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  1. Sla printers usually tilt parts to prevent the part breaking the resin surface tension in a large area, which would produce a large motion on resin. This is not good on resin printers, so they tilt parts, at the expense of having much more support.
  2. Hi, do you need to cure the Formlabs parts with UV after printing?.
  3. I have heard there was some change on extruder since March-2014. Which is the difference with regards to previous extruder versions?. I received my printer in March but my order was posted in December-2013 so i assume i have the old version. In my extruder i cannot change a bit the position of the tension indicator by turning the screw.
  4. Hola luisito. se podria ver la impresora? De donde eres?.
  5. EldRick, how do you hold the glass in place?. I find the clips on UM2 frankly annoying to remove and difficult to put in place again. Is there any replacement for these clips?.
  6. The glass replacement on Ultimaker store is not cheap. Do you mean I can replace it with any cheap glass ?
  7. Actually my prints stick to the glass very well. And usually I am able to remove printed parts letting the glass cool down. However when I print some parts with a large base I need to use a spatula to remove the part. As a consequence the glass has some scratches on the surface. I have used some surface materials with other printers like pet, Buildtak, pei, and others. On the UM2 I have never used anything on the glass, just glue stick but rarely. My concern is not about parts no sticking to the glass, but the scratches on the glass.
  8. I am using the bare glass of UM2 as the surface for printing. Lately have found some scratches on the glass surface, probably caused by tools used to remove the printed parts. For now I print with PLA only. Do you use any kind of surface for printing PLA on UM2 on top of bed glass? zaski
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