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Everything posted by tinkergnome

  1. First guess: take a look at "Minimum layer time": https://support.ultimaker.com/hc/en-us/articles/360012613199-Cooling-settings
  2. Hi @gfxfr33k, i think, there's a misconception. "Wall thickness" - as a slicer setting - will never change the geometry of the 3D-model itself. OK, perhaps you can achieve something with scaling and horizontal expansion, but... basically: One has to modify the 3D-model. As an alternative: If the model is a simple solid cylinder (without "walls" modeled in - if you want to say so)... ...it could be printed without infill - and top/bottom thickness set to zero. That's the only case where the actual thickness of the outer geometry could be controled by the slicer.
  3. Most probably yes - it's a different mechanism (to answer this question). The user interface of the newer printers runs on linux / python and does not use G-Code. In general: Ultimaker printers are supporting a small subset of all possible G-Codes and the support for M0 is simply not there (yet?) on the UM2+C That's my own humble opinion of course - i have no deeper insights than everyone else.
  4. Naja, soweit ich weiß nicht direkt Zitronensäure... das Zeug heißt "d-Limonen" - auch Orangenterpene genannt. Das kann auf Zitronensäure basieren, ist aber nicht das gleiche... Preisbeispiel: https://www.3dmensionals.de/limonen-d-limonen-orangenterpene-auswaschloesung-u.a.-fuer-hips-1kg Das Zeug ist übrigens reizend, allergieauslösend und dient auch als Insektizid... mehhh... für mich wäre das nix...
  5. Sounds like the opposite...? You have already separated the individual models and now you want to split a single 3D model into several parts? Like this: https://www.windowscentral.com/how-split-3d-model-3d-builder ?
  6. Auf dem Bild ist das aber ein Matchless-Block von 3dSolex und kein Olsson-Block, oder?
  7. It actually is... (a version from 2019): https://github.com/Ultimaker/cura-binary-data/commit/a061ffec6ae516a202e0a7aba2ffb2f5c7353f77 I guess that's what @ChiefSwiftnick is talking about.
  8. (all) Cura settings that affect the usable build volume are explained here: https://support.ultimaker.com/hc/en-us/articles/360013799339-How-to-print-the-maximum-build-volume-in-Ultimaker-Cura
  9. I think one can define values for all available settings in the quality files. An example with layer height: .../resources/quality/fast.inst.cfg
  10. Most probably there are errors in the model. The x-ray-view in Cura highlights errors that are found. "Mesh tools" can do some simple repairs (right mouse click on the model). Some things to check in Blender: Is the model manifold? Check for doubled or missing faces, and check for non connected or overlapping vertices. Always do a "merge by distance" in edit mode before exporting, just to be sure. Check the normals - are all facing in the right direction? 'Face orientation' can be enabled in the viewport overlay. Good luck!
  11. First some questions... Which version of Cura exactly? Which operation system? "Ultimaker Cura" (downloaded from the website) or a modified version from a different manufacturer / maintainer? Any "faster loading" plugin active - or something similar? oh - and i nearly forgot... 🙂... please attach the log file: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura#logging-issues
  12. I see - the former "Shell" section is splitted into "Walls" and "Top/Bottom". The change happened in Version 4.10 (as far as i can see). But anyway - i work a lot with the filter function in Cura , that's usually the fastest way to find relevant settings.
  13. There are several walls without thickness and probably some non-connected vertices (at the bright red markers). Dunno how it is supposed to look like, but these are the obvious things.
  14. Well in Cura there are settings for "Walls" and "Infill" (among many others) - is it this what you're looking for? In case you haven't found it yet - there's an online manual for Cura - quiet comprehensive. Maybe switching to custom print settings is needed first? https://support.ultimaker.com/hc/en-us/articles/360012028419-How-to-use-the-custom-print-settings-in-Ultimaker-Cura
  15. Once again: for crashes and similar issues, please attach the log files - as explained here: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura#logging-issues
  16. Well.... enable prime tower (and place it near the printed model). That's the only reliable way i know.
  17. That's the crucial step. G-code-flavor "Ultimaker 2" signals the printer that the firmware is responsible for the start position, not a G-code. So change that to "Marlin" first. Once you have done that you can modify the start position in the start script. The default start script for "Marlin" contains useful comments -> should be a doable task. "Homing" in the back left corner seems to be still possible - so no further action needed for this task (as far as i can see).
