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Everything posted by ryanbordner

  1. I had been having extrusion problems so I disassembled the feeding mechanism to see if anything was clogging it up. When I put it back together and screwed it back in, the filament would get jammed up before reaching the feeding mechanism. It doesn't seem to be aligned wrong but I don't know what else to try out. Any ideas?
  2. When I try and open Cura, an error message pops up saying: "Oops! An uncaught exception has occurred" Then below it says: "Version: 15.06.03 Platform: Windows-8-6.2.9200 Qt: 5.4.1 PyQt: 5.4.1 Exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "cura_app.py", line 9, in File "c:\dev\uranium\UM\Application.py", line 329, in getInstance File "c:\dev\cura\cura\CuraApplication.py", line 56, in __init__ File "c:\dev\uranium\UM\Qt\QtApplication.py", line 76, in __init__ File "c:\dev\uranium\UM\Application.py", line 355, in loadMachines File "c:\dev\uranium\UM\Settings\MachineSettings.py", line 87, in loadValuesFromFile File "c:\dev\python34\lib\configparser.py", line 672, in read File "c:\dev\python34\lib\configparser.py", line 1044, in _read configparser.DuplicateSectionError: While reading from 'C:\\Users\\Ryan/AppData/Local/cura\\settings\\Ultimaker+2.cfg' [line 39]: section 'blackmagic' already exists" I have tried uninstalling Cura, but the error has continued to persist. Any idea how to get Cura to work? Thanks, Ryan
  3. I have recently experienced trouble with the very end of my prints. Once the print head is finishing up the very top of my prints, it seems to melt the material and print out a glob. Is there a way to allow the material to set first before it smudges it around and messes up the very end? Thanks for the help in advance!
  4. I just got my Ultimaker 2 today and the filament jammed before I could even do a test print. The little device that feeds the filament started clicking back and forth. Does anybody have an idea of what the problem could be? Thanks for the help.
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