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  • 3D printer
    Ultimaker 2 (Ext

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  1. This is ColorFab White PLA at 40mm/sec. Still getting holes and not that smooth. Do u see those walls in the holes? They are not touching at all! hm...
  2. Hi! I have big troubles with getting nice looking prints on my UM2. The unit is quite old, but I have replaced these parts this summer: * New heat element for hot end * New 0.4/0.6mm nozzles (Olsson Block) * New PTFE coupler * New knurled wheel on extruder What is broken and needs to be fixed: * Temp sensor on bed (currently printing without heated bed) Look at this print (Cura 5). Regular white PLA (a couple of years old). Both printed at 0.2 layer height and 60mm/s. Left one 210C and right one 220C. By now, I don't really know what to try more to get better results. It feels like I have replaced every part that can cause issues, but still here I am 😄 Any ideas? 🙂 / Oskar
  3. Thanks a bunch buddy! Yeah I know about Elfa, but I didn't know which component was the correct. So thank you very much for helping out with that. It is hard to order a 2mm big item for 166 SEK (16 EUR) in shipping 😛 😄
  4. Hello! The PT100 SMD sensor on my heat bed (Ultimaker 2) has gone bad and needs to be replace. I have searched Ebay and some local suppliers (Sweden/Europe) but I am unsure of what size I need. Can any of you point me to the correct product to order? / Oskar
  5. I have done some more testing and I have concluded that turning off "Bridge has multiple layers" doesn't help. The problem seems to be in this part: It feels like it is the first "WALL-OUTER" in this layer that is printed poorly due to maybe decreased flow rate?! But it doesn't seem to be decreased. I use F1800 for all other "normal" outer walls also. ;LAYER:49 ;TYPE:WALL-OUTER ;MESH:DC_2mm_1_link.stl G1 F1800 X96.4 Y124.688 E1475.27356 G1 X96.4 Y109.218 E1476.51116 G1 X98.6 Y109.218 E1476.68716 G1 X98.6 Y109.093 E1476.69716 G1 X98.6 Y107.218 G1 X100 Y107.218 ;TYPE:WALL-OUTER ;BRIDGE G1 F900 X123 Y107.218 E1477.61716 ;TYPE:WALL-OUTER G1 X124 Y107.218 E1477.77716 G1 F1125 X124.4 Y107.218 E1477.82836 G1 F1800 X124.4 Y109.218 E1477.98836 G1 X126.6 Y109.218 E1478.16436 G1 X126.6 Y124.688 E1479.40196 G1 X125.15 Y124.688 E1479.51796 G1 X125.15 Y122.293 E1479.70956 G1 X125.15 Y120.418 G1 X125.15 Y120.018 ;TYPE:WALL-OUTER ;BRIDGE G1 F900 X97.85 Y120.018 E1480.80156 ;TYPE:WALL-OUTER G1 F1800 X97.85 Y124.688 E1481.17516 G0 F7200 X97.65 Y124.688 G0 X97.38 Y124.218 G0 X97.38 Y119.548 G0 X97.45 Y119.618 ;TYPE:WALL-INNER G1 F3600 X97.45 Y124.288 E1481.54876 G1 X96.8 Y124.288 E1481.60076 G1 X96.8 Y109.618 E1482.77436 G1 X99 Y109.618 E1482.95036 G1 X99 Y107.618 G1 X100 Y107.618 ;TYPE:WALL-INNER ;BRIDGE G1 F900 X123 Y107.618 E1483.87036 ;TYPE:WALL-INNER G1 F1800 X124 Y107.618 E1484.03036 G1 F3600 X124 Y109.618 E1484.19036 G1 X126.2 Y109.618 E1484.36636 G1 X126.2 Y124.288 E1485.53996 G1 X125.55 Y124.288 E1485.59196 G1 X125.55 Y121.805 E1485.7906 G1 X125.55 Y119.618 G1 X125.15 Y119.618 ;TYPE:WALL-INNER ;BRIDGE G1 F900 X97.85 Y119.618 E1486.8826 ;TYPE:WALL-INNER G1 F1800 X97.45 Y119.618 E1486.9466 G0 F7200 X97.38 Y119.548 G0 X125.238 Y118.656 G0 X125.238 Y113.99 G0 X123.6 Y110.018 G1 F3600 X125.8 Y110.018 E1487.1226 G1 X125.8 Y117.031 E1487.68364 G1 X125.8 Y119.218 G1 X125.15 Y119.218 ;TYPE:WALL-INNER ;BRIDGE G1 F900 X97.85 Y119.218 E1488.77564 ;TYPE:WALL-INNER G1 F1800 X97.2 Y119.218 E1488.87964 G1 F3600 X97.2 Y110.018 E1489.61564 G1 X99.4 Y110.018 E1489.79164 G1 X99.4 Y108.018 G1 X100 Y108.018 ;TYPE:WALL-INNER ;BRIDGE G1 F900 X123 Y108.018 E1490.71164 ;TYPE:WALL-INNER G1 F1800 X123.6 Y108.018 E1490.80764 G1 F3600 X123.6 Y110.018 E1490.96764 G0 F7200 X123.21 Y110.408 ;TYPE:SKIN G1 F1800 X125.41 Y110.408 E1491.14364 G1 X125.41 Y117.078 E1491.67724 G1 X125.41 Y118.828 G1 X125.15 Y118.828 ;TYPE:SKIN ;BRIDGE G1 F900 X97.85 Y118.828 E1492.98764 ;TYPE:SKIN G1 X97.59 Y118.828 E1493.02924 G1 F1800 X97.59 Y110.408 E1493.70284 G1 X99.79 Y110.408 E1493.87884 G1 X99.79 Y110.158 E1493.89884 G1 X99.79 Y108.408 G1 X100 Y108.408 ;TYPE:SKIN ;BRIDGE G1 F900 X123 Y108.408 E1495.00284 ;TYPE:SKIN G1 X123.21 Y108.408 E1495.03644 G1 F1800 X123.21 Y110.408 E1495.19644 G0 F7200 X125.238 Y113.99 G0 X125.409 Y118.8 ;TYPE:SKIN ;BRIDGE G1 F900 X97.589 Y118.8 E1496.5318 G0 F7200 X97.589 Y118.4 G1 F900 X125.409 Y118.4 E1497.86716 G0 F7200 X125.409 Y118 G1 F900 X97.589 Y118 E1499.20252 G0 F7200 X97.589 Y117.6 G1 F900 X125.409 Y117.6 E1500.53788 G0 F7200 X125.409 Y117.2 G1 F900 X97.589 Y117.2 E1501.87324 G0 F7200 X97.589 Y116.8 G1 F900 X125.409 Y116.8 E1503.2086 G0 F7200 X125.409 Y116.4 G1 F900 X97.589 Y116.4 E1504.54396 G0 F7200 X97.589 Y116 G1 F900 X125.409 Y116 E1505.87932 G0 F7200 X125.409 Y115.6 G1 F900 X97.589 Y115.6 E1507.21468 G0 F7200 X97.589 Y115.2 G1 F900 X125.409 Y115.2 E1508.55004 G0 F7200 X125.409 Y114.8 G1 F900 X97.589 Y114.8 E1509.8854 G0 F7200 X97.589 Y114.4 G1 F900 X125.409 Y114.4 E1511.22076 G0 F7200 X125.409 Y114 G1 F900 X97.589 Y114 E1512.55612 G0 F7200 X97.589 Y113.6 G1 F900 X125.409 Y113.6 E1513.89148 G0 F7200 X125.409 Y113.2 G1 F900 X97.589 Y113.2 E1515.22684 G0 F7200 X97.589 Y112.8 G1 F900 X125.409 Y112.8 E1516.5622 G0 F7200 X125.409 Y112.4 G1 F900 X97.589 Y112.4 E1517.89756 G0 F7200 X97.589 Y112 G1 F900 X125.409 Y112 E1519.23292 G0 F7200 X125.409 Y111.6 G1 F900 X97.589 Y111.6 E1520.56828 G0 F7200 X97.589 Y111.2 G1 F900 X125.409 Y111.2 E1521.90364 G0 F7200 X125.409 Y110.8 G1 F900 X97.589 Y110.8 E1523.239 G1 X97.489 Y110.8 G0 F7200 X99.789 Y110.4 G1 F900 X123.209 Y110.4 E1524.36316 G0 F7200 X123.209 Y110 G1 F900 X99.789 Y110 E1525.48732 G0 F7200 X99.789 Y109.6 G1 F900 X123.209 Y109.6 E1526.61148 G0 F7200 X123.209 Y109.2 G1 F900 X99.789 Y109.2 E1527.73564 G0 F7200 X99.789 Y108.8 G1 F900 X123.209 Y108.8 E1528.8598 G1 X123.309 Y108.8 G0 F7200 X125.238 Y113.99 G0 X125.826 Y119.397 G0 X125.785 Y119.438 ;TYPE:SKIN G1 F1800 X125.873 Y119.632 E1528.87091 G1 X125.873 Y123.875 E1529.09219 G1 X125.971 Y124.06 E1529.1031 G0 F7200 X126.003 Y124.029 G0 X125.578 Y119.59 G0 X97.422 Y119.59 G0 X97.254 Y123.928 G0 X97.172 Y124.01 G1 F1800 X97.124 Y123.775 E1529.11608 G1 X97.124 Y119.532 E1529.34558 G0 F7200 X97.2 Y119.336 ;MESH:NONMESH G0 F600 X97.2 Y119.336 Z10.3 G0 F7200 X97.85 Y120.018 ;TIME_ELAPSED:770.224606
  6. Hi! I am trying to print a drag chain (I have attached the STL) and it has this 22mm bridge which I get a lot of trouble with. As you can see on these pictures the first one or two layer when the bridging starts are really weak. They are so weak that they easily pops of with some minor pressure on them. Printer: Ultimaker 2 (35W heat cartridge, custom fan shroud) Material: BASF Ultrafuse PET Temperature: 220 C Print speed: 60mm/s Experimental bridging enabled Cura 4.12.1 I have tried different print speeds, different temperatures but I can not solve this. It seems like the experimental bridge settings are screwing this up for my printer, because I don't get the same effect when NOT using the bridge settings. I think I need the experimental bridge settings because the gap is much harder for my printer to print nicely if I don't use it. I hope someone can understand my problem. I think the images explains it better then my text 😄 / Oskar DC_2mm_1_link.stl
