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  1. Sorry it took me a while. Here's a dump: https://pastebin.com/QQvJFQSg
  2. Is there a way to check what renderer Cura is currently using? A Radeon 560X with 4 gigs of vram should be able to handle the task with no problems.
  3. Apple has deprecated Open GL for all OS versions beginning with 10.14. It is dead slow on my MacBook Pro running Mojave. Unusable. Is there any chance that a different rendering framework can be used? https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/GraphicsImaging/Conceptual/OpenGL-MacProgGuide/opengl_intro/opengl_intro.html
  4. Moin, Moin, kommt jemand von euch aus Hamburg? Ich würde mir geren mal den Ultimaker in Aktion ansehen und ein paar "Probedrucke" machen.
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