That will be helpful...I already have a black book for our laser engraver (same idea to record settings. However no where near as many as Ultimaker / Cura!)
Two follow questions:
1) I noticed on the <Start/End-GCode> tab that there are several lines for setting i type that in, or does CURA generate that? And I noticed also that Gcode line M107 (start with fan off)...can I just remove this line? I have been starting prints, then having to go into Ulti-controller to start/set fan speed...I really would like the fan to come on automatically at a default or set speed. (yes I have the "enable cooling fan" checked)
2) is there anyway to control the motors via the Ulti-controller? I want to be able to move the print head out of way and lower print bed.
THANKS for the help and support! happily printing away in Vermont! -OV-