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  1. I ordered a bracket. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/New-Design-1pcs-NEW-Aluminum-Extruder-Head-metal-fan-duct-housing-bracket-For-Ultimaker-2-Ulltimaker2/32839904092.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.62d84c4dUiv9rI Now when I try to home my machine it stutters as the new bracket is slightly wider. Is this possible to fix? Can I move the homing switch a few mm? Has anyone else had this issue? Thanks
  2. Thanks I really appreciate this. I am not smart enough to do it without pictures! Great work on the mod I am really having fun modding my 3d printer.
  3. Sorry if this is not the correct place. I have got to the wiring stage and am having some issues. Could someone help or are there some images of the mark 2 board installed I could look at? Thanks. I have checked again and it seems that the wiring pictures do not load for the bottom half of the wiring steps. Is this the same for all? Does this page work ok for other people? https://magnetic-tool-changer.com/step-4-wiring-and-connecting-to-the-board.html
  4. Sorry if this is not the correct place. I have got to the wiring stage and am having some issues. Could someone help or are there some images of the mark 2 board installed I could look at? Thanks. I have checked again and it seems that the wiring pictures do not load for the bottom half of the wiring steps. Is this the same for all?
  5. Does anyone here have an Ultimaker 2+ and the proto pasta magnetic filament?. This is the filament I use the most and am looking into getting a 2+ but I need to know this filament will work.
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