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Everything posted by Dim3nsioneer

  1. Wenn ich Dich richtig verstanden habe, bringt das mit dem Cut Offset in Cura auch nichts? EDIT: Machst Du ein Loch irgendwo in die Oberfläche (sprich Löschen der Flächen) oder modellierst Du effektiv einen Hohlraum? Nur mit der zweiten Variante wird ein Slicer zurecht kommen...
  2. Falls es an der Definition der Lochöffnung liegt, könntest Du versuchen, das Modell 0.1mm o.ä. zu versenken (Offset-Feature) und so der CuraEngine eine bessere Ausgangslage zu verschaffen. Würde man kaum merken bei diesem Modell, oder?
  3. I fully agree! Thank you for this nice formulation. I'll have to do some homework checking how Marlin comes from the G0/G1 command to the planner routine. This will take some time, I guess.
  4. That's interesting. On my UM1 I only get the effect in one direction. And it made sense to me as LED are diodes. :blink: I try to avoid moving the print head fast (which results in higher induced current) as the electronics might not like this kind of induced power. :sad:
  5. I appologize if I offended anyone... :oops: I didn't mean to... I see the way it is written has some serious background. But some more comments in the last third of planner.cpp (they are really great in the first two thirds) might make it a bit easier for a stubborn Marlin-greenhorn like me to understand... So, maybe I can get along with tweaking the jerk settings. Otherwise retraction and priming along travel movements look not very nice. Thanks and sorry again!
  6. Due to some tests I did today for checking a faster way of the retraction and priming procedure (cf. http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/4094-raised-edges/page-2&do=findComment&comment=33433) I had a look into the Marlin planner (planner.cpp). Maybe I got it wrong... is it true that there is only one velocity (I'm aware of nominal speed vs. initial speed vs. final speed of the block) calculated per block for all four axes (X,Y,Z,E)? What kind of strange reason is there to prevent parallel independent actions of e.g. the x/y axes and the extruder? If you use a G0 or G1 with both X/Y and E specified, the lower jerk value (which is the one of the extruder) slows down the x/y movement! If I look at this part of the Marlin code I get the impression it is somehow a bit crappy difficult to understand (edited due to inadequate wording). It definitively has not the same level (also in terms of documentation) as other parts of Marlin which are well commented und well structured. I.m.h.o. blocks (the trapezoids respectively) should be calculated individually for each of the four dimensions X,Y,Z,E with a coupling between X and Y. But to implement this properly, it would need quite some effort I fear...
  7. Sogar noch besser bedient... einerseits mit der aktuellen Preisreduktion und andererseits mit dem inbegriffenen Doodle3D-Adapter. Tja, der UM2 kann definitiv (noch) nicht übers WLAN...
  8. With British Rail? It will hardly survive... No, seriously... I never moved mine around in public but I don't see any big problems. I would also dismount the Bowden tube and the feeder block. The most delicate part then will be the bottom with the electronics. Maybe you can mount some cardboard with tape on the bottom. I guess you don't even need to fix the printhead. Wrapping some plastic foil around the UM1 might be a good idea because of humidity, making sure the plywood doesn't warp.
  9. I think Ian is absolutely right. A small company cannot upscale their production by any factor. Parts have to be ordered and paid. This blocks quite some money which a small company usually doesn't have in large amounts if they want to stay independent. So they only can order limited quantities at a time. Pure speculation, no offense: It could even be that UM pays the bills for parts with the money they get from the customers for the printers which include excactly these parts; at least partially. If this is the case, lead time is not expected to go down very soon. But at some point it should... And don't forget that 30 UM2 were 'lost' to production two weeks ago...
  10. Your wish has already come true... TweakAtZ version 3.1 allows you to select height also by layer no. You're welcome to test it. For documentation and download, please check the http://wiki.ultimaker.com/CuraPlugin:_TweaktAtZ.
  11. Is there any reason not to implement a design similar to the one of the UM1 with a wheel pushing from the left directly onto the knurled bolt/axis?
