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Everything posted by fmh

  1. Wow, I can't believe I missed that - thanks. Looking forward to the new Cora!
  2. Can't seem to get in-line dropbox image links () to work. Here's a link to a photo of the problem: https://www.dropbox.com/s/sgmob8x7x4jv5ag/vaultboy.jpg?dl=0 I printed this Vault Boy twice: once with no supports (white) and once with supports (yellow). From the white image, it's clear that the only places that really need supports are the horizontal portion of the right arm and the knuckles of the left hand. But for some reason Cura only built supports under the right forearm (which doesn't really need it). Is the problem that Cura can't build a support structure on top of the round base? Is there any way around that?
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