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Everything posted by Dim3nsioneer

  1. @robinmdh, isn't that a bit a strange comparison? The phone manufacturer does not provide a function on the phone to enable rooting (developer mode) and provide credentials for the actual rooting, no?
  2. I would rather say the UM2+ feeder has a massive gear reduction and is much more precise than the old direct feeder.
  3. PLA? Are you sure? Could it be PVA? That one dissolves in water and is quite bio-compatible (but not for all people - some show an allergic reaction).
  4. Both Ultimaker S5 and Ultimaker 3 write onto the NFC chip what amount of filament has been used. You can check on the printer what is left on the spool.
  5. It just should be more easily accessible than resetting whole profiles. Something like a right-click on that icon giving an option "clear postproc scripts" would be nice.
  6. I recommend to use the support blocker. What you refer to as "inside" is still "outside" for Cura as it seems to be a cavity with a hole at the bottom.
  7. Did you check the GCode with a text editor? Can you find according M104/M109 commands?
  8. When the printer is switched off? That would be very unusual.
  9. Can you move the head in x direction by hand when it is switched off? If yes, does it feel normal (compared to the y axis)?
  10. No. Active leveling is always performed on the S5 before a print and cannot be switched off. A pretty dirty trick might be to start the print with a different material (that has less oozing at the temperature used during active leveling) in that print core (you will have to override the configuration mismatch in Cura Connect) and then to pause the print as early as possible (I can't guarantee it but maybe that's possible even in the heat up phase) and perform a material change in order to change to TPU.
  11. No. If you have an Ultimaker 3, you can set the active leveling frequency to 'never' and start it from the menu without having loaded the TPU yet.
  12. Nice procedure. Just keep in mind that during material change the position of the print head is not optimal for pushing or pulling (not in an corner). You might bend the print head axles if not careful enough.
  13. How many years did it take you to finish it? I think to remember you worked on this since quite some time ago...
  14. Check the settings in Cura Connect. The S5 offers this functionality. If the UM3 does not yet it should be a matter of time / future firmware upgrades.
  15. @rcfocus, what material are you printing? The behavior you describe is different for different materials.
  16. Yes, just go to the configuration overview screen (second icon on the left) and tap onto the material in question. Then select 'change'. The swap routine makes sure you will continue on the spot in the gcode but it might result in a plastic spot on the print.
  17. Please keep in mind your printer has two extruders and each of them has the temperature settings. If you want to set everything to the same temperature (maybe it's good to have the standby temperature a bit lower in order to avoid oozing?), don't forget the second extruder.
  18. Active leveling is always enabled on the S5 and has therefore no menu entry. @neuronex please get in contact with your reseller, something might be wrong with the print head cable or the print head pcb if one of the two print cores behaves like this during active leveling.
  19. Du lädst die Geometrien für beide Farben (je eine Geometrie für jede Farbe) in Cura, weist der einen den Extruder 2 zu (Schaltfläche am linken Bildschirmrand), dann markierst Du beide (Shift gedrückt halten und draufklicken) und klickst anschliessend mit der rechten Maustaste auf eine der Geometrien und wählst "Modelle zusammenführen" aus. Wenn die Koordinatenursrpünge der beiden Geometrien übereinstimmen, gibt's keinen Versatz. Ansonsten heisst es zurüch ins CAD... Mehr Infos zur Bedienung von Cura findest Du hier: https://ultimaker.com/en/resources/51943-installation-ultimaker-cura
  20. I can confirm that larger companies do indeed have that request.
  21. Darf ich Euch darauf aufmerksam machen, dass Cura 3.4.1 nun eine Option "Max Comb Distance With No Retract" hat, welche bewirkt, dass Combing-Moves grösser als diese Distanz (wenn nicht Null = ausgeschaltet) mit Retraction durchgeführt werden? Das war so ziemlich die Funktion des RetractWhileCombing Plugins.
  22. I would say a few hundred hours... typical first sign is underextrusion, first visibly on the infill, later also as a tiny gap between wall perimeters.
  23. The TFM should be fine with the print temperature of the UM materials. However, there is not a sharp line in terms of degradation of the Teflon. The more you print high temp materials, the faster it will degrade. But you can always just replace it and continue printing - the TFM coupler is a consumable. If you want to print regularly at high temps, I would recommend the I2K isolator from 3DSolex in addition to the TFM (or the TF2K combination from 3DSolex which is TFN+I2K).
  24. @Ksstyling Customparts, versuche doch bitte mal, ob Du das Kamerabild mit IPADRESSE:8080/?action=stream bekommst (im Browser eingeben)...
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