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  1. I was doing some more research for past few days. I'm really thinking about getting my own 3D printer. I don't want to spend 2 or 3k on it. I found a Reprap Prusa 2 that is below 1k and its a open project, lots of upgrades etc. Do you have any feedback about it? mostly about quality of the print. From the specs looks like it can do 0.1mm layers so thats what I'm doing on the UM2 now. Could I expect the same or close results with Reprap???? thanks
  2. So after changing the settings I did not noticed any difference. I was printing a different part that did not have a pointy tip so I can't comment on that. Still having these "blobs" when the layer is finished. I didn't see them on older prints and I didn't change anything...hmmm weird.
  3. Good morning guys. So the next print I will move the plate a little bit away. Also I have enable cooling of the head for the top layers. I have the top/bottom layer same as the shell @ 1.2 and the initial layer @ .2 I kept on printing on 60C bed and 230C head and the blobs just started showing recently. I will lower the acceleration speed from 5000 to 2000 and we will go from there.
  4. Thanks illuminarti. Note taken on that. So if there is too much pressure in the head then it will retract the material correct? How do you set it up in cura so it prints lets say two of the same parts layer by layer on both instead whole one part and then the other. Yes i noticed that at the very tip the head slows down quite a bit. What about these tiny blobs that stick out a tiny bit from the part when the layer is finished. I posted the picture. Thanks in advance.
  5. On top of that the tip of that pyramid looks like a blob of melted PLA....
  6. Ok here they are. Notice on the edges of this pyramid some layers have these "blobs" and some don't. Sometimes its few in row. Also what freaks me out when the printer starts to print the brim, it skips some lines. You can hear the feeder for PLA on the back sounds like skips and then I can see that the filament is not coming out and after a whole line it starts again and it does it couple of times during the brim (20 lines for brim). I definitely need to practice my overhnangs. They look horrible. Currently printing at 30mm/s 0.1mm layer at 220C
  7. Hi guys. The prints are coming out pretty good so far. I'm still having issues with overhangs, bridges I just use support in Cura and then cut them away. Recently I started to notice that the spot where the head STARTS and STOPS the most outer layer (the one visible/outside one) it makes a small little "blob" that sticks out from the part. It doesn't do it all the time but sometimes it does it multiple times in the row. I will post pictures when the part is done. Any idea what is causing it???
  8. It took me few times to put it together with the right spacing between the modules. It's all together now and works flawless.
  9. Hahaha yes this blue looks like ice definitely. This gear set is very popular. I found it on thingiverse.com by typing in gear or gears.
  10. Good morning. So the gear set is complete. Everything seems to be there and the quality looks very good. I'm going to cut it all out from the brim, clean it and put it together. We will see if it works
  11. Nice. That would be very helpful. I found a cool, simple planetary gears set. Printing it as we speak. Guys here would like to see some mechanical parts that are actually printed, specially bolts and nuts, which this project has. Adjusted the settings back to where i was comfortable with and we will see how that goes. So far so good, brim is down.
  12. Hahahah thats good to hear. I always seem to start from the most difficult tasks and make them right. But in this case you are right. Tweaking something that was designed to fail will be pointless. Something that I want to print and getting that right that is what this should be about. Ok then. I'm going to look through designs and find something in mid range if it comes to difficulties. Will let you know soon... thanks a lot
  13. Also during the print I was watching the approach of the head to the overhangs. It does enter from the side where the overhang is happening. How would i change the direction so the head will come into it from the other side (from the outside of the arc not the inside, through the overhang)?
  14. I noticed that my brim and the very first layers didnt print. I think i might have mine plate a little too close. Next I downloaded some prints to test the overhangs and the bridge. Will see how that is going to come out.
  15. Thanks for some words of hope... I tired the modified version of that print with just the arc. Few things I adjusted: print speed 25mm/s layer 0.06mm temp 200C travel speed 200mm/s minimal extrusion 0.0 enable coming OFF
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