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Posts posted by Dim3nsioneer

  1. Das klingt sehr stark nach 'Pillowing': In diesem Fall ist die Kühlung der Oberfläche zu schwach.

    Ich vermute, es handelt sich um einen nicht allzu hohen Print? Die Standardeinstellung von Cura im Full-Modus lassen die Lüfter (UM2 nehme ich an?) nur langsam hochfahren und erst ab 5mm die volle Stärke erreichen. Das kann man in den Expert Settings (Ctrl-E) ändern.

    Ich persönlich drucke mit meinem UM Original immer die erste Schicht ohne Lüfter danach mit 100% Lüfter-Kühlung.

    Auf welchen Wert habt Ihr denn das Heizbett eingestellt? Einer der Moderatoren hier im Forum, gr5, weist immer wieder darauf hin, dass der Standardwert von 75°C für PLA zu hoch ist und empfiehlt schrittweise auf 70°C, 65°C, ev. sogar 60°C zu reduzieren.


  2. Very nice summary about thermal imaging, gadgetfreak! :smile:

    You may add another point to be taken care of: the background. It is reflected on the part you are observing (although you don't see any reflection in visible light at all) and should therefore have a reasonable temperature (room temperature). An open sky as background is e.g. very bad (-80°C). :wacko:


  3. Maybe some of you have seen it as well on Github. Quite a lot of open Cura issues have been closed today by Nallath. There also seem to be new / modified issue policies since today / yesterday.

    As Cura gets a new GUI, I can understand that issues which will be solved by implementing this new GUI are closed.

    For some of the closed issues, the relationship to the GUI is obvious, for others it is not (at least not for me).

    Thus, I would like to express my slight concern about this 'new' way to deal with issues submitted by the community. I hope, that Ultimaker is following the up to present path of improving the software together with the community.

    If this is the case, the Cura road map, which is mentioned in the issue policies, should maybe be published. If it is already, Daid and Nallath, please provide a link.

    I think everybody is aware who has written this excellent software called Cura (for the few ones who don't: Thanks Daid!). However it might not be completely unfair to say that this community had its share in the success of Cura. And I guess many of us, including me, would be glad to help improving it further. Please let us. Thanks!


  4. Great!!

    I will also implement that in my version :smile:

    Do you think somebody uses Temp2 instead of Temp1 when only having 2 extruders?

    It might be an issue for non-UM machines but as far as I recognized, more than 2 extruders on an UM are impossible due to missing Polulu contacts on the PCB - isnt?

    B.t.w. - I managed to get my second extruer working sucessfully !!!


    Everything is possible... :wink:

    For an Ultimaker, two extruders are right now the maximum, I agree. But Standard Marlin has to stay open for the other RepRaps. It might be possible to limit it for the UM2-Marlin which has, a.f.a.I.k., a separate software repository due to the UltiGCode.


  5. Hi.

    Running a UM2 might give you a different layout but for Um org. it is in the basic tab at the bottom left.

    It's easier to turn up the Flow on the ulticontroller and see what happens. If It is a UM1.


    It's correct. There is no filament diameter for an UM2. You would have to switch the GCODE flavor to RepRap.

    Edit: I was only referring to Cura...


  6. Nice extension...! :smile:


    Just added fan control to the Pronterface UI in Cura

    Maybe anyone else who creates one could put it in this thread



    It's a good idea to collect print interfaces in this thread for the moment. However, on the long run, I would see a new 'Cura print dialog plugin' category in the Ultimaker Wiki where the designs could be collected... similar to the 'standard' Cura plugins.


  7. [...]


    Compiled it also for a single head - just to test. Unfortunately it failed due to not declared scope (!?!) (lcd_preheat_pla1).




    I just could compile it with #define EXTRUDERS 1...

    I then also set TEMP_SENSOR_1 = 0 and the problems began... but it can be solved: two functions in ultralcd.cpp have to be adjusted:



    static void lcd_preheat_pla_menu()



    MENU_ITEM(back, MSG_PREPARE, lcd_prepare_menu);

    MENU_ITEM(function, MSG_PREHEAT_PLA0, lcd_preheat_pla0);

    #if TEMP_SENSOR_1 != 0 //2 extruder preheat

    MENU_ITEM(function, MSG_PREHEAT_PLA1, lcd_preheat_pla1);

    #endif //2 extruder preheat

    #if TEMP_SENSOR_2 != 0 //3 extruder preheat

    MENU_ITEM(function, MSG_PREHEAT_PLA2, lcd_preheat_pla2);

    #endif //3 extruder preheat

    #if TEMP_SENSOR_1 != 0 //both extruder preheat

    MENU_ITEM(function, MSG_PREHEAT_PLA012, lcd_preheat_pla012);

    #endif //2 extruder preheat



    static void lcd_preheat_abs_menu()



    MENU_ITEM(back, MSG_PREPARE, lcd_prepare_menu);

    MENU_ITEM(function, MSG_PREHEAT_ABS0, lcd_preheat_abs0);

