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Posts posted by sambianchibazzi

  1. Is there any news regarding creating a custom S5 firmware that can be installed via USB (like a regular firmware)?


    We need to make a couple of changes:

    - reduce the speed at which the S5 loads the filament (during load filament procedure) as it is too high for certain materials. S5 printer (not with material station)

    - change the initial prime procedure when you have the material station as with some print core/material combinations, it does not work well.


    Can anyone help here?


  2. Ciao a tutti,

    Per chi non l'avesse già scoperto o volesse semplicemente approfondire, apro questo thread per aprire una discussione sulla nuova Ultimaker S5! :)



    - grande volume di stampa con doppio estrusore
    - sensoristica avanzata per un'esperienza utente semplice e poco impegnativa
    - autocalibrazione migliorata del piano (funzionava già bene)
    - sportellini anteriori, webcam, LED di notifica e touch screen sono dei plus in più.


    Perchè questa è l'unica stampante 3D desktop dal grande volume di stampa con costi accessibili per molte aziende e professionisti. Il tutto mantenendo la rinomata qualità di stampa Ultimaker.

    Noi di Manufat siamo orgogliosi di offrire questa soluzione di stampa 3D in tutta Italia :)


    PREZZO: € 5495


    Per leggere l'articolo completo su tutte le novità potete andare qui sul Manufat Blog

    Cliccate qui se siete interessati all'acquisto o volete maggiori informazioni sulla Ultimaker S5.

  3. Ciao a tutti!

    Scrivo questo post per informare che è stata rilasciata la nuova Ultimaker 3 e Ultimaker 3 Extended: una stampante 3D desktop professionale. Questo nuovo modello offre finalmente la libertà di stampa di qualsiasi geometria e qualsiasi forma.



    La novità principale riguarda il doppio estrusore che utilizza i print core: gruppi estrusori completi e sostituibili in 30 secondi.

    Le combinazioni attualmente supportate sono:

    - Strutture di supporto con materiali solubili (PVA) e il pezzo in PLA e NYLON.

    - Doppio colore con: PLA PLA, ABS ABS, CPE CPE, NYLON NYLON

    Sotto trovate un'immagine di un componente realizzato con la Ultimaker 3 e successivamente sciolti in acqua i supporti in PVA.


    La Ultimaker 3 ha un prezzo di € 2995 e la Ultimaker 3 Extended di € 3695.

    Per maggiori info leggete il nostro blog post su Creatr.

    Per chi fosse interessato o vuole una prova di stampa andate sul nostro sito qui.



  4. My personal experience tells me precise leveling the height of the 2 nozzles is not that easy. I damaged quit a few hot-end-isolators in the process.

    No video will convince me this dual setup is 'easy'.  Single extruder 3d printing is not even 'easy'. Any dual setup will make it exponentially less easy.....  if you've seen my magnetic changer experiments you know I gave it a try :)


    Challenge accepted. We actually don't use 2x olsson block. I don't understand why you damaged your isolators..


    Woops forgot about this. We're doing a 100 hour print and have all the other printers busy too. Will update next week probably...
  5. I've just installed the upgrade and done a quick test print.

    So far everything seems ok but I'll reserve judgement till I've run some longer tests.

    I have one concern.  I have quite an old Ultimaker 2 and many of the instructions were incorrect which is fine for all except one.

    My old print head had an extra pair of wires on an extra connector that connected onto the PCB adjacent to "J22" and near the word "serial".

    I was not told to remove this cable in the instructions (but obviously I had to).

    The new print head assembly did not have this cable.

    What was it?

    Everything appears to be working but have I missed something?

    Also the fan duct on the new print head just hits the edge of the plastic printer body when the head homes.  I haven't looked at fixing it yet but I am thinking of filing the fan duct down a bit, unless someone knows of a better fix?




    are you sure you installed everything correctly? If so, bend slightly the X endstop so that it is activated slightly before. Not too much!
  6. Look what I found in the printer this morning.

    However, I'm not sure if I'll ever manage to totally dissolve the PVA ...

    But slicer generated support just doesn't work reliable with complex geometries where lots of tiny PVA support structures would start on top of PLA surfaces.



    If it'll ever see the light of day it should look like this.




    Can you send me the STL so we can do a test print ourselves? Thanks!



    To be honest I'm far from convinced. Seems like the classic fixed setup. So I see a new cooling block,  but apart form that what does this kit bring?  I need to see many more close up photo's and video.....

    To me the most interesting of this post is the availability and price (99,-) of the separately sold new + feeder.


    Far from convinced in what terms? What do you still need to think that this is a working and easy to use dual extrusion setup? What video do you need?

    OK.  I'll go the extra mile :)why don't you send us a part that you want to see printed, we print it and I'll send you the photos and maybe a timelapse?


    No need for any special object, just print f.e. the famous 2-color tree frog by nervoussystem


    I'dd like to see a video where we can also see the wipetowers, and close up photo's without cleanup...

    I suspect due to the aircooling that it takes pretty long to heat/cool the 2 hotends during each change, how long does it take? what hot/cold temperatures do you use? This does not need to be a problem (dual printing on f.e. the felix also takes ages) but people need to be aware of it.

