Okay, but is it normal that it does 'tac' with standard cura settings? (50mm/s ; 2.0mm^/s)
I have cleaned the nozzle as they advice here:
it all came out clear. I personnaly don't expect the nozzle to be clogged because I am only printing for like a week or so.
I do have underextrusion, and as i sad before, under standard cura settings..
If i put the speed down to like 45mm/s and some adjustments to the infill speed etc. I am able to print without underextrustion, but in my believe the printer should be capable to print way faster. (at least thats what i read on some forums)
Is there a standard what your UM2 should be capable of? like 8mm^3/s or anything like it?
And if there is, is there a particular way to test it?
thanks for the guides, I'm gonna take a look at em!