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Everything posted by speccy

  1. Thank you... why far future ? Where is the problem for modify this ? This is important function for NORMAL works. Who are the engine cura programmers ? I think is very simple routine for integration in cura This is only a: "IF extrusion.level (n+1)=true then not retract"
  2. Hi The retractions in cura is a very big problem. The cura parameters not resolve this problems. A simple solution is a plugin : RETRACTION ONLY WHEN ThE NEXT LAYER trajectory is empty. for example: If in the layer 10 cura execute a traveling, cura check if in the next layer(layer 11) position there is an extrusion. If this condition is true there no problem and cura NO retract because in the next layer the scratch problem will be resolved with an over extrusion but if the layer 11 traveling trajectory is empty(not present over extrusion) ....cura will retract the filament. This is a solution because in this mode you can correct the scratch and leave a perfect surface without more retractions. Can you develop this plug in ? Thank you Raffaele Mattei
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