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Posts posted by drayson

  1. Kann mich da nur anschließen... die Peise sind echt krank...

    Andererseits, wenn man das ganze auf ca. 1-2 Jahre ROI durchrechnet und ne schöne Privatentnahme dazuklakuliert ist das aus Geschäftssicht sicher notwendig.

    Ich bleib da lieber bei dem guten alten Hopfenpago (aka Bier) als Zahlungsmitel :-)


  2. As someone from Ultimaker was filming, I did not make a video myself. But for those who can't wait or are interested in what things looked like (and a "working" version of the chocolate printing): Check my album below.

    Youmagine link of the models is included in the pictures.


    THANK YOU DUDE !! :-)


  3. Actually, we recently discovered that can be caused by ESD. Which is kinda hard to prevent. We're looking into adding a transparent protection plate to prevent this in the future.


    @ Daid, any news on this??? I guess it´s some kind of ESD as I can read everything nicely when connecting just via USB and without PSU.

    Please advice as I can´t read my display propperly (heat, flow rate...)


  4. Sure!

    Here we go for 3P leveling...

    G21 ;metric values

    G90 ;absolute positioning

    M107 ;start with the fan off

    M117 Start Leveling - Homing X/Y

    G28 X0 Y0 ;move X/Y to min endstops

    M117 Start Extended Bed Leveling

    M117 Front Left

    G1 X42 Y15 F9000

    G28 Z0 ;move Z to min endstops

    M0 ;Pause

    M117 Front Right

    G1 Z5.0 F180 ;move the platform down

    G1 X148 Y15 F9000

    G1 Z0.0 F180 ;touch print head to bed

    M0 ;Pause

    M117 Back Middle

    G1 Z5.0 F180 ;move the platform down

    G1 X95 Y180 F9000

    G1 Z0.0 F180 ;touch print head to bed

    M0 ;Pause

    G00 Z10.0 F180 ;move the platform down

    M117 Extended Front Left

    G1 X15 Y15 F9000

    G1 Z0.0 F180 ;touch print head to bed

    M0 ;Pause

    M117 Extended Front Right

    G1 Z5.0 F180 ;move the platform down

    G1 X175 Y15 F9000

    G1 Z0.0 F180 ;touch print head to bed

    M0 ;Pause

    M117 Extended Middle

    G1 Z5.0 F180 ;move the platform down

    G1 X95 Y97.5 F9000

    G1 Z0.0 F180 ;touch print head to bed

    M0 ;Pause

    M117 Homing X/Y

    G00 Z10.0 F180 ;move the platform down

    G28 X0 Y0 F9000

    M117 Leveling Done

    G00 Z80.0 F180 ;move the platform down

    My corresponding hardware you can find here: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:247552


  5. I have the Ulticontroller, so posting the leveling g-code is very much appreciated Drayson! Think others will like it too.


    Sorry, was a damn long night yesterday :-)

    Just put the code into an empty .txt and rename it to .gcode. It´s for 4 P leveling with an second round as extention to make the leveling super accurate.

    Here we go:

