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Everything posted by yellowshark

  1. Thanks for that @SandervG, looks very interesting. LOl surprised your "Industries" did not offer Additive manufacturer, give who we are; I settled for Other.
  2. I should clarify that the dimensional testing was on the accuracy of length of line, not the width. I just happened to have printed a single line and though I would measure it. I was not aware there was a e-step setting available that affected the dimension of the width!!
  3. Lol, OK I have several takes on this and I do not claim to be an expert on this as I have never needed to play around with it, ie line width 1. I take it to be and do all our design on the basis that the line width is governed by the physical extruder aperture. I measure that by printing a single line. Well of course I did not use to do that - the specifications for the printer said it had 0.4mm nozzle which we took as gospel. 2. I think Cura uses the line width to calculate the amount of filament to be pushed through to achieve the line width, with the caveat that one can only deviate so far from the nozzle width before it goes wrong. But if it is as simple as that then it raises the question as to why one has to specify the nozzle width in Cura. So I am not convinced that what I have said is totally accurate. The old original Cura which stopped at 15.04 or 15.06 never had a setting for line width; it used the shell width and nozzle width to calculate the number of lines to print for a wall (according to the Help text) 3. I guess if one is into jewellery or circuit boards then this stuff may be important but we fundamentally do mechanical engineering and architecture and after 6 years we have never had a use case that has made us stray from the old maxim line width = nozzle width.
  4. Hi @jdrake I am not answering your questions specifically but thought I would give you my experience. Which is germane. For years my setup was 0.4mm nozzle and 0.4mm line-width which gave me good results. Then a couple of years back I was doing some testing on dimensional accuracy and calibrating my e-steps and measured the width of the printed test lines and saw that they were 0.45mm. Now whether that was due to expansion or my extruder having a 0.45mm hole due to manufacturing tolerance or wear over a period of years I know not. But I set my nozzle width and line width setting to 0.45 to match and improved my printed results.
  5. I must say that when I first looked at this thread my view was really an unclean bed but I thought I would mention the possibility of over-extrusion too. It was several years ago that I changed my setup and put my nozzle closer to the glass, following some great posts by @gr5. Around the same time, within 6 months, I had made another change whereby I changed to use the same extruder temp for layer 1 as I did for the rest of the print, i.e. not having a lower temp to match the speed of 20mm/s for layer 1. I found I was getting results similar to the first pic in this thread; it took me a long time to figure out it was over-extrusion and in the end I resolved it by setting the flow % for layer 1 to 70%. My un-researched guess was that I was getting away with it when the nozzle was further away from the bed but not when I was squidging the filament against the bed.
  6. It could be over extrusion; what extruder temp, bed temp and print speed are you using for layer 1 and like wise for layer 2 onwards? Are you using 100% flow? I have the settings set the same for all layers except for layer1 I have the print speed set to 20mm/s and to avoid over extrusion I set the flow % to 70% and then increase it back to 100% over the next couple of layers - I do this with the printer control software not in Cura, although maybe these days Cura lets you control it?
  7. Appreciate you are not changing your nozzle 😉Yes PLA does have a wide temp range, which is problematic because it makes you think your temp is OK when it is not. Well it may be OK but so is your print, instead of being great. This is especially important when it comes to dimensional accuracy and delicate features. I do not know what it is but there has to be a point where difference in physical nozzle and line width will cause problems such as you say. I only ever print with line widths that match the width of extruded filament, which in my case is 0.45mm. The difference in print quality between 0.4 and 0.45 is noticeable, albeit not dramatic. I have not calibrated my 0,8mm nozzle yet, rarely use it.
  8. Well there are a host of things you can play with to try to improve aspects but I think the two biggest rules are print slow and cool. Also the particular filament you will use can have an impact. Different coloured filaments from the same supplier can produce differences. Also easier if you design your models yourself. E.G. easier to print accurate 0.4 walls if they are 0.4 and not 5.3. I would recommend speed not above 30mm/s. For temp. use the filament you will use and print a series of 10mm cubes to find your temp. Print each cube at 5 degrees cooler than the previous one until you see evidence of under extrusion. Add 5 degrees to that temp. to get your desired temp.
