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  1. Sorry, delay in response. I ended up ditching Cura for a while due to an inability to get it recognising files. I can, however, get Cura 2.5 to work with no problems. Any version after that doesn't acknowledge that STL files exist!?! I've attempted a reinstall of multiple versions with folder removal. No luck. The cura log is too long for my free pastebin.com account. For example... 2.5 stl is an option! Then 3.0 stl missing?
  2. Attached file showing the error I receive.
  3. Hello Community, I recently reinstalled cura after my computer needed to be reimaged. I was able to open an STL file and tweak some settings. I then closed Cura and reopened it about 30 minutes later. Since then it will not open any STL file. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling. I've made cura associate with STL files and without STL files. I've tried creating a new STL file I've downloaded new STL files I've tried old STL files. Nothing works. It will open other file types with no problems, but not any STL file. Please help! Kind Regards, Tae.
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