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Everything posted by mokash770

  1. Hi, I am trying to make the Z command get resent to the printer with the GCode generated after the custom GCode is run when switching extruder heads. However, I am having difficulty locating the code that accepts the custom commands in the sidebar. If you know where it is located in the source code that would be a great help. Thanks in advance!
  2. So here's the thing, I'm trying to print with 2 extruders and one nozzle. I already got close and uploaded my progress to thingiverse http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1494026 but now i'm trying to get cura to wipe the nozzle off after purging out the old color. the problem is that if I move the z axis to 0 it won't move back to the height of the current layer. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. this is the code I have so far ;Switch between the current extruder and the next extruder, when printing with multiple extruders.;This code is added before the T(n)G91 ;relative positioningG1 E-1 F6000 ;retract the filament a bit before lifting the nozzle, to release some of the pressure;G1 Z+0.5 X-20 Y-20 F{travel_speed} ;move Z up a bit and retract filament even moreG90 ;absolute positioningG1 X221G1 Z0G92 E0G1 F10000 E-155G92 E0 ;Switch between the current extruder and the next extruder, when printing with multiple extruders.;This code is added after the T(n)M104 T0 S215M104 T1 S215G92 E0G1 F10000 E145G92 E0G1 F175 E10G92 E0G1 F10000 E-6G1 X214G1 Z{layer height} The brackets after z is where the issue is.
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