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Everything posted by Dim3nsioneer

  1. Das Breakaway Stützmaterial von Ultimaker ist mit Ultimaker ABS kompatibel. Der S5 kann auch HIPS drucken, einfach 2.85mm im Durchmesser muss es sein. Am Drucker muss dann einfach ein Material ausgewählt werden, dass eine ähnliche Drucktemperatur hat (z.B. PLA) und in Cura wäre ein eigenes Materialprofil anzulegen (oder ein anderes Profil einfach anzupassen). Bei einem eigenen Material reklamiert dann Cura Connect einen Material-Mismatch, der sich manuell übersteuern lässt.
  2. Yes. Ask @SandervG or one of the moderators. Depending on the name you want you have to pay in cookies. ?
  3. Don't forget the zillions of hidden settings.
  4. It of course depends on the model you want to print, but the additional time on the UM3 is usually below 10% of the whole print length. If it is higher in your case, please have a thorough look if some settings (including speeds) are different between the two.
  5. I can confirm this finding. There is no support generated on the first layer for objects like a hollow half sphere. It can't be the multiplied layer height of the support as the first support appears on layer 3 for build material layer height 0.1mm and support layer height 0.2mm. However, there is a workaround: disable the option "brim only on the outside" (so it also prints a brim on the inside) and then support is generated from the first layer on.
  6. @SandervG, can you or someone else from the Ultimaker Team please shed some light on the Cross infill image option?
  7. @tinkergnome, I suggest you request the Marlin code. Would that be sufficient for implementing the sensor?
  8. I use Cura 3.2 for the Mark2 and performed the dock calibration. As it works I can only recommend this...
  9. Welchen Feeder benutzt Du? Die Rubindüse produziert einen etwas grösseren Widerstand, der mit einem gut greifenden Feeder problemlose überwunden werden kann. Ist der Feeder aber (z.B. durch die Verwendung von abrasivem Filament) abgenutzt, so ergibt sich genau dieser Unterschied. Irgendwann wird dann auch die Messingdüse Probleme zeigen.
  10. You might have the problem that the printer is not extruding the PCL due to the cold extrusion limit. Adding a M302 to the gcode will solve that problem. It seems Cura does not add this automatically.
  11. The feeder hardware is the same but that sensor on an UM3 would be as useful as an addendum appendix without firmware to support it.
  12. Why crazy? It's standard. The Ultimaker 3 is designed for professional users who usually don't have the time to fiddle around with things so they replace the core. As you already disassembled the core, you could also just drill out the nozzle, no?
  13. CPE/PVA ist eine offizielle Materialkombination von Ultimaker. Bei CPE+ wird die Wirkung sicher weniger stark sein. Ja genau, die Adhesion Sheets.
  14. @kmanstudios The firmware is only available for the UM2+ at this time. In order to make it work with the UM3, the source of the UM3 firmware would be needed.
  15. Verstehe ich das richtig, Du bekommst mit der Rubindüse eine Unterextrusion? Ist die z.B. auch sichtbar in nicht geschlossenen Linien? Hast Du mal ein Anheben der Temperatur um 5 Grad Celsius probiert? Wird es dann besser?
  16. Hast Du mal Leimstift auf Folie probiert? Klingt jetzt ein bisschen komisch, ist aber nicht viel anders als Leimstift auf Glasplatte bei Tough PLA, wo die Kombination als Verschlechterung der Haftung eingesetzt wird (weil man sonst das Tough PLA bei Raumtemperatur fast nicht mehr von der Glasplatte bringt). Die Alternative wäre PVA-Lösung auf Glasplatte.
  17. Yes, you have to keep the first layer of the print in an as least crystalline state as possible to make it stick to the build plate. But you don't want that effect on the layers higher up as it could result in deformation. The alternative to a third party solution would be to buy the available Ultimaker parts (everything except the additional pcb and the cables between that one and the Ultiboard 1.5.x) and make the rest by yourself as all hardware and software for the UMO(+) is open source.
  18. The Ulticontroller board including the display and sd card reader is still available as spare part as it is still used in the UMO+. Get in contact with a larger Ultimaker reseller to get one. There are plenty of designs around for a cover of the Ulticontroller board I think. The heated chamber cannot replace the heated bed, especially not for materials like PC which need a build plate temperature above 100 degc. The temperature of the bed should match the glass transition temperature of the material (usually slightly above or at least close to it when using additional adhesives like the glue stick).
  19. Auf was beziehst Du Dich? Auf Cura? Mehrere geschlossene Schichten oben und unten sind da Standard. Falls Dir die Oberflächenqualität nicht genügt, kannst Du "Ironing" versuchen.
  20. What do you get when you access the camera image through Cura Connect? Just a black image, an error message or a html frame saying the image is broken or similar?
  21. You might want to get the Advanced 3D printing kit with the front door. That's sufficient for Ultimaker materials including Nylon, ABS and CPE+. I can only recommend never to build an enclosure for a FFF 3D printer out of material that can easily burn like cardboard.
  22. @eldrick, as mentioned above there is an additional field where you can place free text. Again, constructive critics have a good chance to be heard, rants and offenses less...
  23. You find the schematics of the Ultimainboard used in the Ultimaker 3 here: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Ultimaker3/blob/master/PCB files/1548-I Ultimainboard/Schematics and layout pdf/Schematic Prints.PDF
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