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Posts posted by CarloK

  1. These are impressive improvements! Do you have an idea why the bed has this impact?

    Is it the bed cooling down / heating up, which creates thermal deformation, and so tiny layer height differences?

    Or, is the power supply not keeping up? Extra noise induced into the system which causes nozzle temperature to vary?

    Or, is it a poor designed pcb where the 5V power supply shares the ground with the bed power ground, and as such gets an induced offset?

    Or, other reason?

    • Like 1
  2. PVA is a difficult material for storage. I wouldn't recommend to warm it up twice a week; it's a lot of work and might not be often enough. Depending on temperature and humidity, in 24 hours the PVA can deteriorate to unprintable quality.

    I recommend to remove the PVA from the printer when not being printed with, then store in an air tight bag or container with some of those anti moisture bags.


    When you often print with PVA, then consider buying a dry box, these allow printing while the material is protected from the environment. Or [advertisement], go for the full package and buy the Ultimaker Material Station, this has a built in dehumidifier. It won't dry a wet spool, but it will keep quality at the same level as when you inserted the filament.[/advertisement]


    In my personal projects I hardly ever use PVA. I prefer creating supports with the same material I print with, or use Ultimaker Breakaway material. These print faster, are cheaper and seldom fail prints. PVA is then only used for projects with hard to reach support structures.

  3. The  Ultrafuse PAHT CF15 is a carbon filled filament. I don't know how abbrasive this material is, but note that the UM3 feeder wasn't designed for abrassive materials. For some abrassive materials you can wear out the feeder grip wheel by printing just one spool of filament.


    There is a thread somewhere here on this forum for upgrading the UM3 with the abrassive resistant S5 feeders.

  4. We recently discovered a long standing bug in v7.02 for not properly reporting the correct error cause. The most likely reason is that one (or more) probes have failed. With this particular error, the probe often fails because the glass plate is not flat enough. 

    You say you did swap the glass plate, for most users this did fix the error. You can check the flatness of your glass plates with a ruler, and then try moving a piece of paper under the ruler. This shouldn't be possible.


    When the glass plates are flat, I'd like to see the log files of your printer. You can email those to my private account when you click my avatar, and then on top of the screen is a 'message' button.

  5. There could be something wrong with your printer, like in the above linked thread where the feeder was assembled wrongly and didn't have enough grip on the filament.


    But, PVA material easily absorbs moisture and then will give bad printing results.

    There are 2 tests to check your filament quality:

    1. Take a 30cm of filament and bend the material. Material in good condition will bend, but not break. If the material snaps off relatively easily, the material has deteriorated in quality.
    2. While the filament is loaded, purge the material from the extruder. As the material extrudes from the nozzle, the material strand should appear flat and un-textured. If the strand appears to have texturing or visible bubbles in the purge strand or you hear a popping sound, then the material has absorbed moisture.


    Here is info on drying your filament: https://support.ultimaker.com/hc/en-us/articles/360017464340-How-to-dry-Ultimaker-materials-



  6. Terrible when people touch your production machine.

    For aborting the print, the printer already aks the extra question 'Are sure you want to abort this print?'

    Pausing a print is not destructive, you can resume later. Having an extra security question here would be annoying for most users.


    So, when you say that prints are failing, then it seems to me that the person touching the machine is doing more than just that. In my opinion, people should not touch a production machine. For this, we have a great feature in the Digital Factory / Cluster interface: a pin code. This locks the local touch screen and only with a pin code it can be unlocked.

  7. @gr5 These commands are not in the REST API. I assume Smithy is sending the commands over the internal DBUS API, that's how the internal processes communicate and then you can, for example, emulate all user actions on the touch screen. For DBUS access he needs an SSH connection (there are other ways, but those are more complicated for the average user).

  8. @MobyDisk Sorry to hear your display has problems. I hope your print will finish successfully.
    Thanks for posting the log file. Your method works and we can use this. Next time you can use the "Dump log files" option from the Diagnostics menu, this will save some additional files for us to examine.

    I see nothing out of the ordinary in the log file. I'll forward it to the responsible team, perhaps they know more.