    #if TEMP_SENSOR_1 != 0 //2 extruder preheat

    MENU_ITEM(function, MSG_PREHEAT_ABS1, lcd_preheat_abs1);

    #endif //2 extruder preheat

    #if TEMP_SENSOR_2 != 0 //3 extruder preheat

    MENU_ITEM(function, MSG_PREHEAT_ABS2, lcd_preheat_abs2);

    #endif //3 extruder preheat

    #if TEMP_SENSOR_1 != 0 //both extruder preheat

    MENU_ITEM(function, MSG_PREHEAT_ABS012, lcd_preheat_abs012);

    #endif //2 extruder preheat



    It's not yet a proper solution as it would fail if extruder 0 and extruder 2 but not extruder 1 would be present...


  8. No, you're right...the menu (and not the single commands for extruder 0) should be displayed if Sensor 1 is also present but not if only Sensor 0 is present...

    Maybe that's the reason why it is not yet in Erik's version?

    EDIT: something like this?

    #if TEMP_SENSOR_0 != 0

    #if TEMP_SENSOR_1 != 0

    MENU_ITEM(submenu, MSG_PREHEAT_PLA, lcd_preheat_pla_menu);

    MENU_ITEM(submenu, MSG_PREHEAT_ABS, lcd_preheat_abs_menu);


    MENU_ITEM(function, MSG_PREHEAT_PLA, lcd_preheat_pla0);

    MENU_ITEM(function, MSG_PREHEAT_ABS, lcd_preheat_abs0);




  9. I have not spotted how to do this but is there a way to get Meshmixer to reduce the size of an object by, say, 25% (all axes)? I know you can manually rescale using alignment but you cannot, as far as I can see, use that to get an equal reduction on all 3 axes.,


    Analysis -> Unit/Scale...


  10. Hi drayson

    If I got you right, this is what you did: you downloaded the Marlin code (from which repository? ErikZalm or D-Link?), adjusted the settings in configuration.h, made some changes in ultralcd.cpp compiled it with the Arduino tool or another C++ compiler and uploaded it to the machine. Correct?

    Or did you use the marlinbuilder?

    About the Ulticontroller-sound: There is http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/4543-switching-the-ulticontroller-sound-off-any-ideas/ right now where some people complain about the originally very loud sound. Different people - different meanings... ;)


  11. I bought a cheap deburring tool recently (probably a bit too cheap as it wasn't exactly razor sharp). It works quite well for removing the sharp edge at the bottom of prints. Certainly better than using a knife which tends to dig into the print instead of shaving off a small sliver.


    I've a sharp one! And it's really nice for tayloring the first layer, especially when with brim. And it's a lot less dangerous than a normal knive... so it may be something for Ian as well...? ;)

    But it has its restriction for very small holes... :(


  12. [...]

    When switching from ABS to PLA it is very common to get nozzle clogs - even hours into the next print. I think bits of ABS get into the feeder bolt and tiny pieces can slowly climb through the bowden and get into the head. I've seen Ultimaker employees - when they switch from ABS to PLA they typically print some junk part for at least 30 minutes and with the head at ABS temperatures (250C?). Occasionally you will see a tiny dot of the ABS color plastic come out the nozzle.

    As I might soon be in a similar situation: Is it rather a question of print time to clean the nozzle from ABS (high probability for the remaining ABS to get proceeded) or does the amount of used filament (e.g. the printing speed / the feedrate) also matter in the described procedure?


  13. 1) IT'S AARON'S FAULT! That damned AaronAlkalai or whatever his name is - he hit the like limit and Robert gave him the ability to do more likes in a single day than the forum initially allowed. :)

    2) I am going to hit "like" on all of Ian's post for a week until he is well ahead of everyone else - I get nervous when I stand out.

    3) I actually looked at this same screen yesterday and saw that I was getting dangerously close to the most posts. I'm going to have to moderate myself a bit and try not to post 2 posts in a row on the same topic and try to combine it into one post. I don't want people to think that I don't have a life or something! Daid has the most posts - he's the one without a life - I'm just fine! :)


    1) It's Aaron who is the most efficient in collecting likes... ;) Nearly one like every three posts...impressive! Imagine what happens if this man finally receives an Ultimaker!

    3) Rumour has it that it is actually Daid's cat who is writing all the posts... :lol: So, who is your ghostwriter, gr5?


  14. Hey guys

    Recently I saw some interesting statistics from the Olympic Winter Games in Sotchi. Of course there were the standard statistics (which country has the most gold medals, silver medals, etc.). And then there was a medal efficiency calculation. The number of medals won was divided once by the number of athletes from each country and once by the number of participations at competitions of all the athletes from each contry. And guess which contry was best... the Netherlands, land of Ultimaker... :-P

    I just allowed myself to calculate some numbers such as number of likes divided by the number of posts to get a 'like efficiency'. Ian, Robert, I have to say, although you're not on top in these statistics you're at least ex aequo... :wink: So don't worry...


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