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Everything posted by Labern

  1. This is called pillowing. You can find how to fix it HERE
  2. sure does. now you know to print at 260. so you just need to tidy up that stringing.
  3. I remember there was someone else with this problem with stripes and was related to the build plate quite a long time ago but i would have no idea how to find the post.
  4. If you use good quality filaments like colorfabb and ultimaker, you pay a bit more for it at the time but you will end up with less failed prints and better product, so in the end you could save money or the quality of the products is worth the extra.
  5. bed leveling only effects the first 1-3 layers. Have you monitored your bed temp to see if its stable?
  6. 4.5mm retraction is normal but some need more like 5 or 5.5mm I have never had it look as bad as what you have though, that's why i think your temp is to high. the reason why minimum layer time can be bad sometimes is it lowers the speed so much that the head is touching the material for longer, heating all those layers too much, also the slower your print speed the lower you need to set your nozzle temp. but in your last prints it doesn't look like that is the issue. It also depends on the batch of XT you got as some of mine i print at 225deg as it starts to burn at higher temps.
  7. Its been a while since i read it so couldn't remember what support was used. You could try the new BETA cura, It has a lot of new support features.
  8. Yes meshmixer is great for that sort of thing but is very tempermental. I cant get it to work at the moment either. There is an article HERE on printing complex prints that may help.
  9. Yes minimum layer time can slow the print heaps. When XT is to hot it tends to have tiny bubbles and can make the print look really bad and go brittle. Sometimes you can even hear some little crackles as its printing. As your stringing is so bad and although its hard to see in your picture the texture of the surface looks a bit rough so i would say its to hot. Increase you travel speed to 250, make sure your bowden is not moving during retractions at either end and Then try reducing the temp.
  10. is the nozzle temp stable? when its printing monitor the nozzle temp to see if it fluctuates
  11. There is a retract while combing plugin that you can install. you could just try turning combing off.
  12. Just looks like Stringing from where its going from one part to another. If this is the case then it will always be in the same place for the same gcode. if im correct, You can increase the travel speed, retraction distance, lower temp. or go through THIS guide have a look in layer view to see if that's where the travel moves are.
  13. XT is not that easy to print with. I'm guessing this might be due to changes in speed from the minimum layer time. You could adjust the time a bit.printing a tower next to it or print 2 at once helps but you will need to fix the Stringing first. Also making all your speeds the same will give better results. XT is prone to Stringing and you may need to increase the retraction distance.
  14. The spec says 0.02 but I'm yet to see any decent prints done at that even on UM2. I have printed heaps at 0.04 and 0.06 which are a lot easier to get good results. For um2 anyway.
  15. I guess if it sent the file to the SD card via USB could help eliminate that issue. I think the main benefit is for raspberry pi users.
  16. Peek and a few others. But I'm guessing 1 roll of filament will cost the same as a new printer.
  17. Hi 1. Can you share you file or show a screen shot of cura? 2. On the printer Select tune then abort
  18. Also make sure you don't touch the glass.
  19. Should be ok as its achohol based. Have you tried cleaning it and print straight onto the glass with no glue etc? You may need to clean the nozzle. Atomic pull and wipe outside.
  20. understood was just mentioning as some didn't realize 15.06 wasn't very stable.
  21. what did you clean the build plate with? Make sure you use isopropyl alcohol. What nozzle temp are you set at. some times if its to low its to gummy and drags with the nozzle
  22. Firstly don't heat the PLA above 240 as it can burn and make the problem worse. Is the feeder slipping or grinding the filament? How much impression from the feeder do you have? you may need to increase the tension. Is your roll low? it can be hard to pull filament of a low roll. Is it a new printer? how many print hours have you done? Have you tried to heat up the filament and push it through by hand? the feeder should have no power to it and you can just push it through with a bit of force. Did the atomic's come out nice and clean and a nice nozzle shape?
  23. Make sure your Z axis is clean and not dry.
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