  9. In addition you will be pushing more filament per sec out of the nozzle so possibly may need to increase extruder temp a bit (if all other settings remain the same). I.e. if you physically swapped your 0.4 nozzle to 0.8 you would definitely need to increase the temp. But I guess 0.4 to 0.5 you might get away with but it is a 25% increase in volume. Probably depends on whether your current settings are veering towards too hot or too cold.
  10. Printing the outer wall first is recommend for greater dimensional accuracy. Why has disappeared from my memory banks but that being the case it would be a reasonable factor for making your teeth work
  11. It would be interesting to see what the result would be if you reduced the number of walls to 2 and increased the infill to say 40%. I am not saying you are wrong but I have always used 2 walls and tailored the strength of the part by the density of the infill. I quite often print at 100% infill and have found on certain sizes/geometries that 100% infill is faster than using a lower density - important to us as print time is by far the major influencer on pricing whereas material has a small influence. .Also you do not say what print speeds you are using for infill and for walls. If they are all the same it surprises me that you are not seeing a gain but maybe my brain is missing something.
  12. If you are printing layers over low density infill it just means you need more top layers to get a decent surface, say 1.0mm thickness plus.
  13. Maybe it is back to basics, If you are printing top layers over infill why do you want to use bridging when it is not bridging. I do not have the latest Cura and do not know what bridge mode is, lol so probably should not be commenting!
  14. Very impressive @Safety_Lucas. What size fount did you use?
  15. Yes spot on. Depending on thickness dims I might use more walls if it proves faster to print that using infill. FWIW I also always use 15% infill overlap.
  16. One option is to use the "Ironing" function. From my very limited experience of this function its success will depend on the shapes contained within the top layer. An alternative is to design and print the model with an extra top layer, which has NO holes in it, i.e. just a complete rectangular shape to use your example. Then just cut the layer away with a craft knife where it is covering a hole.
  17. I use Repetier Host for my printing which basically provides this. I recommend that you also lower the print bed during the restart process to provide easy access to the material on the bed and then of course raise it back to its starting z position. I assume the restart will start with command 1 in the g-code so that the bed will be raised back to its start position including any z-offset command.
  18. Indeed, I am only concerned with the length in terms of configuring the e-steps
  19. I have never used wall overlap and never had zits. I only print my designs and designs all have the same wall width, irrespective of number of walls, i.e. measured nozzle extrusion width. I do not know what this thin wall lark is all about as I have never found a need to use a non standard design as I design to my environment.
  20. Hi @rob0213Rob, for future reference, especially if you have a lot more than 5 layers, inserting a z-offset command into the start g-code section of you 2nd(text) file is an easier way to do it, rather than changing all the z commands
  21. Thanks for that @geert_2, riddled with common sense and as you say, fundamentally it is your end result that is important not the method you used to get there
  22. No, I fine tune by printing a length of filament and measuring the filament on the print bed. Lol as you say you cannot get that accurate with a pencil! Well yes, the nozzle is attached to the extruder but the point of measurement is the nozzle tip before the move and then after the move No I do not say that. I tell Cura my nozzle is 0.45 and then change all my line widths to 0.45. I am not sure there is any point in telling Cura to print a line width different to the physical extrusion. People do but lol I have never understood why. That can only potentially introduce inaccuracies although admittedly at those dimensions it is probably not important.
  23. It would be helpful I think if you reprinted with 0.3 layers. This would clarify the question mark over whether these really thick layers are or are part of the problem and also we could then evaluate some of your other settings
  24. Lol @geert_2 that is changing the rules, I guess you could do an even better cooling job by putting the printer into a chest freezer 😁
  25. Thanks for that @gr5. I am not sure the sonotube/shute point is relevant to the point I was trying to make, which is that firstly you need more concrete to build a rectangular column than a circular column of the same dimension. A 15ft circular column with a diameter of 2 ft needs 47.1 cubic feet of concrete . A 2 ft square column needs 60 cubic feet. So if Cura uses a rectangular profile when doing its calculations – which was the stated point that I was questioning, it was not my point – then with a circular delivery profile (fine maybe it is elliptical but lol it looks circular to me) then are you not over-extruding by 27%? Also I remain dubious that 0.8mm nozzle would draw a 0.4mm line. A couple of years back I discovered my printer was drawing 0.45mm lines - with everything in Cura setup for 0.4mm lines - which I assumed was due to either wear and tear or manufacturing tolerance and so I changed Cura to 0.45 nozzle and line width and improved my prints.
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