  7. Thank you! I went back to E282 now and red old ColorFabb PLA. I did not mention that I use a custom fan mount which make me have to turn down fan speed to 30% to not get even more under extrusion because of too effective cooling. I still get under extrusion. I have NO idea way at this point. I have replaced so many parts by this point. Edit: lol. Pictures are up side down 😂
  8. Hello there! 😄 I am trying to figure out why my UM2 have so much problems with under extrusion and I have really done my homework: * Replaced to new heat cartridge (35W) since the old one (25W) was a bit old and slow * Replaced bowden * Replaced PTFE coupler * Added the new kind of metal distance at the PTFE coupler * Bought new filament (testing with black PET) * I use 0.4mm nozzle when testing * Olsson Block is installed The ESTEPs showed 282 when I for the first time since I bought it checked them with M503 in OctoPrint. Fine. I try to feed 100mm at F40 speed and get various results (98 - 102mm) depending on ESTEP values I try. None of them seem consistent. Even if I ramp it up to 290 from 282 I still get serious under extrusion even at 7m3 with the attached test file. With this said... I have done some testing with the same ESTEP that UM2+ use (369) and I get WAY better result. What ESTEP value should I use for my beautiful UM2 and how can I calculate it properly? I hope someone can explain this to me 🙂 / Oskar Extr-test-7-10mm3--230C.gcode
  9. I switched to a new TFM coupler before summer. Haven't printed since then I think. Nope. Haven't cleaned the nozzle. Might that be a cause? If it is not cleaned the extrusion wont be as good, and may result in this quality?
  10. Hello! I'm troubleshooting this messy print quality... Cura 4.7.1 Nozzle size 0.8 Layer height 0.25 Wall thickness 1.7 Infill 20% Printing at 220 celcius and I have tried to go down in speed and even raising temperature with no success... What would you say is the cause of this?
  11. Hi! 🙂 My Ultimaker 2 is making some squeaky sounds when printing. Hear this: It seems to come from the belts or something. But I don't really know. Everything is oiled and quite clean. What can I do to reduce this sound? / Oskar
  12. Hey guys! I really did my research on this but I can not get it to work correctly. * My UM2 has been working great for the last couple of month. * I'm using Roberts feeder. * I'm using the latest version of Cura. * The UM2 has the latest firmware update. Recently I also switched the middle fan with a new one that is much more silent. But recently I get a weird error. The filament is hopping of the knurled thing. Either there is too much tension and pressure on the feeder so the filament bends and hopping off, or there is some kind of misalignment… or something… All the screws are tight and the temperatures are allright. What do I miss? And this isn't my first post. But I doesn't seem to be able to login through Facebook anymore? / Oskar
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