  9. You bring up some good suggestions.
    Cores heating could indeed start a bit earlier when we use your method. The current implementation is a bit optimized, but very simple, it starts heating the cores when the build plate is 5C from the target temperature. Using your method we could save about 10 seconds. Nice, but not overwhelming for a print preparation process which takes anywhere from 1 to 10 minutes (depending on bed temperature).
    I'll bring this to the attention of the developers, but they have a list of 350 open tickets for the firmware and I'm afraid this suggestion will end up on the lower end of that list.


    The bed level probing can't be done while the bed is heating because the whole printer continues to deform for at least 30 minutes after the bed is at the desired temperature. Deformation is not only because the build plate is heating up, but the whole printer is slowly heating up and this process continues for a long time. For good adhesion of the first layer we are talking about a required precision < 0.1mm, and that's why we want to have as little time between the probing and the start of the print.
    The larger the printer, the larger this effect. 

    The annoying this about having to walk to the printer to confirm the "Reprint? yes/no" question is known and on the list of things to fix. It's part of old code when it wasn't possible to use the printer remotely, which is now the most used method. 

  10. This should be about it:


    //Implemented Codes
    // G0  -> G1
    // G1  - Coordinated Movement X Y Z E
    // G2  - CW ARC
    // G3  - CCW ARC
    // G10 - Retract filament to given distance from nozzle tip (will affect the E-position) (G10 S-16.5 F300)
    // G28 - Home all Axis
    // G90 - Use Absolute Coordinates. Affects all axes, including the E-axis. See M82 for E-axis only.
    // G91 - Use Relative Coordinates. Affects all axes, including the E-axis. See M83 for E-axis only.
    // G92 - Set current position to coordinates given
    // G280 Prime blob. S0 = blob, S1 = none, only moves filament to nozzle tip
    //RepRap M Codes
    // M104 - Set extruder target temp
    // M105 - Read current temp and status info
    // M106 - Fan on
    // M107 - Fan off
    // M109 - wait for extruder to reach target temp
    //Custom M Codes
    // M17  - Enable/Power all stepper motors
    // M18  - Disable all stepper motors; same as M84
    // M80  - Turn on Power Supply
    // M81  - Turn off Power Supply
    // M82  - Set E codes absolute (default)
    // M83  - Set E codes relative while in Absolute Coordinates (G90) mode
    // M84  - Disable steppers until next move
    // M92  - Set axis_steps_per_unit - same syntax as G92
    // M114 - Output current position to serial port
    // M115 - Get Firmware Version and Capabilities
    // M140 - Set bed target temp
    // M142 - Set system lights (M142 w[0-255]) Note that the parameter letters are all lower case.
    // M190 - Wait for bed to reach target temp
    // M201 - Set max acceleration in units/s^2 for print moves (M201 X1000 Y1000)
    // M202 - Set max acceleration in units/s^2 for travel moves (M202 X1000 Y1000) Unused in Marlin!!
    // M203 - Set maximum feedrate that your machine can sustain (M203 X200 Y200 Z300 E10000) in mm/sec
    // M204 - Set default acceleration: S normal moves T filament only moves (M204 S3000 T7000) im mm/sec^2.
    // M205 - Advanced settings: minimum travel speed S=while printing, T=travel only, B=minimum segment time [us], X=maximum xy jerk, Z=maximum Z jerk, E=maximum E jerk
    // M206 - Set additional homing offset
    // M218 - Set hotend offset (in mm): T<extruder_number> X<offset_on_X> Y<offset_on_Y> Z<offset_on_Z>
    // M220 S<factor in percent> - Set speed factor override percentage
    // M221 S<factor in percent> - Set extrude factor override percentage
    // M290 P<powerBudget> I<idle_power_consumption>
    // M291 R<nominal_bed_resistance> A<bed_resistance_per_degree> V<bed_voltage>
    // M292 T<hotend_nr> R<nominal_hotend_cartridge_resistance> V<hotend_slot_voltage> P<max_hotend_power>
    // M299 - Set retracted filament length: T<hotend_nr> R<retracted length>
    // M301 - Set nozzle PID parameters FF, P, I, D, i, C and R (Q: Debug dump enable/disable)
    // M302 - Allow cold extrudes, or set the minimum extrude S<temperature>
    // M304 - Set bed PID parameters FF, P, I, D, i, C and R (Q: Debug dump enable/disable)
    // M400 - Finish all moves
    // M401 - Quickstop - Abort all the planned moves. This will stop the head mid-move, so most likely the head will be out of sync with the stepper position after this
    // M405 - Enable/disable the flow sensor hardware. S1=active A=averaging value
    // M406 - Re-init flow sensor algorithm
    // M407 - Read raw flow sensor value: S<sensor number>
    // M907 - Set digital trimpot motor current using axis codes. Current in mA. X-axis sets Y-axis as well. (M907 X1300 Z1300 E1250)
    // M998 - Intentionally stop the system as if by an error.
    // M999 - Restart after being stopped by error
    // M12000 - Set build volume maximum position (M12000 X200 Y200 Z200)
    // M12001 - Set build volume minimum position (M12000 X0 Y0 Z0)
    //          The minimum and maximum position combined define the build volume for the printer. They also define the default homing coordinates.
    // M12003 - Get board type
    // M12004 - Set the direction of each axis. M12004 X[0/1] Y[0/1] Z[0/1], To set direction per extruder: M12004 T[0/1] E[0/1]
    // M12005 - Set the extruder temperature compensation
    // M12006 - Set the build plate temperature compensation
    // M12010 - Read/Write TMC2130 stepper driver registers. R[register index] (S[driver index]) (V[new register value]). A driver index of 0xFF will address all drivers.
    // M12020 - Activate the high power 24V self test. This will check if the 24VHP can be turned off and on. Triggers an error if it can't.
    // M12030 - Set the Top Cap fan speed: S<speed 0-255>, without S-parameter the fan will be in 'auto' mode.
    // M12031 - Read the topcap present signal
    // M12032 - Read the topcap temperature
    • Thanks 1
  11. Same, same but different.

