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Everything posted by Dim3nsioneer

  1. Why do you think Ultimaker had a robot on their stuff all those years? 😉
  2. Schau mal unter Hilfe->Konfigurationsordner anzeigen; wenn Du alles darin löschst, sollte Cura eigentlich wieder ganz von Vorne beginnen.
  3. Have a look at Tinkercad from Autodesk.
  4. Availability might also depend on individual locations. Places further away from production might see a delay in availability and some places might be geographically close but behind a certain length in the logistic chain. E.g. in Europe, UM products first are delivered to distributors and from there to resellers. Countries outside the European Union usually also see a delay due to customs. It was definitively shorter. The S5 was announced in April 18 and officially launched in May. First printers were shipped to end users in the second half of June iirc.
  5. 😒And I hoped it would be that long-promised toaster.
  6. Alternatively, you can organize the files in folders if the list gets too long. Sort orders may depend on personal preferences. One person prefers it sorted by date, another by name, both ascending and descending. I got used to the current sort order; one swift turn to the left with the wheel and I'm at the end of the list. But usually when I need to reprint a job, it's one somewhere in the middle. 🙂
  7. You can jump to the end of the list by turning the selector wheel counter-clockwise.
  8. Looks to me like the filament in extruder 2 is not at the right position (due to whatever reason) and it prints thin air first. Enabling the prime blob for extruder 2 might give enough feed to fix the issue. If it is a hickup in the firmware, a Cura Connect reset might help.
  9. Filament recommendations might be different for various countries, especially if the price is important. Maybe you want to mention what country you are in.
  10. It's not very likely you will get helpful assistance here (especially not if you post it in the Ultimaker printer section) for a hardware/firmware-related feature of a non-Ultimaker printer. Maybe look out for some user group dedicated to your printer? A quick Google search tells me there might be something on Facebook.
  11. The Aluminium plate from Ultimaker was supposed to be made from anodized Aluminium, not PEI coated Aluminium. Obviously, one works, the other doesn't (in the way and with the lifetime intended).
  12. I fully support that notification feature request as I think it is one of the major events a user should know of (keyword "streamlining work flow" - it's annoying to loose time due to not realizing the printer requests user action).
  13. You can pick PLA on the printer and increase the temperature by 5-10 degree for TPLA.
  14. Yep, looks like it should (Tough PLA). As for other readers not familiar with Breakaway: it extrudes as a thick string.
  15. @Swissengineer, I don't expect this to be a wide spread issue. However, please check your e-mail inbox to find information about how to deal with it.
  16. Connect your printer with a network cable directly to a computer. If that computer is not too old the network card should be able to act as some kind of DHCP server together with the OS so your printer should be able to obtain an IP address and most important a time stamp. That time stamp will allow the firmware update to work again properly. Don't worry for future updates; Ultimaker has skipped that check again. As for the infinite time to set up the Wifi, I had that once on my UM3. Factory reset did not fix it so I had to recover the firmware. You can find instructions here:
  17. Und Du bekommst das gelbe Ausrufezeichen in den Einstellungen mit dem Hinweis, es sei eine neue Version verfügbar?
  18. Confirm the removal of the last print (it asks for it as can be seen from the green check). Then it should be available again.
  19. Hast Du da ev. ein paar Nummern dazu? (installierte Firmware Version und angezeigte Update Version)
  20. Or directly in the menu if you browse the website with the smartphone?
  21. I assume you don't mean that question too serious, do you? Technically, if someone would answer such a question with a date it would be wrong by the same moment as giving a date for an announcement would be a de-facto announcement. 😉 If you ask this because you don't want to check every day, keep in mind how Ultimaker announced their new stuff in the past. Usually it was presented on a larger trade show or some time in advance of such a show. But be aware that not for every trade show Ultimaker participates they announce something new. So if you still don't know if and when Ultimaker announce a new product, then I succeeded. 😄
  22. I would have said that an UM3/S5 starts with the support material in extruder 2 on the first layer...
  23. Bei einem FFF-Drucker darf in etwa 1-2 Zehntel Masshaltigkeit erwartet werden. Je nach Geometrie und Material kann es wegen des Kunststoffschrumpfs auch etwas mehr sein. Die Hundertstel auf der Zeichnung würde ich also geistig sicher mal ausblenden.
  24. I would try a factory reset first. Also manually leveling the build plate for giving the active leveling a proper start might help. Please be aware that 4.3.97 was a stepping stone for 5.2.11 and should never be used for printing. If you revert the firmware with the recovery image then it should be 4.3.3.
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