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  1. It is a UM3. I think it is about 2 years old (or 1.5 or something like that). how is this spring placed? On top of the mechanik below the top of the print head, right? Just to make sure I reinstalled it correctly. I know the small board you talk about. I had one print that got completely catastrophal. Everything was covered with pla inside the printhead from the bottom up until the borderwalls between the nozzles. There is a big probability that this board was actually hit with it too. But I checked the cables connected and these are still fine. Perhaps there is some defect regarding the board. Are there replacement parts for that board? But really the most important question I got: how is this spring placed?
  2. Hi thank you for your replay. This is not a single time error. I experience it for at least 4 weeks now. In this time I have powered down and up the printer several times. Sorry forgot to mention it earlier. Where is the sensor located? On the print bed or on the nozzle? the first nozzle has no issues at all...
  3. Hi, on auto leveling my seceond nozzle is pushed up on the leveling spot on the right side of the glass bed. The nozzle is pushed until the first nozzle comes in contact with the glass bed. At this point the autoleveling registers something and is continuing. The result is that the first several layers are all printed with full conact to the glass bed and no material is extruded at all. One reason could be that I needed to remove the complete printhead structure once and might have reassembled the mechanics of the second nozzle wrongly. Is there a manual how to assemble it anywhere? Or do you know another reason why it behaves like that? One interesting thing. If I push in the material from the second feeder as far as possible (by hand) the autoleveling works mostly because the nozzle cannot move up during the leveling... thank you best regards Florian
  4. ok, das ist dann natürlich doof. bei mir lief die eigentlich immer einwandfrei. war angenehm
  5. Nein, habe ich noch nicht. Das ist aber auch nicht wirklich das wo ich hinwill. Einer der Vorteile des UM3 ist ja die automatische Kalibirerung. Wäre ja doof, wenn die dann nicht mehr klappt
  6. Guten Abend, ich hatte leider einen Fehldruck, bei dem beide Nozzles komplett eingeklebt waren anschließend und die einzige Chance alles irgendwie wieder sauber zu bekommen, war den kompletten Druckkopf auseinander zu bauen. Beim Zusammenbau ist mir dann auch noch ein Teil an der 2. Nozzle beim Hoch-Runter-Fahr Mechanismus gebrochen und ich musste mir das Teil einzeln nachkaufen. Seit ich das Teil nun habe und alles wieder ordentlich zusammengebaut habe, habe ich allerdings das Problem, dass mein Autoleveling manchmal (nicht immer) spinnt. Die Zweite Nozzle wird beim Leveling einfach in den Kopf hineingedrückt und erzeugt anscheinend nicht das nötige Feedback, um die Richtige Höhe zu erkennen. Er hört erst mit dem Leveling auf, wenn er die 2. Düse soweit reingedrückt hat, dass er quasi die erste Düse vermisst. Wie ihr euch vorstellen könnt, klappen die Ausdrücke dadurch nicht so wirklich gut. Ich könnte mir vorstellen, dass ich irgendwie die Hoch-Runterfahr-Mechanik falsch zusammengebaut habe. Ich habe nicht so wirklich eine Anleitung gefunden und bin mir nicht sicher, ob ich die Feder richtig gesetzt habe. Hat da jemand vielleicht eine Anleitung oder Fotos, wie es aussehen soll? Kann es an was anderem vielleicht liegen? Ich bin für jeden tipp sehr dankbar!!! Viele Grüße Florian
  7. Hi, thank you for your response. I thouhgt of that possibility but unfortunately it is not what I seek. My bottom-layer contains both first and second extruder parts with the second extruder inside of the first extruder structure. the inserted structure is very fine and parts are hidden by previously printed borders of the first extruder
  8. Good morning, is there a setting in Cura 2.6.2 to declare which extruder is printing first on the first layer? Best regards Florian
  9. Ah you are right. I wanted to try that but forgot. I will tell the result. My bad. Sorry I have tested it. You are absolutely right. Thank you!
  10. Ah you are right. I wanted to try that but forgot. I will tell the result. My bad. Sorry
  11. Hi everyone, I created a simple programm to design gears with an export to stl. The old cura can read the files without any problems. The new cura always tells me "Laden fehlgeschlagen" (translated: "error loading"). The syntax of my file is straight forward: solid ZahnradMotor facet normal 0 0 1 outer loop vertex 9,627692 0 0 vertex 7,106483 0,5494544 0 vertex 7,127692 0 0 endloop endfacet facet normal 0 0 1 outer loop vertex 9,627692 0 0 vertex 8,457993 1,702771 0 vertex 7,106483 0,5494544 0 endloop endfacet ..... endsolid ZahnradMotor Is there anything I need to change specifically for the new cura? best regards Florian
  12. I am still waiting for my package. I called them 4 weeks ago and they told me something about missing parts for which they are still waiting. "It will be sent as soon as possible" and stuff like that. I still hope the product will be shipped sometime soon. Otherwise I will have to think deeply about what to do next with my order
  13. Dead link :( funny, I just copy pasted this link from their website. I hope the kit is better than the installation tutorial. Otherwise I will have a lot of fun... Yes sure. I really hoped that other people would do this and I can just read it, but I couldn't wait any longer and will try to give as specific infos as possible
  14. Hi, I am also looking for the files. The Cura-Patch is available here: http://ulti.creatr.it/en/support/2x/cura-uc2x-v1-2.ini Following the easy syntax you can find files for the hex-files: http://ulti.creatr.it/en/support/2x/Ultimaker-2-Ulticreatr-2X-v1-1.hex http://ulti.creatr.it/en/support/2x/Ultimaker-2Extended-Ulticreatr-2X-v1-1.hex Unfotunately the gcode-Files are not available via this method. I don't know if the hex-files are the correct ones but I also want to start working with my kit as soon as it arrives (I ordered today) Best regards Florian
  15. Did anybody actually by the double extrusion kit by now? Do you have any feedback?
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