    G21 ;metric values

    G90 ;absolute positioning

    M107 ;start with the fan off

    M117 Homing X/Y

    G28 X0 Y0 ;move X/Y to min endstops

    M117 Start Extended Bed Leveling


    M117 Front Left

    G1 X42 Y15 F9000

    G28 Z0 ;move Z to min endstops

    M0 ;Pause

    M117 Front Right

    G1 Z5.0 F180 ;move the platform down

    G1 X148 Y15 F9000

    G1 Z0.0 F180 ;touch print head to bed

    M0 ;Pause

    M117 Back Right

    G1 Z5.0 F180 ;move the platform down

    G1 X148 Y180 F9000

    G1 Z0.0 F180 ;touch print head to bed

    M0 ;Pause

    M117 Back Left

    G1 Z5.0 F180 ;move the platform down

    G1 X42 Y180 F9000

    G1 Z0.0 F180 ;touch print head to bed

    M0 ;Pause

    G00 Z10.0 F180 ;move the platform down

    M117 Extended Front Left

    G1 X15 Y15 F9000

    G28 Z0 ;move Z to min endstops

    M0 ;Pause

    M117 Extended Front Right

    G1 Z5.0 F180 ;move the platform down

    G1 X175 Y15 F9000

    G1 Z0.0 F180 ;touch print head to bed

    M0 ;Pause

    M117 Extended Back Right

    G1 Z5.0 F180 ;move the platform down

    G1 X175 Y180 F9000

    G1 Z0.0 F180 ;touch print head to bed

    M0 ;Pause

    M117 Extended Back Left

    G1 Z5.0 F180 ;move the platform down

    G1 X15 Y180 F9000

    G1 Z0.0 F180 ;touch print head to bed

    M0 ;Pause

    M117 Extended Middle

    G1 Z5.0 F180 ;move the platform down

    G1 X95 Y97.5 F9000

    G1 Z0.0 F180 ;touch print head to bed

    M0 ;Pause

    M117 Homing X/Y

    G00 Z10.0 F180 ;move the platform down

    G28 X0 Y0 F9000

    Have fun with it - if sombody has recommendations it please feel free to modify :-)

    b.t.w. I don´t use it any more as I modified my bed to 3P leveling - there I have a similar code...


  6. Hi Guys

    You don't need any tools to take with you.

    The only part you need is a 100ml syringe. If you have these lying around that would be great.

    Besides that you need to print a couple of parts and need a piece of bowden tube (we will have that) and filament (which everyone should have plenty).

    It is quite easy to remove the hack, so you don't need to do any hardcore modifications to your precious machine :)


    That sounds even more interesting - really couriouse to see your mods in some nice picturs/vids :-)


  7. Thats pretty easy - cura 14.07, choose the support at the second nozzle only and that's all :-)

    I would also choose line support instead of grid in the expert settings so that the water can get into the structure.

    I had nice results with it... :-)

    The only thing missing is -afaik - the implementation of the second material diameter. There is a input box but the input lead to nowhere... Please correct if I'm wrong Daid

  8. The support is definitely a lot better. Easier to remove and less "present" (as in bulky). Also, there is a full manual support mode, in case you think the app adds too much or if you can do better :)

    As for the quality, sure, it's right up there with Cura imo. I've only had my printer a couple of weeks, so not really entitled to a "professional opinion" yet, but there it is :)

    You should take a look here:


    There might not be a trial, but their videos give a very good impression of what S3D can mean for you. I know it did for me.


    I took a look at the reviews and - honestly - this is a very interesting SW.

    Of course, much more complex than Cura, which is an amazing SW too, but the features which took my breath are the manual support as well the gcode visualization.

    Hope that something like this will pop up in the "pink unicorn" too as just for my hobby stuff it´s too expensive... :-)


  9. @drayson Bier sehr gerne, wo bist du denn normalerweis eunterwegs


    @ Bauermaker: Wenn, dann eher im Univiertel oder mal Parkhaus (wenn das Wetter passt) - aber das kommt beides leider sehr selten vor. Würde vorschlagen, wir reden uns über PM zusammen, um ned den thread zuviel mit offtopic zu belasten :-)

    Maybe it is time to generate some kind of postprocessing tutorial...

    I´m also very interested in as I usually get really bad results when trying to sand or polish my prints - therefore I stopped doing it...


  10. PLEASE make a nice movie so that guys like me not able to come can also contribute at least afterwards and see the chocolte-smeared UM and their owners ! :-)

    b.t.w. - maybe somebody could share some kind of instructable afterwards... would love to try this hack too...

    Have fun!


  11. Maybe my findings help: I run test cubes with 10, 20 and 100 side length and 3 different colours to check my calibration. Comparing the results, the factor was not linear nor constant...

    This was only at cubes. With more complex structures, it became more inconsistent as illuminarti mentioned.

    Nevertheless, let us please know your findings!

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