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Everything posted by Dim3nsioneer

  1. I think the problem is that the lowest part of the object which has a small height is not sliced. I would try to put the slicing tolerance to "inclusive" (experimental feature).
  2. The best you probably can do is to follow recommendations given in the safety data sheet of any material in order to safely print that material. You could also check once per year or so if that SDS has been updated.
  3. I can see a little bit of the material station in the second image. The repeated priming is default behavior with firmware 5.4.27 for S5 Pro Bundles. Revert to 5.2.11 is not a good idea in this case as that version does not have support for the Material Station. Improvements of that procedure are currently worked on afaik.
  4. @ctbeke I might add that automatic reconnection at Cura start does not work. It needs a bit of nudging aka opening the connection dialog; then it reconnects automatically.
  5. You have to edit the machine definition. Or rather create a new one; Cura usually doesn't like messing around with existing machine profiles.
  6. It had indeed a positive effect in my case. WiFi connections are now again found automatically without having to manually enter the IP address.
  7. Bevor Du die Fahrt unternimmst, überprüfe doch, ob die Steckverbindung im Spulenhalter drin gut ist. Es kommt leider immer mal wieder vor, dass bei der Montage bzw. des Deckels diese Steckverbindung wieder gelöst wird. Falls dort ein Wackelkontakt besteht könnte das Auswirkungen auf zugeteilte Bus-Adressen haben und möglicherweise zu Konflikten führen. Zudem würde ich einen Cura Connect Reset empfehlen. Wenn das alles nichts hilft, bleibt wohl nur, den Händler zu kontaktieren.
  8. The hardware of the S5 is not open source. But the hardware of the Ultimaker 3 is: https://github.com/ultimaker/ultimaker3 Maybe the feeder from the Ultimaker 3 is close enough for your purpose?
  9. The S5 picks the corresponding material itself, i.e. select the material in Cura and everything goes automatically as long as the printer knows there is a difference between the spools. For Ultimaker materials, material types and color is a difference. If you are using third party materials, you usually have no separation between colors, just between material types. In that case the printer will pick that spool of all spools in question which has been inserted first.
  10. If they need a good example of a clean interface including layer number they should have a look at the Formlabs printers.
  11. Imo, 4 point manual leveling only makes sense if the build plate has a certain flexibility. Which is hardly the case for a glass plate so best thing to do is to stick to mathematics and let those three points define a plane.
  12. I can't exactly answer you that question but there are those humans everywhere who sometimes make a mistake. 😉 The SKU I posted is meant to avoid confusions in future.
  13. The Bowden Tube for the S5 is 850mm long and has the SKU 1373 (only the tube, no clips). The Bowden Pack with SKU 1696 is for all other Ultimaker printers but not the S5 (Bowden length 705mm).
  14. Did you smear the glue stick with a dampened cloth? A uniform distribution is important so you have no islands without glue. Renew the glue film for every print, if just by smearing existing glue again. Is it the same glass plate? Do you use any tools for removal?
  15. I think you answered the question yourself. 😉 Personally I prefer a brim and replace the glass if necessary.
  16. Use the gluestick for a protective adhesion layer on the glass plate and make sure you renew that layer from time to time to avoid chipping of the glass plate.
  17. It can't be a new bug as 5.2.11 is out for quite a while now. I would try a Cura Connect reset first.
  18. No, the firmware does not support such an extruder swap. But the Material Station changes from one spool to the next (with the same material) if the first one is empty.
  19. Nein, auf dem Kontinent innerhalb der EU dürften die Verzögerungen klein sein. Aber es gibt in Europa auch Länder, die nicht zur EU gehören und wo durchaus auch (soetwas wie) Deutsch gesprochen wird. Daher die Bemerkung. 🙂 In der Vorweihnachtszeit sind aber generell die Transportwege etwas "länger". Die USA werden übrigens wie der Rest von Amerika ab Produktionsstätte in Memphis beliefert.
  20. Hallo zusammen Bitte habt noch ein klein wenig Geduld; es sollte heute im Verlauf des Tages eine Information veröffentlicht werden: Generell kann es bei einzelnen Resellern natürlich zu anderen Lieferterminen kommen aus Gründen, welche ausserhalb der Firmware-Thematik oder überhaupt des Einflussbereichs von Ultimaker liegen (z.B. Zollabfertigungen, lange Lieferwege etc.).
  21. It's pretty safe to assume that such an upgrade kit will never happen due to those reasons: - there has never been an Ultimaker upgrade kit when the model name changed - an upgraded UM3 would not be a S3 as that machine has a different frame / belt size; it would mean adding another model to firmware and Cura with material profiles Also keep in mind that for custom mechanical changes you will have to make changes in the firmware which will be overwritten at the next firmware update.
  22. @der_s , I would recommend to start a new thread for your UMO and include a few pictures and some information about what might come with the printer (e.g. filaments). Using this older thread might not attract a currently interested buyer.
  23. First, you must be using a really old Cura version as that script was renamed to ChangeAtZ quite some time ago. In general the first instance of the script relates to speeds calculated already by Cura. Every additional instance then relates to the previous result. However, for me it sounds as if you could achieve your goal simply by adjusting the speed values for first layer and in general, using only one slow layer? edit: For simple changes as this one, you may want to use the helper volume / per model settings for e.g. changing speed within a certain z range.
  24. For me (Win10, Firefox 70.0.1) the category browser on the right side of support pages (e.g. https://ultimaker.com/en/resources/23099-unboxing ) is not working when ublock is enabled. Maybe it is possible to find a different technical solution that is not sensitive to ad blockers? edit: with ublock disabled, jumping to subtopics works but not jumping to other topics (main entries). edit 2: the same with Chrome 78.0.3904.108 but it works with Edge.
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