    The lack of a lifting system produces an extra risk of damaging the part with the cold nozzle, obviously a dual extruder will per definition increase the failure rate of prints,  I'm curious what the failure rate is with your setup.

    I like the fact that you use 2x olsonblock, at least this makes it easy to remove the 2th nozzle, so this setup will not negatively impact your single nozzle prints.

    My personal experience tells me precise leveling the height of the 2 nozzles is not that easy. I damaged quit a few hot-end-isolators in the process.

    No video will convince me this dual setup is 'easy'.  Single extruder 3d printing is not even 'easy'. Any dual setup will make it exponentially less easy.....  if you've seen my magnetic changer experiments you know I gave it a try :)


    Toolchange takes approximately about 6-10s. Depends on the material.



    To be honest I'm far from convinced. Seems like the classic fixed setup. So I see a new cooling block,  but apart form that what does this kit bring?  I need to see many more close up photo's and video.....

    To me the most interesting of this post is the availability and price (99,-) of the separately sold new + feeder.


    Far from convinced in what terms? What do you still need to think that this is a working and easy to use dual extrusion setup? What video do you need?

    OK.  I'll go the extra mile :)why don't you send us a part that you want to see printed, we print it and I'll send you the photos and maybe a timelapse?


    No need for any special object, just print f.e. the famous 2-color tree frog by nervoussystem


    I'dd like to see a video where we can also see the wipetowers, and close up photo's without cleanup...

    I suspect due to the aircooling that it takes pretty long to heat/cool the 2 hotends during each change, how long does it take? what hot/cold temperatures do you use? This does not need to be a problem (dual printing on f.e. the felix also takes ages) but people need to be aware of it.

    The lack of a lifting system produces an extra risk of damaging the part with the cold nozzle, obviously a dual extruder will per definition increase the failure rate of prints,  I'm curious what the failure rate is with your setup.

    I like the fact that you use 2x olsonblock, at least this makes it easy to remove the 2th nozzle, so this setup will not negatively impact your single nozzle prints.

    My personal experience tells me precise leveling the height of the 2 nozzles is not that easy. I damaged quit a few hot-end-isolators in the process.

    No video will convince me this dual setup is 'easy'.  Single extruder 3d printing is not even 'easy'. Any dual setup will make it exponentially less easy.....  if you've seen my magnetic changer experiments you know I gave it a try :)


    Challenge accepted. We actually don't use 2x olsson block. I don't understand why you damaged your isolators..

    The light bulb was a 30hour or so print. About 180mm high.




    To be honest I'm far from convinced. Seems like the classic fixed setup. So I see a new cooling block,  but apart form that what does this kit bring?  I need to see many more close up photo's and video.....

    To me the most interesting of this post is the availability and price (99,-) of the separately sold new + feeder.


    Far from convinced in what terms? What do you still need to think that this is a working and easy to use dual extrusion setup? What video do you need?

    OK.  I'll go the extra mile :)why don't you send us a part that you want to see printed, we print it and I'll send you the photos and maybe a timelapse?


    No need for any special object, just print f.e. the famous 2-color tree frog by nervoussystem


    I'dd like to see a video where we can also see the wipetowers, and close up photo's without cleanup...

    I suspect due to the aircooling that it takes pretty long to heat/cool the 2 hotends during each change, how long does it take? what hot/cold temperatures do you use? This does not need to be a problem (dual printing on f.e. the felix also takes ages) but people need to be aware of it.

    The lack of a lifting system produces an extra risk of damaging the part with the cold nozzle, obviously a dual extruder will per definition increase the failure rate of prints,  I'm curious what the failure rate is with your setup.

    I like the fact that you use 2x olsonblock, at least this makes it easy to remove the 2th nozzle, so this setup will not negatively impact your single nozzle prints.

    My personal experience tells me precise leveling the height of the 2 nozzles is not that easy. I damaged quit a few hot-end-isolators in the process.

    No video will convince me this dual setup is 'easy'.  Single extruder 3d printing is not even 'easy'. Any dual setup will make it exponentially less easy.....  if you've seen my magnetic changer experiments you know I gave it a try :)


    Challenge accepted. We actually don't use 2x olsson block. I don't understand why you damaged your isolators..

    I understand this is an easy way to mount the feeders, but the handle on the 2th feeder will be difficult to reach, and you have totally  no visibility on the feeder anymore, and with this feeder and the official filament change routine you may need to remove some plastic sometimes with a pair of tweezers.... (it helps/prevents a lot when you use the wedge)


    I see a few extra teflons are supplied... raising the question if the air cooling is sufficient....



    nope. The lever is easy to access, the only difference is that you can't see if the motor is turning. Not a big problem since you can easily hear the motor and check if the filament is moving. I can send you a photo if you like tomorrow.

    Regarding the couplers: those couplers are relatively cheap so there is no reason to sell a kit without some spares. As you may confirm: the first thing you need to replace  (a part from filament) is the coupler so we just saved you shipping and lost time after about 400 hours of printing ;)

    Air cooling is sufficient. Unless you put the printer in an oven. Although I wouldn't suggest it unless it's turned off.


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