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Everything posted by 00D00B

  1. Very intresting topic ! Please get us in touch, I would be pleased to follow your tests with PBI and maybe get you one then
  2. Hi, Yes it's because you've got a kinda "purge" before print really starts. But if you don't want it, yo can't just delete the GCODE instruction in Cura advanced toggle
  3. Hi, Could you put abigger picture and also show us a pic from the 1rst support ? We can't see anything right now...
  4. Intéressant ! J'ai imprimé en 800 microns de résolution avec du PET à 215° 20mm/s et j'ai obtenu quelque chose de très solide aussi et j'ai même pu marcher dessus ! (Sorte de vase de 50mm de diamètre). J'essaierai de mettre des photos plus tard
  5. Pour les plus patients d'entre nous, l'achat en chine est envisageable pour moitié moins cher aussi (;
  6. Maybe with a 1.15mm nozzle but you need to be a very advanced user and even with that I don't think precision would be enough for your request
  7. Il faudrait juste pouvoir "standardiser" l'extension du comparateur pour en faciliter la fabrication !
  8. Hi, Check that tutorial first to try if it correct the problem but if it's not, then you have a problem with your Zbearing and you'll probably have to change it
  9. Even if they're not the same, you can easily change all distances right in Cura by creating a new machine. Look at the screen again : As you can see, you can change your XYZ max print dimensions and the head size so you you have a little shift with your homing switches you can try to adjust everything by there
  10. I had a problem like this one before, I downgraded the printer and then it was OK. You can retry to upgrade it after, for me it worked ! Software is now the only possible problem I guess
  11. Hi, Can you give us your Gcode ? We'll try it to test if it happens the same thing. Then we could know if it's a soft problem or not and continue until we solve the problem (:
  12. Hi, Can you give us your Gcode ? We'll try it to test if it happens the same thing. Then we could know if it's a soft problem or not and continue until we solve the problem (: EDIT : wrong topic.. #Fail
  13. Hi, You should try to connect the ZSwitch instead of X or Y and vice versa into the board and make a homing in maintenance menu. Of course, when you see it moving, just manually push on the switch to be sure the mechanic thing will do right. If it still makes nothing. Than you'll be sure about where's the problem located
  14. C'est clair que ça change la donne niveau volume
  15. Hi, You have to change your belts ! That's why you have that old crappy song.
  16. Depending on what Cura do you use, the buildplate volume isn't the same. For example I know that 15.04.5 buildplate for UM2 is 205x205 and 15.04.6 is around 203x203
  17. Normally reboot happens when you try to heat the heatbed but not the head (when you have the wrong power supply).
  18. Hi, UltiQuality does no longer exist on Cura 2.1X versions The higher resolution is 60 microns with the High Quality profile but you create one by yourself if you need though. Usually we don't print a lot under 60microns resolution
  19. Well, that's pretty strange. Normally printing time is shorter than the estimated one in Cura, around 15% perhaps. Is it the only prototype you had to print ? Or maybe you tried other models and it was the same ?
  20. Non mais si tu utilises une graisse plutôt qu'un lubrifiant ça va venir se fourrer dans les blocs noir au niveau de la pièce en laiton et tu auras beau nettoyer ton axe tant que rien n'est démonté t'auras toujours de la graisse dégueu qui en ressortira !
  21. Qu'est-ce que tu utilises pour lubrifier tes axes ?
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