    Sorry for the silly joke, but you say the printer is printing a few models correctly, and then one other file fails. You think the situation is identical, but perhaps we can help you verify this?

    You mention it fails with 'this problem'. I assume you refer to the topic of this thread, the printer showing an error message "One material appears to be empty"?

    What material (type and brand) are you printing with?
    The files that were printing correctly, were those printing the exact same material and color as the print that is failing?
    Is it possible for you to share your Cura project? From Cura select "File/Save as project" and post this 3mf-file on the forum. By doing so we can verify all the settings you've used.

  12. Weird. I've never heard this before.
    Perhaps some else enables developer mode?


    If you want to I can have a look at the log files and if these go back long enough we might find when it was enabled. This might give you a pointer as to who enabled it. You can send me log files when you click my avatar, and then on top of my personal screen is a 'message' button.

  13. I opened your project in the Arachne Beta2 and see also a missing part at the back. It looks better than in your screenshot, but not printable.


    There might be a problem in Cura, but what is your intention? Now it looks like a very thin walled ball. The walls of this ball are not of equal width everywhere, that's originating from your model.


    Might I suggest that you create a 100% solid object? Then, in Cura select to print with 0% infill. Select the number of lines you want for the outer wall to select the thickness.

    Or, likewise, but use the 'spiralize' option to get an outer wall of 1 line thick. With a 0.4mm nozzle you can select the line width up to 0.6mm.

    A similar topic for hollow objects was discussed here:


  14. Updating from 5.8 to 6.x is indeed a one-way update. Since changes will be made to the internal drive structure it isn't easy to do a downgrade. Installing an old firmware is always possible using the SD-card based recovery procedure, but not recommended on the early S5 models because you have to open the casing and hazardous voltages are inside.


    Use whatever update procedure makes you feel more comfortable. A network interruption is not going to create a problem during the update process; first the whole new image is downloaded and verified before real installation starts.

  15. The S-line printers have 2 release channels: Stable and Latest

    As the naming suggests, Stable is for the environments where users give more priority to stability than to newest features. This channel receives about 3 updates per year, mostly bug fixes. Current release is v6.2.3


    'Latest' is also a well tested release, but here new features are introduced that still have to prove themselves in the wild. This channel receives about 10 updates per year, a combination of bug fixes and new features. Current release is v7.0.0

    Release notes: https://support.ultimaker.com/hc/en-us/articles/360012055979-Ultimaker-S-line-firmware-release-notes

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