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Everything posted by cornelisen

  1. Hello! I'm a student working for a research group doing microfluidics. We've been using the Ultimaker 2 to make small prints on different coverglasses that are used in microscopes. These range from 100microns to 1.2mm and I often have to print on different heights. I found this addon (http://wiki.ultimaker.com/CuraPlugin:_XYZshift) and it would solve all my problems, but it's old and does not work quite as intended. When I've tried printing using it, it does not completley change the g-code (It does not change G0 commands). The perimiters are not included in the z-shift for example. (This might have bent a rod in the printer =/ ) I know that you can change the g-code manually so that you get a new z-home but it would be nice with a plugin, and I havent found one. Even better would be if Cura could handle this. So what I want to do is offset z to print on different objects. Is there any way this could be made possible with a addon or similar? Sorry if this is in the wrong sub.
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