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Everything posted by Lindeke

  1. As you can see the top of the print doesn't look very nice. It is a scaled down version of the original design. How can I get a better result next time? Thanks in advance!
  2. This was a 23 hour print that went wrong with about 4 hours to go. It reached a height of 10.7 cm and then it all went wrong. The print just got knocked to the side and it became a mess. In Cura it said 'Print one at a time mode disabled, object too tall'. As it only is one object, that didn't seem like a problem to me. However, I scaled the same vase down till it was 10.7 cm tall, which didn't give me the 'object too tall' warning anymore, and it printed just fine. How do I print taller objects? Thanks in advance!
  3. Lindeke

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