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Posts posted by erman58

  1. Hi Experts!!! There are problems with using Printcore CC-0.6 with PLA, ABS, Nylon and other ultimaker materials to be printed with AA Printcore?

    Ultimaker says: " Since the print core CC Red 0.6 is specifically designed for use with composite materials, it is not supported with any of Ultimaker’s own materials."

    What do you think? Someone tried?

    Thanks a lot.


  2. Hi.

    Some doubts about the procedure.

    To start with, a clarification. Are the X axles the topmost ones while the y the lower axles? Because in the procedure it start saying the "left X axle" and then it refers to it as "back X axle" but from my understanding X and Y axles are the parallel couples so it shouldn't be possible to have both a "left" and a "back".

    From now on I'll refer to the X axles as the topmost couple while the Y  axles are the ones below (as in figures at points 2 and 3). If this assumption is wrong please point it out.

    Point 2:

    It starts with "Make sure the X axles are in the middle of the bearings in the frame." What does that mean?



    Moreover i'd like to know if it's safe to put the printer head position as per photo 1?IMG_2103.thumb.JPG.bc29f143c65b2fe84085bf0968f7a8dc.JPG

    Point 3:

    "Make sure the Y axles are full inserted into the front panel."

    What does that mean? It's completely obscure.

    Again it's safe to put the print head position as per photo 1.


    The photos of points 2 and 3 are without print head axles. Why? just for clarity?

    I appreciate an answer.


    Request: is it possible to add a pdf link also for this, and some other maintenance procedure still lacking.

    (for instance "Check the quality of the silicone cover" have pdf reference).






  3. image.thumb.png.5f6d44bc665e72d5ca809e769c1d25d1.png


    Version 3.2.1 on win x64.


    I noted some discrepancies between same parameters of the same profiles (temperature in this image, but i can highligth others differences)

    What are the parameters that the printer actually uses?

    Or i don't understand something?


    I noted also different name parameters between the two windows (procedure) and also the two windows and cfg files . Is it possible standardize the parameters names?


    Suggestion (again): adaptive layer is good as idea if an user can establish range of layers with an user fixed height: for instance layer 23 to 34 height 0.15,and so on..... I think not so difficult to implement.

    Thank you

  4. menu tree, fbrc8-erin. And also content of each option in the menu (why two operations in XY calibrations? what's the difference between "calibrate XY offset" and "change XY offset"?)

    knel, thanks... but you are off topic. i know what is the calibration and where is the only one operation manual page description. The other operation description (change xy offset) where is described in the manual?:)


  5. Hi guys.

    First question: on firmware UM3 under System-->Maintenance-->Calibration, there is the second option "Change XY offset" (see photo attch)

    What is the utilization of this option, and more important for me, where i can find informations and the flow diagram of this option?


    Second question: all the UM3 firmware options are documented somewhere?


    Many thanks


    File 11-02-18, 19 08 46.jpeg

  6. Hi guys.

    In "layer view" i just see "compatibility mode" instead of previous color scheme with 3 options, feedrate, material color, and line type.

    I seen a flag in general settings about the "compatibility mode". It's referred to that (in this case it's not functioning.


    Second question: where to find a manual (or an upgrade of manual) with the new functions?


    Thanks in advance to anyone will help.


  7. Hi.

    If i get printer status using API Documentation  --> Printer --> get printer status


    get /printer/status


    Implementation Notes

    Get the status of the printer

    Response Class (Status 200)




    Response Content Type


    curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' ''

    Request URL

    Response Body


    Response Code


    Response Headers

      "cache-control": "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate",
      "connection": "keep-alive",
      "content-length": "6",
      "content-type": "application/json",
      "date": "Thu, 01 Jan 1970 07:52:10 GMT",
      "expires": "0",
      "pragma": "no-cache",
      "server": "nginx/1.6.2"



    i read a wrong date: first january 1970? (used moreover in maintenance date from cura connect

    How modify?


    Many thanks in advance.

    (sorry for the topic character format)

    Ultimaker 3


  8. Hi.

    Material: Kmanstudios thanks. You have confirmed my idea. I hope correction, as stated by Ctbeke, will be available asap.

    Just a further observation: if you duplicate a material modifying name, brand, color, maintaining the material type and avoid to "unlink material", this new material does not give problems!

    Someone knows why?


    Maintenance date updating: unable to do whit an hotspot. Trying wiht LAN modifying ip addresses to use the ip provided from a printer: no change: my maintenance date are all 1970 january 1.

    Maintenance data and date are usefull for maintain an history of maintenance actions: no other utility, just a memory.



  9. Hi all.

    He have the same problem with maintenance date and time and also another problem. I created a new PLA material different from generic PLA;

    all ok when i prepare the slicing: material and also profile are personalized but are accepted and used from the software.
    After when i send the command "print over network, i receive a message about utilizing UNKnow material and i am invited to change the printer AA configuration to unknown material to print...

    It is not so good!!! (also because i do not understand the exact meaning and follow-on of this action on the printer)

    Why that? I have so problems with computer ports?? (antivirus, firewall...)

    A contribute to solve question will be appreciated. (actually to get around problem with my material i use PLA generic)

    Many thanks in advance

  10. Se connetto wifi la stampante e voglio caricare un gcode, come fare?

    Dopo aver connesso il wifi per caricare il gcode dall'usb devo uscire dal menu Network e la stampante chiude l'hotspot.

    A me sembra impossibile che una macchina pagata 3500€ abbia questi problemi!!!!

    Ok thx for the support. I translate.

    Is it possible to send a gcode to the printer (ultimaker 3) using Cura and wifi?

    The only way to monitor a printing process by the camera installed when the printing object is a gcode file is the lan cable connection?

    Why an hardware of 3500€ value have this kind of problems?!!!

  11. Ciao.

    Perchè non provi a stampare le prime volte con i profili consigliati, invece che personalizzando (a me sembra anche un pò troppo). Per esempio metti la Normal quality (spessore 0,1) e poi forzi a 0,2 lo spessore (che è tipico del draft).

    Sono un novizio anche io, però eviterei questi settaggi.

    Col PLA, comunque, ho problemi anche io.

    Spero di averti dato qualche idea.


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