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Everything posted by Dim3nsioneer

  1. Grundsätzlich ja. Allerdings hat der Wechsel in der Verpackung vor drei Jahren stattgefunden. Je nach Material könnte das schon einen Einfluss auf die Druckqualität haben (muss aber nicht).
  2. Download the profile in Cura Marketplace. 😎
  3. Der Teflon Inliner/Insert bekommt dank des doppelten Heatbreaks nie mehr als 100 Grad ab.
  4. Auch die Printcores haben einen Teflon-Inliner. Es gibt mindestens ein Beispiel von @ultiarjan im englischen Teil des Forums für einen UM2-Umbau auf Single-Printcore (sorry, habe den Link nicht gerade bei der Hand).
  5. Also, Cura notifies for new firmware versions of the Ultimaker printers you have installed.
  6. Possibly more than those companies you mentioned 😉
  7. Which one do you mean? PLA? That is not that rarely used by engineers...
  8. The only thing a S5 does "on its own" with the power switch off is lowering the bed; actually gravity does that. The induced current by the z-motor could result in some flickering. For sure it does nothing else as that power switch is a mechanical switch. If it still has power, then something would be wrong with the switch. The only other, very unlikely, explanation is that it is haunted by a 👻 😉
  9. It is part of the start-up routine that the printer enables the frame light and disables it again. Finally, the printer should be ready and have the lights enabled/disabled according settings. If it goes completely off, check the power cord and if that is ok, contact your reseller if the problem persists.
  10. Very convenient when the spool is empty...no removal from the spool holder required. 😄
  11. Cura importiert selbständig die Einstellungen der letzten bereits installierten Version. Das sollte auch über mehrere Versionen hinweg funktionieren; eine kurze Überprüfung schadet aber natürlich nie. Die alte Cura Version behält ihre Einstellungen und kann parallel betrieben werden.
  12. Be aware that ABS/PVA is an experimental material combination. For productive use I would recommend to stick with the non-experimental combinations like ABS/Breakaway.
  13. While I may have similar issues drawing a straight line with the mouse 😉 it might be a very interesting feature to be able to drag the z seam along the surface of an object starting from a certain xy coordinate on the ground plane. That line might then go up the object in different ways (along x, along y, radially from the center of the build plate, radially from the center of mass, radially from a custom xy coordinate, etc.).
  14. That log entry just means the printer found no testing version on the server. Which is correct as UM does not use testing versions anymore. Edit: Testing versions were actually preview versions used in the past (in most cases for the Ultimaker 3) to test new features.
  15. @Starflashbully, natürlich hoffe ich, dass Du die Material Station bald bekommst. Aber bitte sei Dir bewusst, dass "available from" und "available on" zwei verschiedene Zeitpunkte sind. Frag doch einfach Deinen Reseller nach dem Lieferdatum; er müsste in der Lage sein, Dir mind. eine grobe Zeitangabe zu machen. Vielleicht bietet er Dir auch an, die Material Station schon zu liefern wenn Du ihm erklärst, dass Du Dir des Firmware-Themas bewusst bist.
  16. It was withdrawn. Please get in contact with your reseller for a firmware that supports the Air Manager for the time being.
  17. Try increasing the xy-jerk to 20mm/s. This should prevent the printer from piece-wise slowing down on cylindrical shapes with small radii.
  18. Das mit dem Kein-Material-am-Anfang hat sich bei mir durch Neuladen des Materials beheben lassen.
  19. The CC 0.6 core is not compatible with 1.75mm filament. A Cura (?) crash occuring when changing the filament diameter to 1.75mm is therefore probably not considered to be a bug with high priority to fix. Best thing you could do is to use 2.85mm material.
  20. Most people here are used to a very smooth surface on the bottom due to the glass plate Ultimaker printer print onto. I guess you refer to a non-Ultimaker printer?
  21. So you have two objects that you set to different extruders, set the infill extruder to not overridden and the wall extruder to a specific value? That is a good work-around for the missing infill extruder per object setting.
  22. Ein Teil davon kannst Du z.B. als Haftvermittler auf dem Heizbett verwenden. Das funktioniert je nach Geometrie sogar mit ABS und PC.
  23. @Sassw please be aware that @Daid is not working anymore at Ultimaker - he still might follow a few topics but maybe not those clearly Ultimaker hardware-related.
  24. Currently not. It would require the infill extruder setting to be a per-model-setting.
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