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  1. Cura has a profile for The Makerbot Replicator and allows you to chose between 3 types of 'Gcode flavors' : RepRap, UltiGcode, and Makerbot. Lol.. Upon posting this reply and looking at the settings for a referance, I see now that it says "requires MakerWare to generate to X3G" So.. Thanks for inadvertantly helping me out. It's a bummer that I can't use Cura on its own, it is a far smoother program than the very slow ReplicatorG.
  2. Hello everyone. I am having an issue that I have googled about and found other people having, but have yet to find a definitive answer. I downloaded Cura because I was told it worked better than RepG. And after looking at it, it seems to be much better. But when I try to print, it will not connect to my clone of a Replicator 2. I am on a mac. Sometimes it can't find the correct boudrate and if I set it to 25000 it trys to connect but then repeadedly says M105 and disconnects. Could someone please help me, I really want to use Cura!!
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