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  1. Max_3D

    VENDO UM2+

    Buongiorno a tutti e buone feste, come da titolo vendo la mia stampante 2+ tenuta bene, prezzo 980,00€ tra milano e bergamo chi fosse interessato può contattarmi : progetti.max@libero.it Grazie
  2. Guten Morgen, Ich habe meine ATmega 2560-Karte ausgetauscht, die Ultimaker2Marlin-Master-Firmware mit Arduino-IDE geladen aber während der Kalibrierung der Z-Achse, wenn die Platte den END-Stop erreicht, ist ein seltsames Geräusch zu hören und der Fehler ER06 tritt auf Ich habe mit einem Tester den END-Stop überprüft und es funktioniert korrekt. Ich habe die Verlagerung der Pressplatte überprüft, wenn sie sich irgendwo berührt und alles ist in Ordnung, ich habe die Parameter in der "Configuration_H" -Datei folgendermaßen geändert: //// MOVEMENT SETTINGS #define NUM_AXIS 4 // The axis order in all axis related arrays is X, Y, Z, E #define HOMING_FEEDRATE {25*60, 25*60, 2*60, 0} // set the homing speeds (mm/min) // default settings #define DEFAULT_AXIS_STEPS_PER_UNIT {80,80,200,282} // default steps per unit for Ultimaker #define DEFAULT_MAX_FEEDRATE {500,500,3,45} // (mm/sec) #define DEFAULT_MAX_ACCELERATION {5000,5000,10,5000} // X, Y, Z, E maximum start speed for accelerated moves. E default values are good for Skeinforge 40+, for older versions raise them a lot. #define DEFAULT_ACCELERATION 1000 // X, Y, Z and E max acceleration in mm/s^2 for printing moves #define DEFAULT_RETRACT_ACCELERATION 2000 // X, Y, Z and E max acceleration in mm/s^2 for retracts // Offset of the extruders (uncomment if using more than one and relying on firmware to position when changing). // The offset has to be X=0, Y=0 for the extruder 0 hotend (default extruder). // For the other hotends it is their distance from the extruder 0 hotend. // #define EXTRUDER_OFFSET_X {0.0, 20.00} // (in mm) for each extruder, offset of the hotend on the X axis // #define EXTRUDER_OFFSET_Y {0.0, 5.00} // (in mm) for each extruder, offset of the hotend on the Y axis // The speed change that does not require acceleration (i.e. the software might assume it can be done instantaneously) #define DEFAULT_XYJERK 20.0 // (mm/sec) #define DEFAULT_ZJERK 0.4 // (mm/sec) #define DEFAULT_EJERK 5.0 // (mm/sec) In diesem Fall funktioniert es, aber laden Sie einfach die Original-Firmware "Ultimaker 2+" mit CARE. komm zurück wie vorher. kann mir jemand helfen dank
  3. Buongiorno a tutti, Ho sostituito la mia scheda ATmega 2560, ho caricato il firmware Ultimaker2Marlin-master con Arduino-IDE ma durante la taratura dell'asse Z , quando il piatto raggiunge l'END-Stop si sente un rumore strano e esce errore ER06 ho verificato con un tester l'END-Stop e funziona correttamente, ho verificato lo spostamento del piatto stampa se tocca da qualche parte e è tutto ok, ho modificato i parametri nel file "Configuration_H" in questo modo : //// MOVEMENT SETTINGS #define NUM_AXIS 4 // The axis order in all axis related arrays is X, Y, Z, E #define HOMING_FEEDRATE {25*60, 25*60, 2*60, 0} // set the homing speeds (mm/min) // default settings #define DEFAULT_AXIS_STEPS_PER_UNIT {80,80,200,282} // default steps per unit for Ultimaker #define DEFAULT_MAX_FEEDRATE {500,500,3,45} // (mm/sec) #define DEFAULT_MAX_ACCELERATION {5000,5000,10,5000} // X, Y, Z, E maximum start speed for accelerated moves. E default values are good for Skeinforge 40+, for older versions raise them a lot. #define DEFAULT_ACCELERATION 1000 // X, Y, Z and E max acceleration in mm/s^2 for printing moves #define DEFAULT_RETRACT_ACCELERATION 2000 // X, Y, Z and E max acceleration in mm/s^2 for retracts // Offset of the extruders (uncomment if using more than one and relying on firmware to position when changing). // The offset has to be X=0, Y=0 for the extruder 0 hotend (default extruder). // For the other hotends it is their distance from the extruder 0 hotend. // #define EXTRUDER_OFFSET_X {0.0, 20.00} // (in mm) for each extruder, offset of the hotend on the X axis // #define EXTRUDER_OFFSET_Y {0.0, 5.00} // (in mm) for each extruder, offset of the hotend on the Y axis // The speed change that does not require acceleration (i.e. the software might assume it can be done instantaneously) #define DEFAULT_XYJERK 20.0 // (mm/sec) #define DEFAULT_ZJERK 0.4 // (mm/sec) #define DEFAULT_EJERK 5.0 // (mm/sec) in questo caso, funziona, ma appena carico con CURA IL firmware originale "Ultimaker 2+" torna come prima. qualcuno mi può aiutare ? Grazie
  4. I think that the problem is "machine_start_gcode" https://1drv.ms/u/s!AoY1NUDaidJdj9RLCi9-R4Gfyjweeg
  5. I'm sorry I did not understand, I use ultimaker3.def configuration, when part of the press, the machine does not stop preparing the extrusion of the material, release immediately and is not ready yet so the first layer there is no material.
  6. Hello everyone I'm new in the forum even though I follow you for quite some time, I have a UM2 + modified dual extruder and I've installed 16.12.1 Tinker, work Cura 2.4.0, when I start the print the machine stops to release some of the material before starting to print, stays for 3-5 seconds without releasing it and starts printing, is there a way to change the time of release of the material before it starts? thank you
  7. Hello everyone I'm new in the forum even though I follow you for quite some time, I have a UM2 + modified dual extruder and I've installed 16.12.1 Tinker, work Cura 2.4.0, when I go to print the machine stops to prepare for 'Release of the material but little time and again that it is not out yet, can you help me where to go to change the waiting time? thank you
  8. Max_3D

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