  18. Das macht die CuraEngine schon immer so. Eine Linie für die Außenwand, eine Linie für die Innenwand. Durchaus irgendwie logisch. Bei einem vollen (soliden) Modell gibt es keine Innenwände, deshalb kommt man da mit einer Linie durch. Es gibt eine öffentliche Beta-Version von Cura mit einer neuen "Engine", da soll das anders sein. Wenn Du magst, kannst Du diese ja einfach mal testen: https://support.ultimaker.com/hc/en-us/articles/360018439500-Ultimaker-Cura-Arachne-engine-beta-version Ehrlich gesagt halte ich das auch eher für einen "akademischen" Unterschied. Was will man in der realen Welt mit einem Plastikobjekt aus 0.4mm dünnen Wänden anfangen?
  19. What? Why? If you don't have a caliper at hand - the "Move axis" menu can be "abused" to figure out the height of the part ("Home" the z-axis first of course). I think it can be found under "Expert functions" or such. "Adjust Z Position" is a completely different task. It adjusts the offset between the nozzle and the buildplate. And... that's something that has to be avoided at any cost if you want to continue an aborted print... The number that is shown in this "adjust-z" menu is the offset between Z_MAX_POS (a fix value of 230.0mm for UM2) and the current Z-position. So.... it's technically possible to calculate the height of the printed part if you compare two offsets, but never confirm any new offset in this menu for the purpose of measuring. It has an abort option if i remember right? But once again: a caliper or - at a pinch - the "Move axis" function is a much more natural and suitable way for a quick measuring. Because the shown coordinates can be used as is. Hope that helps!
  20. Another part of this problem perhaps? https://support.ultimaker.com/hc/en-us/articles/360018141480-Ultimaker-Cura-is-not-fully-compatible-with-the-Apple-M1-chip
  21. Auf welchem Betriebssystem? Die Log-Datei könnte in solchen Fällen hilfreich sein, hier ist erklärt, wo man "cura.log" findet: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura#logging-issues
  22. A) It looks like the standard start script for Creality printers. B) Creality is known to modify the firmware of their printers in undocumented ways - so we don't know what exactly happens if a print is started. 🤷‍♂️ C) Anyone can modify the start script in Cura (machine settings) to his likings. You can take a look at the Windows or Linux version of the Creality slicer for comparison (Creality doesn't offer a Mac-Version of their own slicer) D) If you - for example - don't like these "Reset Feedrate" / "Reset Flowrate" things in the start script - you can remove or change these lines. Marlin G-codes are well documented, but keep chapter B) in mind... 🙂 https://marlinfw.org/meta/gcode/
  23. Different placeholders in the start script are required to achieve this. Try to replace: {material_bed_temperature} ==> {material_bed_temperature_layer_0} {material_print_temperature} ==> {material_print_temperature_layer_0} or {material_print_temperature_layer_0, 0} if this is a printer with more than one extruder.
  24. Hard to guess... - i think the forum software has reduced the size of your pictures too much. It doesn't look like z-banding to me - more like fluctuations of the flow rate or such? Maybe higher variance between the various printing speeds? Or it has something to do with "acceleration control" (it's enabled by default for Ultimaker printers).
  25. OK, ein Versuch: ich habe lediglich geändert: Ultimaker S5, Profil: "Fine" "Wall Line Count" = 1 "Outer Wall Wipe Distance" = 0.0 "Z Seam Alignment" = User Specified "Z Seam X" = 165.0 "Z Seam Y" = 240.0 "Top/Bottom Thickness" = 0 "Infill Density" = 0 "Build Plate Adhesion Type" = None Das sieht dann im Cura Preview so aus (da sind keine unerwarteten Sprünge im gcode, soweit ich das sehen kann): TestBT5.gcode Wenn das bei Dir ein anderes Ergebnis zeigt, musst Du mehr erklären, was da sonst noch so stattfindet.
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