time to make pictures to go with the post.
  5. I don't see why the temperature would drop from just pausing. I don't know if OctoPrint can "capture" the target temperature before pausing in the same way as it can capture the positions (http://docs.octoprint.org/en/master/features/gcode_scripts.html#more-nifty-pause-and-resume)
  6. Since you are using OctoPrint, you can have that take the role of the firmware to do more than just pause execution of firmware. Instead of sending a gcode command to pause printing, you would send “@pause”. On the OctoPrint side of things, look in to pause and resume scripts.
  7. Sorry, I did not mean to be snippy. I thought adding a smiley to my misquoted Star Wars line would take away from its recognisability, and I am on mobile which takes away from friendly verbosity. I agree that using thickness here is confusing. I did not come up with the setting name, I just pointed it out. I am partially to blame though, because I think the setting was added under my “reign” as UX designer for Cura.
  8. Read the description of the settin. It is layer thickness, not line thickness.
  9. "Infill Layer Thickness" is in the infill category, not the Quality category. Use the search. Luke!
  10. Yes, that’s possible. There’s a setting for it too.
  11. Probably best to log an issue with the creator of the plugin here: https://github.com/VMaxx/RepetierPlugin/issues They'll probably need the cura log, which you can find in the folder that opens via Help -> Show configuration folder.
  12. If the TFT is at fault, you should be able to see or feel (with eg a small screwdriver) a deformation in the channel.
  13. Did you press the “Prepare” button? Autoslicing is turned off by default; you can turn it on in the General pane of the preferences.
  14. I think having a way to quickly clear all scripts (and save/restore them) would be very nice.
  15. What OS do you use? On windows, the files are in the program files folder where you installed cura, in a subfolder named resources\definitions
  16. No, checksum errors should not happen. They indicate connection issues between the computer running octoprint and the printer. Nothing Cura can do about that.
  17. Pick the “I don’t want to share my information” option and you don’t have to fill in anything. Still annoying, still skewing the data, but less work for you than filling in bogus information.
  18. > Use {speed_travel} in your start gcode instead of {travel_speed} {travel_speed} does not work with newer Cura versions. {speed_travel} does.
  19. What GPU do you use? Can you update its drivers?
  20. Use {speed_travel} in your start gcode instead of {travel_speed}
  21. If you clear the start gcode script in Machine Settings, Cura will NOT default to a sane start script. It will just NOT use and start gcode, with the exception of a preheating sequence that is always added if Cura does not see you adding your own preheating in the start gcode script. So there will be no homing, no leveling, nothing. There currently is no easy way to restore the default start gcode snippet once you have modified it. Some day I will get round to adding a "revert" control.
  22. Don't load the file into Cura, but instead Import it from the Profiles pane of the preferences.
  23. Since this keeps coming back every so often, I made a quick and dirty html page that parses fdmprinter.def.json and fdmextruder.def.json and spits out a list: http://files.fieldofview.com/cura/Replacement_Patterns.html Source here: https://gist.github.com/fieldOfView/03636e14a1889d73b331cab2c3e06040#file-replacement_patterns-html Edit: yes, the list is quite long.
  24. I have too much going on to go hunt for your code in other topics, sorry. Please have a look at cura.log in your configuration folder. It will tell you if there's a (Pyhton-)error in your code. The file is probably fairly large. You can delete it and Cura will create a new one. Then start Cura and the log will tell you what is going wrong. Specifically the bit " -> List[PrinterOutputDevice] " is called "type hinting"; it tells Python what sort of data to expect. It is optional (but recommended). It could be that Python is having an issue understanding what "PrinterOutputDevice" is; are you importing it? from cura.PrinterOutputDevice import PrinterOutputDevice
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