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Everything posted by Dim3nsioneer

  1. I can easily jump to the last unread post of a thread from the unread list. How do I jump to the FIRST unread post in a thread?
  2. Maybe @Msuurmond can shed some light on that multiple buildplate feature. On the other hand it's always nice to have a teaser and be able to speculate a bit about it.
  3. Thaaaank you! Some where interesting stuff among those seven points. Of course we have to be aware that this is NOT the list for the next beta version and things need time but very cool to have an idea about what we might get in a not too distant future.
  4. closed betas take place in private clubs.... what exactly are you testing there...hint: don't use girl names ;-)
  5. Hey, first Ultimaker forum migration where my login still works after the change! Congrats!
  6. That's true WYSIWYG! Actually it might be some numerical issue. Try cleaning the model e.g. with Netfabb online.
  7. Bondtech QR or DDG? Make sure the z shaft is clean and lubricated - maybe your issue originates there.
  8. Simple but maybe disappointing answer: no, you can't.
  9. Yes, exactly. @nallath, @msuurmond if you have not seen this here yet, there is a feature request which sees support
  10. Cannot agree. It works smoothly for me... maybe it's a question of how many links a user has in his/her posts?
  11. Externally stored images are basically links which should survive any migration and should be displayed in any forum which supports showing external images.
  12. The easiest way is probably to remove the Bowden tube at the Feeder end and pull the filament out of the Bowden tube. You might have to heat up the nozzle for getting it out.
  13. I add one on top: If that line representing the z seam could be moved around and would affect the location settings for the z seam, it would make life even easier for the user.
  14. You may use the select material option on the um3 to set it to pla.
  15. Easiest thing to do is to take a piece of paper with 80g/m2. Second easiest thing to do is to ask your reseller for a calibration card. No. 3 on the list is to ask @fbrc8-erin in your case.
  16. Running the autopid feature on an UMO(+) or UM2(+). An alternative would be to make a menu item in the firmware. An UMO(+) user needs that interface sooner or later. UM3 users don't need it.
  17. Most probably you have to dry your PVA. I guess you had it out of the bag for some time?
  18. Uhm... that could mean it would heat for hours being idle? What about energy efficiency?
  19. Except the new BB-Q core - that one is only for summer dishes served outside.
  20. Aussen mit einem Lappen im heissen Zustand und ggf. mit einer Messingbürste (kein Stahl!). Beim Einsatz einer Messingbürste bitte zuerst den Silikonring im kalten Zustand entfernen. Innen am Besten mit dem Printcore Cleaning Assistenten, den Du unter System->Maintenance findest. Dafür kannst Du entweder PLA oder das Ultimaker Cleaning Filament verwenden. Ich würde den Cold Pull empfehlen, der Hot Pull bringt nicht so viel.
  21. You may want to try a factory reset first. It seems this fixes a number of problems occuring after update to FW 4.0.1.
  22. You can disable the "drop to build plate" option in Cura settings and move the objects to the desired heights.
  23. On an UM3 one could solve the issue of temperature sensitive filament degrading during ironing by using the other nozzle for ironing. This would make an extruder selection necessary. Question is how many temperature sensitive filaments are there where people want to use ironing with?
  24. If you want to solve it yourself: Unscrew the rear long screws of the print head and open the top rear part of the print head. Unplug the print head cable gently (the connector has a clip which you have to push while unpluging it). Remount the cable again and close the print head. If this does not solve the issue or you don't want to tinker around with your printer, please get in contact with your reseller.
  25. Ev. wäre Ursachenbekämpfung besser als Symptomtherapie? Empfehlung: Überprüfe, ob Temperatursensor und Heizpatrone noch vollständig im Block drin sind und ob Sie guten thermischen Kontakt haben. Ev. kannst Du da mit etwas Kupferfett rund um die beiden Elemente herum im Block drin nachhelfen.
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