  12. Is it just at certain velocities (around 20-25mm/s)? I have a similar effect on one axis since I changed to direct drive. But I think it's some kind of resonance in my case...
  13. The good thing about special offers is, that it's cheaper. The bad thing about special offers is, that after some time, it gets even cheaper...
  14. Hi owen Thanks for the feedback. I just tested your values on Cura 14.01, just with a different stl, and it worked. I will try to test it with Cura 14.02-test. In the meantime, you may do me a favor. Could you please check the 'output.txt' in your Cura installation folder after having used the plugin and having closed Cura? The last line should then say 'Closing down'. If it says something else, an error occured. This would be interesting to know.
  15. As nobody has complained about TweakAtZ 3.1-test, it seems it can be released. If anyone had any issues so far, please report them now. I would also appreciate some positive feedbacks...
  16. Sounds to me like a problem with the right fan. Is it running?
  17. Thanks for your feedback. The easiest way to achieve this is to load the plugin twice, once for the bottom layer and once for the top layer (each with the individual settings). Please let me know if this slows Cura down too much on your computer.
  18. Support material and support techniques in FFF (fused filament fabrication) are indeed a never ending story, I think. And many results are everything else than satisfying. So I can understand your anger having invested quite an amount of time. When I started with my Ultimaker I did one or two tests with the Cura support structure with awful results and large difficulties. So I decided this is not the way to go. In the meantime I had some very nice experiences with the Meshmixer support. If you don't know it yet, this thread might interest you: http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/3880-meshmixer-20-a-better-way-to-generate-support However, don't expect a one-klick-solution, this software still needs some tweaking. But there is a real chance to get a reasonable result. For a real one-click-solution I see only two possibilities without having actually tested any of the two: - support with a soluble material such as PVA - using a different 3D print technique such as e.g. SLS/SLM So why are there not more innovative solutions for support structure in FFF? I think the patent situation is quite critical concerning support. Large companies have issued patents which block some very interesting developments. So I guess Cura has to focus on solutions which are non-critical in terms of patents but also very rudimentary...
  19. Eventuell wird das Ergebnis besser, wenn Du die Temperatur reduzierst. Allerdings musst Du dann auch die Geschwindigkeit anpassen. Unter Cura steht Dir dafür u.a. das TweakAtZ-Plugin zur Verfügung. Die Ursache für die Unregelmässigkeiten in diesem Bereich ist ein starkes Umstülpen der gedruckten Randlinien. Vor nicht allzu langer Zeit wurde http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/4094-raised-edges/. Wenn Du selbst Modelle erstellst, achte darauf, den Winkel von der Vertikalen so klein wie möglich zu halten; so ab 45° fangen typischerweise diese Qualitätsprobleme an.
  20. Ein klein wenig Maschinenoel auf den x-y-8mm-Achsen kann nicht schaden. Keinesfalls sollten sie komplett entfettet betrieben werden, da es sich nicht um rostfreien Stahl handelt. Ab und zu etwas nachoelen, wenn es trocken aussieht. Bei Auslieferung sind sie aber schon ganz leicht eingefettet; also keine Panik... :wink: Die schmalen x-y-Achsen durch den Druckkopf brauchen meiner Meinung nach keine Schmierung, da sie durch Linearkugellager laufen. Bei der z-Achse ist eine gründliche Reinigung von Zeit zu Zeit angesagt. Dort gibt es Abrieb, der beseitigt werden sollte. Dringende Hinweise darauf sind, wenn die Achse plötzlich unregelmässige Abstände macht. Ich habe bis jetzt gute Erfahrung mit Fahrrad-Ketten-Entfetter zur Reinigung und anschliessender Schmierung mit WD40 gemacht.
  21. Cura might have a problem with 0.4mm thin walls. There are some ways to get reasonable results for thin walled thin boxes etc. You have to set infill to 0. Thin walls have been a subject in the forum before, e.g. http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/3044-problem-with-stretchlet-stl, maybe you will find other threads too.
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